Example sentences of "have [be] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Drivers must 've been celebrating too .
2 It 's him should 've been coming home tonight .
3 The scenery up here has been arresting so far ; now it takes on an unexpectedly serene beauty .
4 The television presenter Johnny Morris , famous for his Animal Magic series , has been entertaining more than a thousand children at a wildlife park in the Cotswolds .
5 The exhibition indicates that Tillyer 's work has been moving away from Hitchens and closer to American landscape-abstractionists , notably Helen Frankenthaler .
6 Humankind , to summarise , has been moving shoddywards since about 480 BC , when Confucius , Buddha , the Second Isaiah and Pythagoras died : to be succeeded , sages of wisdom and toleration that they were , by a return to superstition not unlike the reactions that tragically followed the Enlightenment or Victorian rationalism .
7 The Po delta has been moving forward irresistibly for aeon upon aeon since late Tertiary times and will presumably , in the course of time , fill the Adriatic with its sediments from the decaying Alps .
8 Throughout the world , local government has been moving increasingly towards two-tier systems in recent years — often under pressure from the needs of metropolitan areas for overall planning agencies ( Rowat 1980:1 — 3 ) .
9 The disease front has been moving ahead by fits and starts for most of the last two decades and three years ago crossed the Italian frontier into the provinces of South Tyrol and Venice .
10 She has been moving well in home gallops and defends her record in the Gainsborough Stud Fred Darling Stakes .
11 Yes sir , er ever since P P G three was revised at the beginning of last year , I believe that the department has been moving steadily in the direction that indicated but certainly my brief here is quite specific .
12 A person who has been thinking intensely , for example , even for a very short time will leave these thoughts in the vapour .
13 Apparently not , for he has been thinking hard for months and his decision is now solid .
14 Woosnam , currently 25th in the Ryder Cup points table , has been struggling both with his long game and his putting in recent weeks and believes that confidence is the key .
15 Sludds , winner of the title in 1984 , has been struggling unsuccessfully to make an impression on the European tour , but now looks a very good bet indeed for the £10,000 first prize in the Irish Championship .
16 Pan has been struggling financially : last year alone , advertising revenue fell by 20% .
17 This is a topic which the E E F has been promoting hard since last October .
18 Rigney has been training quietly on his own over the past few weeks and believes that he will be back in action in the New Year for Greystones .
19 During the 20th century the average person in Western society has been eating too much fat and too little fibre .
20 The main market for Japan 's semiconductor makers — the American computer industry — has been sinking deeper into slump since August 1990 .
21 Despite the blockade , Bougainville has been managing quite well as a self-proclaimed independent country .
22 Heavy snow falls will affect sport , but river has been fishing well with good catches of dace and roach from Conham , especially around the footbridge and Boardmill .
23 Perhaps it is an honour he has found hard to bear , for he has been acting very strangely even by his own standards .
24 The USS Chemicals company in Ironton , Ohio has been saving around $100,000 in raw-material costs through reducing air emissions by 100,000 lbs per year .
25 All but one of the seventeen MPs mentioned in the preceding three paragraphs had attended Eton , but the proportion of Etonians on the Conservative benches has been dropping steadily ever since the end of the Second World War .
26 ‘ Women and Film ’ , to quote the title of E. Ann Kaplan 's ( 1983 ) important book on feminist film theory and criticism , defines a field of study which in the past fifteen to twenty years has been expanding rapidly .
27 Use of Ingres products has been expanding rapidly in Eastern Europe over the past few years through local distributors in the Czech Republic , Hungary , Poland , Slovakia , and Slovenia , the company says , with customers including the Polish Central Statistical Office and the Stock Exchange in Budapest , Hungary .
28 Within this more or less static total , catalogue mail order credit has been expanding fairly fast .
29 It has been expanding ever since those 70s feminists took to wearing boiler suits to prove they did n't care about being attractive to men .
30 ‘ Quite frankly , Elinor- and in confidence — STG has been handling too many criminal cases for my liking .
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