Example sentences of "have [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 It is further submitted that , as Parliament has intervened by the Act of 1976 in the matter of pre-natal injuries to unborn children , it should be left to Parliament to effect any further change in the law that may be thought necessary or to develop the law from where it was left by the Divisional Court in Ireland in Walker 's case .
2 As to the political secrets that the KGB has gathered by the basketful over the last 40 years , few seem to have made much impact on the monolithic structure of Russia 's political machine .
3 In any event , the idea that Lazarsfeld had discovered a ubiquitous method of social research has to fall by the wayside .
4 It is clear that all resistance to shearing has vanished by the time that the atoms are balanced on top of each other , which will occur when the whole material has been distorted in shear through an angle of 30° .
5 ‘ 3(1) Any assumption by a person of the rights of an owner amounts to an appropriation , and this includes , where he has come by the property ( innocently or not ) without stealing it , any later assumption of a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner .
6 ‘ 3(1) Any assumption by a person of the rights of an owner amounts to an appropriation , and this includes , where he has come by the property ( innocently or not ) without stealing it , any later assumption of a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner .
7 This result is probably implicit in the concept of appropriation ( or ‘ conversion ’ ) ; but it is made explicit by the provision in clause 3(1) that a person 's assumption of the rights of an owner ‘ includes , where he has come by the property ( innocently or not ) without stealing it , any later assumption of a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner . ’
8 Section 3(1) deems there to be an appropriation where the accused " has come by the property ( innocently or not ) without stealing it " .
9 He has come by the property without stealing it and has later assumed a right to it by keeping it .
10 8.38 to 8.40 ) , that , should ( as the Act has done by the previous section ) the currency of a licence be extended to three years , it was desirable that a licensing board should have some form of sanction against the licence-holder where the premises were being misconducted , or where their suitability had deteriorated , and that such a sanction should be the power to suspend a licence .
11 A friend of mine told me that although he is a committed Christian , when he leaves home and goes to work he has to play by the rules of commerce .
12 One of the prisoners she wrote to has died by the electric chair .
13 COMPLETED FAMILY SIZE — The number of children ( live-born babies ) a woman has borne by the time she has reached the end of the childbearing age .
14 and what they hope is that most it has sort of been has disappeared by the time it gets to us
15 Scotland , too , although the state of their sea defences will depend on the course the opening phase has taken by the time the countries meet on June 20 .
16 If they are then housed for the winter the immunity acquired by the end of the grazing season has waned by the following spring and yearlings turned out at that time are partially susceptible to reinfection and so contaminate the pasture with small numbers of eggs .
17 The Bar has lost by the gradual extension of county court jurisdiction ( where solicitors have the right of audience ) ; and the income limit for legal aid in civil cases has fallen well behind inflation , so that few people are now eligible for it .
18 Agreements there have generally been concluded for an indefinite term and ( linked with this ) no ‘ peace obligation ’ has arisen by the application of the agreement , in contrast to Germany .
19 However , the question in the way it is posed by educators usually calls for an answer in terms of commitment rather than of attitude in school or in society and the implementation has begun by the time the thought of research arises .
20 Whatever the reason for a refusal , the church musician has to abide by the publisher 's decision .
21 The waters then pour into Austria and past Engelhartszell , a village renowned as a health spa since 1293. even older is Haibach which has stood by the meandering river on a high forested plateaux since 1121 .
22 The average age at first marriage is now about 23 years and the vast majority of the population , 90 per cent , has married by the age of 30 ( CSO 1990 ) .
23 When they said goodbye they 'd embraced by the front door , a taxi waiting on the road outside .
24 ‘ We could see what looked like a range of hills from our window but they 'd gone by the morning — nothing left but huge ripples as if a great tide had come up and washed them away .
25 Com , coming out the back tell me how just as I 'd gone by the door and er
26 Truth had had to go by the board in the work he had been doing during the war and there seemed no point in insisting on using it again .
27 She was a wreck and had planned to go and do something about it once dinner had been prepared , but now that would have to go by the board — there would be no time — and , besides , she could hardly appear to Luke 's business partner and his wife in one of Luke 's towelling robes , could she ?
28 You then add together all the contributions from all the different paths and — hey presto ! — the result is the same probability amplitude which you would have calculated by the more pedestrian procedure of solving the Schrödinger equation .
29 Okay if I could say good evening and welcome to the theatre this evening the reason the meeting has been convened this evening quite clearly is part of the process and art structure for Harlow having undertaken by the Council , the Playhouse is keen as it says quite clearly on the leaflet is to get the publics view on how best to plan this programme and it 's , and facilities for the future .
30 People can ‘ change their luck ’ , and can in a way say ‘ No ’ to divine Providence , though of course if they do they have to stand by the consequences of their decision .
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