Example sentences of "have [verb] you as " in BNC.

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1 He has employed you as a guide .
2 I should never have accepted you as Catherine 's friend .
3 ‘ I would n't have classed you as a Shakespeare fan , ’ she said quietly , edging her way surreptitiously a foot further along the balustrade .
4 Er and in fact er I would say that had you become recognized as part of management , our members would n't have tolerated you as a shop steward .
5 Oh , I built whole fantasies round you , I imagined what it would be like to have a child , to have had you as my son .
6 Well they 've allocated you as a grocer , he said , but you 're not a grocer .
7 Erm the doctors who 've identified you as as a company they would be very happy to see er supporting this venture and er I 've I 've I 'm cont contacting you with a view of of outlining what we do
8 ‘ When Estwick passed on the fact that Jones had mentioned you as a possible candidate for this job and your previous experience confirmed that you were amply qualified to do it , I thought — what the hell !
9 ‘ 1 , Yahweh , have called you to serve the cause of right ; I have taken you by the hand and formed you ; I have appointed you as covenant of the people and light of the nations .
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