Example sentences of "have [verb] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 He has had ample time to understand what the world wants him to do .
2 Any attempt to produce the letter for the first time at completion should be resisted and completion delayed until the purchaser has had adequate time to consider the disclosures .
3 If an aid is granted without informing the Commission or before the Commission has had sufficient time to examine the aid , the Court has recently held that the Commission has power to take interim measures ordering the member states concerned to suspend the aid and provide the Commission with all relevant information .
4 Where rejuvenation intervenes before the river has had sufficient time for lateral erosion to form a flat valley floor , there will not be river terraces at the side of the stream but merely breaks of slope in the valley sides ( Fig. 9.6 ) .
5 Your correspondent climbed the Mittelegi Ridge with Roger Alton of The Guardian , followed closely by Doug Scott and Sharu Prabhu , with Tibetan refugee , 14-year-old Karma Sondup , plus James Kagambi from Kenya and Tess Borroughs , a Surrey mother of three who has worked full time for Climb for the World since first reading of it in this magazine last year .
6 Lawrence added : ‘ We have played five games against First Division sides this season and it has taken extra time in the fifth for us to be defeated .
7 Another Board colleague , , has taken full time responsibility for quality , safety , health and the environment .
8 The authors accept that the course may not have given adequate time to practical skills , but the participants ' inaccurate view of their own skills contributed to their lack of success .
9 The problems of poverty are further exacerbated by many parents having to work full time and needing substitute or day care , holiday and after-school provision , all of which are in short supply and costly .
10 It 's welcome , although we would have prefered full time jobs , but it 's a step in the right direction .
11 And the same amount of things per head of the population will have been produced in the same ways by the same classes of people for many generations together ; and therefore this supply of the appliances for production will have had full time to be adjusted to the steady demand .
12 He owned hundreds of acres of land in Wisconsin , Iowa , Florida and Colorado , and was busy in the horse-raising business , which must have involved substantial time , travel and capital .
13 Staff and councillors at the town hall have praised the generous efforts of the milkmen who will inevitably have to spend extra time picking up the gifts .
14 But without the sort of big-money sponsorship that goes to the men 's game the women are having to spend precious time fund-raising rather than concentrating on their playing .
15 This kind of approach can be very useful since it provides an opportunity for the media to ask questions and get direct answers on the spot , without having to spend valuable time away from the office .
16 Each goal is planned for a week but some may possibly require longer ; our dieter will have to take extra time if it is taking her body longer to adjust than she anticipates at the start .
17 If the ferry boat was there it would be quicker , if not she would have lost precious time by not taking the direct path to the bridge .
18 The preparation of the foundations and the timbers alone would have required considerable time and although C12 is the largest building excavated at the site , the effort required to build many of the others would not have been much less .
19 They had made good time .
20 We had made good time and had to ease speed to avoid closing the island in darkness .
21 You might be able to do the odd one but I do n't think that you 've got the time , I mean bear in mind you 've gone from four to three to two there 's two of you now supervising all of us if you tell me you 've got spare time then great , and you want to do one or two equally great , however unless you tell me to the contrary
22 And once you 've done that , you 've got spare time and spare money you can buy extra , but come , come down to it Brenda , once the Christmas Day is over
23 control contacted me yesterday to say that erm due to loss of system last week , and the fact that the Easter weekend erm is looming up on us , it means that they 've , they 've got insufficient time to run all the jobs that they needed to erm in the space that they , they would like to run them in .
24 we , that means I 've got ex , it 's because we do n't have period one and two on Wednesday , yeah , that means we 've got extra time for our French test , I think it was on Wednesday , extra time to practice
25 If they 've got free time .
26 A.A. rang me at 4 o/c she returned on 2nd and had had grand time with Gwenda and families .
27 And more often than not , out of the sun would come the yellow-nosed Messerschmitts , long before our fighters had had sufficient time in which to gain their best operational height .
28 You 've had ample time to get your feet under the table by now and one or two things have come up which I 'd like you to pursue .
29 She was taking a gamble , already Hari had spent precious time and materials making footwear that might never be bought and paid for .
30 Peter Evans , the first non-family chairman to be appointed to the liqueur company when he joined late last year , said yesterday that the company had spent considerable time evaluating its needs in the light of its decision to focus on its core business , the production of Drambuie Liqueur .
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