Example sentences of "have [be] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd dived , you see , but eventually they had to surface — the air must 've been getting bad — and up they came , drew nearly alongside a German destroyer the pack had left behind when they called off the hunt , waiting there , just in case Taureg surfaced .
2 It 's not very nice when you 're driving the vehicle and er I know you 're all experienced drivers and then you get somebody sitting there alongside you starting to look at you do , and I I you could 've been driving all your life but you still feel a bit edgy and a bit tense .
3 ‘ I see you 've been having more fun and games ! ’
4 In The Art Newspaper No. 16 March 1992 p. 6 we published the fears of some art historians that this exhibition might have been infiltrated by fakes ; in the event these fears have proved to be groundless and the show has been enjoying great success .
5 It has been enjoying spectacular growth for its sales of the super absorbent polymers which make nappies that much more comfortable .
6 Unknown or overlooked by most museum professionals , a series of major international art exhibitions has been enjoying unusual success in the Tennessee capital .
7 Genetic Engineering : This is a first attempt to legislate in this area , currently dealt with by voluntary codes of practice , because science has been moving quicker than the law makers .
8 The Co Londonderry school has been promoting greater European awareness since September and has arranged two foreign trips to mark their continued efforts .
9 One of the biggest problems facing task forces has been collecting accurate data .
10 Wrexham Maelor council has been collecting historical and architectural items of interest for a decade .
11 Senator Bob Packwood faces a Senate Ethics Committee over allegations that he has been fondling female aides for years .
12 In the vestry and in his bungalow , under the pretext of extra rehearsal , he has been fondling these big brown girls and offering them cigarettes and money for sex .
13 A man who has had a lot of success in a relatively short space of time — he has been training 15 years — Homer Scott has already had a Liverpool winner .
14 I think Megan has been learning Gaelic I think , she 's not a native by any means but But Ian 's wife you know
15 Hay has been enduring considerable back pain for a number of years .
16 Transition from school to adult and working life has been receiving increased attention in most developed countries over the last decade .
17 There is no suggestion of possible error of self-doubt when World Bank missions meet a fifty-year-old permanent secretary in a Ministry of Finance , even if he has been receiving similar missions , offering rather different policy prescriptions , for the previous twenty years .
18 The emotionally devastating effects of non-accidental injury , especially to children , has been receiving dramatic mass media coverage recently .
19 At long last , Antoni Tàpies , the important Catalan master , has been receiving proper attention in the international markets .
20 Similarly , a child who has been receiving some form of individual help from a clinician , teacher or parent , might be expected to show the effects of that treatment and a comparison of changes over time on the basis of formal assessments would be an appropriate way of obtaining relevant information .
21 A project designed to keep bored youngsters from resorting to car crime by giving them motorbikes to play with has been receiving some expert advice .
22 Latterly , Lima has been receiving more migrants from the poorest and remotest departments .
23 Batty has been receiving electric shock treatment in a bid to cure the ankle ligament damage he sustained against Coventry on October 31 .
24 Our National Development Officer , Pat Palmer , qualified as a Medau Teacher in 1974 , since when she has been taking recreational classes in Kent and South london and teaching secondary school girls in Peckham .
25 The 28-year-old actor has been taking some time off to get his life back in order after filming three movies due out this year .
26 The Cabinet outcast managed to upstage Kenneth Baker , the Conservative party chairman , who has been taking acting lessons from Kenneth Branagh .
27 The attention has catapulted Singleton to the fore of the newwave of black film-makers and he has been taking full advantage of the limelight , running off his mouth on issues of Black America and the worldwide struggles of the oppressed , with a revolutionary fervour that threatens to eclipse even his hero and mentor , Spike Lee .
28 SCIAF has been supporting income-generation schemes for AIDS sufferers in Uganda as well as training and counselling , and it is expected that demands for assistance with AlDS-related projects will increase substantially in the next few years .
29 The Edinburgh Green Belt Trust has been discussing this matter with its funding partners and it will be important for David Oldham to discuss the various views with the Urban Forestry Advisory Group .
30 For two years he has been complaining that noise from the bells of St Mary the Virgin church at Down St Mary , Devon , has ruined his retirement .
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