Example sentences of "have [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 The problem of bridging the gap between early experience and later personality has for the time being been shelved , and questions are being asked instead about what is indeed the logically prior problem : whether and in what way infants of various ages are affected by specified environmental happenings .
2 We shall even consider him in whatever new role he has at the time .
3 I do n't think you can have in the time . ’
4 There ought to be scope for feedback , a chance for you to express whatever thoughts or concerns you may have at the time .
5 Well my view of that is that yes we do have new P P G seven which we did n't have at the time of the last structure plan alteration .
6 Where the business association takes the form of a partnership , a writ or originating summons can be served on any one or more of the partners ; at the principal place of business of the partnership within the jurisdiction on any person having at the time of service the control or management of the partnership business there ; or by sending a copy of the document by post to the firm at that principal place of business .
7 I also thinking about what we 're going to do is we would end up sounding like a Foster and Allen song anyway you know not deliberately but I think you know by the time we 'd have have by the time we do the way we 'd be able to do it it would sound like Foster and Allen .
8 Compassion for Antoinette Gebrec had for the time being taken her mind off her own disillusionment .
9 His word conveyed power and achieved results as it had from the time of creation itself .
10 As a middle-aged bishop he was reluctant to believe that miracles still happened in his world as they had in the time of the Lord and his apostles .
11 We have even 1,500,000 fewer children than we had at the time of the Boer War … .
12 With direct reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and in response to a ‘ demand ’ for more radical action which he had read in a newspaper , Hitler made clear that he had at the time to proceed tactically and in stages , but that his strategy was to manoeuvre his enemy into a corner before destroying him completely .
13 They both headed the list with the responsibilities they had at the time .
14 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
15 He did n't know what Lewis meant about someone looking after the house but no doubt he , Adam , had at the time concocted some tale to keep his father quiet , to keep him away even .
16 The memories they described in response to the stimulus were highly specific and no longer consciously recollected ; on experiencing the memory they also relived the feelings they had at the time .
17 A VIDEO of the robbery showed the thief with a plaster cast on his hand — exactly like the one Nick Moore had at the time .
18 That was not so on the men 's tour , which means it would be very much easier for the ITF to set up its own women 's tour linking many of the principal regular events such as Berlin , Eastbourne , Brighton etc , with the Grand Slams , than it would have been had they responded to the many appeals they had at the time to set up a men 's circuit in competition with ATP …
19 We must be cautious , though , in making the assumption that such words as ‘ king ’ , ‘ prophet ’ or ‘ Messiah ’ still convey to us the meaning which they had at the time and in the world of Jesus .
20 Since neither [ defendant ] had at the time of the removal of the goods from the shelves and of the label switching assumed all the rights of the owner , there was no appropriation and therefore no theft .
21 The social worker I had at the time kept coming to see me in Low Newton and saying , ‘ Do you not think it 's best if you get him adopted ? ’
22 We immediately notified the Department of Trade that Mohamed Fayed 's representations were incorrect , and gave what information we had at the time , which was sufficient to alarm , or at least give pause for basic investigations .
23 ‘ I remember this dodgy little manager we had at the time sent out five copies , and I can remember the one he sent to Sounds .
24 Once we have worked out with you how much you will pay towards your care , the Department has the right to continue to base this on the amount of money you had at the time of your assessment .
25 I assume you can not , for already the feelings I had at the time are inscrutable to me , so imbued was I with an electric sense of occasion .
26 I am happy to acknowledge the views of the Northern Ireland Economic Council , and the questions that it had at the time of its submission need to be dealt with .
27 In his novel The Human Age , D. B. Wyndham Lewis postulates the theory that after death , as we stand on that other shore , at the gate of eternity , we will each one assume the shape and form which we had at the time when we best realised our essential selves .
28 Michael 's idol was Buster Keaton , and he had at the time studied Keaton more than I had , and said that he had never used a double .
29 ‘ I remember this dodgy little manager we had at the time sent out five copies , and I can remember the one he sent to Sounds .
30 Good results were obtained by those who completed their courses and at least 74.3% had at the time progressed satisfactorily ( 460 students ) .
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