Example sentences of "have [verb] [pers pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Roger I 'd 've given it you a lot quicker if you 'd given me a list of jobs to work on .
2 Retailing itself has taught me nothing .
3 The WNAS diet has taught me which foods suit me most .
4 The Good Book has taught us their image , they must be outcasts with the mark of Cain upon them , Ishmaels for whom the savage wilderness is home till they come to know the wisdom of the Lord .
5 If science has taught us anything , however , it is that the environment is full of uncertainty .
6 I shall now test the class on the multiplication tables to see if Miss Honey has taught you anything at all in that direction . ’
7 Reg Pybus , with his gun at my head , is always ready to stab me in the back though , and eighteen unlucky defeats has given him plenty of ammunition .
8 It has given me something to live for .
9 But he said : ‘ We 've had talks and Kevin Keegan has given me something to think about .
10 This week in bed has given me plenty of opportunity for thought or , to be more exact , time to dream — thought is too impressive a work .
11 He has given me nothing but total loyalty and respect at a time when I needed it most .
12 I am the Kha-Khan 's trusted servant , and he has given me everything I ever asked of him : this land in perpetuity , peace and security for our clan forever . ’
13 Chris has given me my instructions so
14 This place has given me my first identity really .
15 My father 's leg , locked solid , has given me my sanctuary up in the warm space of the big loft , right at the top of the house where the junk and the rubbish are , where the dust moves and the sunlight slants and the Factory sits — silent , living and still .
16 Prosodists should take it as a manifesto for investigating the links between those intuitions and the linguistic surface of texts , particularly at the phonetic level : rhythmic analysis still needs its empiricists , and Cureton has given them plenty of work to do .
17 Too many people criticize , yet it has given them what they have today .
18 The goodness which their behaviour has created and which has given them their special places , may now be regarded as part of the Created God .
19 They do not flower , but carry spores , as ferns do , to which they are related , and have clusters of frond-like branches on erect stems , the appearance of which has given them their common name ; they are sometimes also called mare's-tails .
20 Lawrence has given us something we could not easily get otherwise : he has given us thought spoken as language .
21 Mike has given us one which is I think an excellent one .
22 But before we get to this point Griffith has given us what a reviewer describes as Millet-like scenes of rural labour and urban scenes in which great wealth alternates with breadlines and poverty .
23 An author obviously dedicated to his art and expert enough to share his knowledge with the world has given us what should be the standard on the line which will stand the test of time .
24 And God will not only listen to our insignificant prayers , but has given us his Spirit to enable us to pray and to share with us in that most demanding task .
25 On May 31 the ANC secretary-general Cyril Ramaphosa told the press that the " conference has given us our battle orders " and that campaigns would focus on the release of all the remaining political prisoners , the election of a sovereign constitution-making body , the establishment of an interim government of national unity , and the creation of the conditions for free and fair elections .
26 The above named has applied for the position of Trainee Trading Standards Officer with this Department , and has given us your name as a referee .
27 ‘ So doing this has given you your appetite back ? ’
28 A New Brutalist Conservative government has brought the moral Right in from the cold of post-60s permissive liberalism and has given it its head .
29 Another difficulty with the idea of the novel as an intentional act of communication is that until the writer has completed it he does n't know what it is that he is communicating , and perhaps does n't know even then .
30 In fact , ‘ Damnation Derek ’ is a Christian who believes in ‘ Witnessing ’ and it is this simple , even commendable desire to tell others about God and all things Christian that has earned him his nickname ( 'Damnation' is n't his real name — in case you thought he had very unloving parents ! ) and which has made him a Playground Health Hazard .
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