Example sentences of "have [adv] [be] in " in BNC.

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1 This organisation has since been in correspondence with Neil Kinnock 's Westminster office , but has yet to receive any clear indication of whether Labour would indeed reduce the age of consent for gay men from 21 to 16 .
2 The province has since been in the forefront of China 's efforts to reassure foreign businessmen that its door will be staying open for ‘ business as usual ’ .
3 The boy was arrested and has since been in care because of ill-feelings in Mrs Fort 's community .
4 The carpet has obviously been in the family for years , too , and the Rembrandt is unrestored and almost completely black .
5 And from now on , he will be as fervently fanatical in his promulgation of Nazarean thought as he has hitherto been in trying to suppress it .
6 Since Mr Lawson has long been in favour of a stable exchange rate — and since industry has enthusiastically supported him , by expressing its enthusiasm for membership of the European Monetary System — it is ill-placed to argue against an increase in base rates at a time when sterling was threatening to fall below three marks , although the Confederation of British Industry has predictably grumbled that the rise was unnecessary .
7 Mrs Rouncewell 's son , Watt , who has long been in love with Rosa , eventually marries her .
8 Fortunately the city has long been protected by the sorcerous Shifting Isles but its ability to defend itself in the event of a serious invasion has long been in doubt .
9 The grip of her revision is surprising , for it has long been in need of revision itself .
10 What she has achieved is remarkable given she is still very young and has only been in this business a couple of years .
11 The reviewer has only been in office for eight months but so far has not had cause to uphold a single application for a review .
12 Exemplar , which has only been in development since the beginning of the year ( UX No 423 ) , will be used for creating , storing and retrieving application objects across multiple platforms and networks .
13 Marian welcomes the more interventionist role available to the Court under the new Act which has only been in force since October 1991 .
14 Since the First Directive has only been in operation for a matter of weeks , much has still to be learned about its full impact .
15 It has only been in the last year or so that the Government has started to grapple with major areas of social policy like education and housing .
16 The system has only been in place for a month but already , says ‘ we are seeing the benefits . ’
17 If the first retailer has only been in business a short time before the second retailer opens his store then it is unlikely that anything can be done .
18 I have explained to the hon. Gentleman why the funding for the Housing Executive is not as easy this year as it has perhaps been in former years .
19 The child is right , this escalator , like so many on the London Underground network , has not been in operation for months .
20 All mechanical parts seem in very good order and the vehicle has not been in any accidents .
21 Wilf Medlam 's labour of love has not been in vain .
22 A student who has not been in attendance for more than three days through illness or other cause must notify immediately either the course director or senior course tutor , or the research supervisor , who shall inform the Academic Registrar .
23 The current interest in problem solving arises from the recognition that : • problem solving is a common everyday phenomenon • problem solving can be taught and learned ( and has not been in the past ) • problem-solving skills are applicable in most fields • problem solving can be fun .
24 It has not been in the hobby quite that long , but has , I estimate , been around for well over 30 years , and was probably the first Apisto to be kept in captivity .
25 Soil : The favourite growing medium for waterlilies is heavy garden soil that has not been in contact with insecticides or weed killers .
26 ‘ We are interested but that 's as far as it has gone because Alex Ferguson has shown no desire to let him go , and that 's despite the fact that Neil has not been in his first team .
27 Discs has gone for promotion of the label en bloc , it has not been in the most obvious way , but it does typify the house sense of humour .
28 Welfare provision , too , can be higher in the capitalist West than in the socialist East , as the two Germanies illustrate ; and the migration of the poor across the Iron Curtain , as many remarked , has not been in the direction of socialism .
29 Interestingly , the place where this question has been raised most insistently has not been in the GATT or in Brussels , but in the American courts .
30 The same applies to Eckhard Pfeiffer , who has certainly turned Compaq Computer Corp around for the time being , but has not been in the job long enough to demonstrate proven staying power .
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