Example sentences of "have [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That has plausibility in the world of political bargaining .
2 The main bedroom has balconies over the west-facing stone loggia and the bay window of the drawing-room .
3 Luke , however , has teaching on the subject of prayer that is not found in the other Gospels ( Luke 11:5–9 ; 18:1–8 , 9–14 ) .
4 The service has been a life line to Jeff Lockyer , he now has debts of a few hundred pounds , which compared to a couple of years ago , is an enormous weight off his mind .
5 It is subordinate to the altar and although it may be decorative , it has direction towards the altar .
6 Sir John , the seventh baronet of Redenham in Hampshire , who also has estates on the Isle of Wight and on a Scottish island , refused to discuss the matter yesterday .
7 Katabatic has look of a champion
8 Christian Aid has projects in every country in the world .
9 ‘ He 's more and more violent now , and sometimes has fights with the people from the village .
10 For instance , if he has money of the client in his hands not entrusted to him for any specific purpose , there is nothing in the section to prevent his retaining the amount due to him out of that money .
11 And building society , anybody who has a building society account prior to ninety one two if they had n't income really i they were silly to have money in the building society account because they were having tax deducted but could n't get it back and at the same time as the independent taxation they changed the er tax system for building societies and banks which meant that banks and building societies were then deducted tax at the standard rate of twenty five percent and it could be refunded or repaid or not deducted in certain circumstances , so back to your question , anybody who has money in a building society now , or is n't taxable , should ask the building society not to deduct tax , as they 're entitled to do , fill a form and , and where people can state that they do n't , they 're not liable to pay tax , building societies and banks will not now deduct income tax .
12 Mr McWhirter does what he likes at Burleigh , and the reason is that Mr McWhirter has money in the place . ’
13 In last Friday 's HAS Election Post a letter from M D Tubman referred to the 100-year-old British electoral system .
14 Mr Lewis has ben with the company 18 years , the last six as design manager .
15 Equally , the Treasury has preferences for the way in which policy is carried out , resisting interest rate changes for example when the Bank might otherwise think these desirable .
16 One reason why the modern reader has difficulty with a positive evaluation of the term ‘ national prejudices ’ is that , in the twentieth century , prejudice has taken on a substantive meaning .
17 It is essential that the management has support during the negotiation process — not only from their families , but from their professional advisers , both financial and legal .
18 Mr Severin has support from a highly respected historian of Chinese science , Joseph Needham , who has said that ‘ there is no other satisfactory explanation for the cultural similarities between the continents ’ .
19 The work in protecting Britain 's hop crop is part of the research programme of Horticulture Research International , a recently privatised group of scientists which still has support from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural and Food Research Council .
20 Today , closer to Clapton ( geographically ) than he 's been in a long while , Anthony Newley is relishing the chance to prove he 's still up to a tough dramatic performance eight shows a week and , to follow , he has plans for a musicalised Richard III .
21 Although such investment will inevitably benefit US companies , especially those in equipment manufacture , steel-making and construction , there will also be opportunities for foreign companies — Clinton has plans for a high-speed rail network , for example , equipment for which is currently not made by US companies — and one can imagine a fierce ‘ Buy America ’ debate over any major public works piece of legislation .
22 VUE , which incorporates OSF/Motif , has been ported to the Sparc by San Diego-based Science Applications International Corp , which also has an IBM RS/6000 version out on beta test , and has plans for a DEC version .
23 Gresham also has plans for a VMS server version of Dataserve .
24 After moving to Ireland earlier this year , Daniel played a very successful free gig in The Baggot Inn , and now has plans for a new album to be recorded in Dublin in January .
25 The ISE has plans for a regulatory news service which will sell information to other news services , but Sir Gordon has criticised the high costs of the service to outside competitors .
26 God is a planner and he has plans for the British Isles .
27 Vienna , Virginia-based America Online Inc said that it added over 25,000 subscribers to its bulletin board service in the last month : Microsoft Corp co-founder Paul Allen has plans for the company .
28 It has plans for an industrial policy the Tories do n't appear to have one and has modelled its industrial manifesto on the demands of the CBI , the Tories traditional bedfellows .
29 She has plans in the pipeline to record a CD with her trio and possibly record an album with her dectect .
30 One highly visible example of this work is ‘ AEA in Orthopaedics ’ , the point of contact for clients to gain easy access to our comprehensive range of services relating to the design , testing and manufacture of orthopaedic implants , which already has contracts with the Department of Health and all major orthopaedic implant manufacturers .
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