Example sentences of "have [verb] them from " in BNC.

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1 Twenty-one year old Derwyn Jones , at 6ft 10ins and 18½ stone the biggest forward in Wales , has joined them from Llanelli .
2 Lancashire 's hope is that slow left-armer Alex Barnett , who has joined them from Middlesex , will develop over the next few seasons into the matchwinning spinner they have been seeking ever since Jack Simmons retired .
3 Saul Clifford has joined them from Stokesley .
4 According to the survey , 44 per cent of the sponsored students among the 14,000 engineers graduating in 1989 claimed that their work experience , averaging 13 months , has discouraged them from a career in engineering .
5 According to the survey , 44 per cent of the sponsored students among the 14,000 engineers graduating in 1989 claimed that their work experience , averaging 13 months , has discouraged them from a career in engineering .
6 Special ad hoc arrangements should then be made to compensate those partners whose age has prevented them from extracting the maximum benefit from the changes in fiscal legislation .
7 Many people have been glad of this device over the years , which has saved them from death or serious injury .
8 The person who sits on the dais in Ottawa or Canberra and goes through the motions of opening a Parliament is not and can not be the same being at all as the person who does these things and has done them from time immemorial at Westminster .
9 Shallow wells generally contain much water that has reached them from the surface , and this may bring varying amounts of contamination .
10 Generally middle-aged , they may even have children who are working for the left-wing opposition , but their own closed environment has protected them from any understanding of the reality of their country .
11 The reforms deserve something better than the babble that has followed them from birth .
12 Cardigans and coats are difficult because your child has to approach them from the wrong side .
13 As we saw earlier , the extreme emotions of the horse are quite clear as they involve the whole horse ; but the same emotions in a more moderate form , or of lesser intensity , like apprehension or annoyance , will reveal themselves differently in different horses ; and the horse owner really has to learn them from the movement , gestures , and noises that the horse makes , and the context in which they are made .
14 A council has banned them from putting metal shutters on their windows , saying it would spoil the look of the town centre .
15 Cambridge players were angry but could not express their views because manager John Beck has banned them from talking to the Press .
16 Joe said he 'd got them from the pawnshop .
17 Although he said he 'd bought them from another dealer , the police proved he 'd been handling stolen goods .
18 They 'd got changed in the Ladies and given their outfits to Kim , who was still wearing hers , as she 'd borrowed them from Simon 's wardrobe .
19 There seems nothing at all strange about the Church , which paid the salaries of these men and expected them to serve it , considering the question of whether or not they should be able to engage in an activity which , no matter how acceptable , would have diverted them from their main task .
20 These districts were not very fruitful in peat , and they would have to carry them from a distance of many miles ; in some cases a pavement of large stones led from the main road to the door of the dwelling .
21 Both Mancetter and Oxfordshire are well inland for convenient harbours , but this may not have prevented them from using water-borne transport .
22 You must have moved them from up there .
23 When people asked Mrs Maugham where her daughter got her brains from , she would sniff and shrug her shoulders and say , as though disclaiming a vice or a disease , " Well , she certainly did n't get them from me , she must have got them from him , I suppose " — a remark which Clara took years to place , in all its ambiguity , for the truth was that Mrs Maugham had done well at school , she had shone and prospered , and the evidence of her distant triumphs still lay around the house in the form of inscribed Sunday school prizes .
24 They may cost you a couple of hundred quid , but they look as if your grandmother may have knitted them from one of her own patterns .
25 Benson was a large , calm man in his early sixties , grey of hair , cherubic and cheerful of countenance , and wearing a sports jacket , flannels and polo jersey , all of varying shades of grey and all so lived in , comfortable and crumpled that he could well have inherited them from his grandfather .
26 She also felt a commitment to those artists whose blatant and subjective rather than allegorical treatment of the subject matter may have excluded them from showing elsewhere .
27 and you 'd fit them together but if it did n't fit you 'd have to do something to you 'd have to get them from som , from somewhere else .
28 A number are not known to be from previous material , and Wulfstan may have taken them from records of Cnut 's administration .
29 While the exhibition certainly illustrated ways in which fashion and furniture designers could create new products which were exciting , the tastes they displayed and , in the case of many items , the cost of the production would have removed them from the custom and purses of many older people .
30 They must have contracted them from bacteria transported from the teeming insanitary slums on the other side of town .
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