Example sentences of "in this [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Excellent filming of precision aerobatics feature in this dramatically titled video .
2 The structural changes which would be necessary to reduce the present Davis Cup match format from three days , to one , would destroy the whole character of a competition which , in this commercially dominated age , is arguably more important to the world of tennis than ever before
3 The history of polarity reversals of the Earth 's magnetic field recorded in this newly generated crust as it cooled indicated that , once formed , it moved away from ridges towards oceanic trenches .
4 The Yes/No People , creators of Night of 100 Drums and Beat The Cycle , will be stomping , banging , abseiling and cavorting all over the Dome in this newly commissioned largescale version of Stomp .
5 The Oberland 's owners are exceptionally friendly and will do everything to make your stay in this traditionally built hotel an enjoyable one .
6 Darren was in this privately run home for mentally handicapped children near Basingstoke .
7 Enid Bagnold 's creepy comedy is dated in more subtle ways as well — ‘ She 's behind the escallonia hedge , ’ sounds like a line dropped from a Beatrice Lillie sketch — but , in this strongly cast production , it also retains much of its original charm and piquancy .
8 Lutyens 's ideal of an orderly life run by efficient , invisible servants is more than realised in this immaculately appointed domain .
9 There were various suggestions as to Balliol 's intentions in this southwards move : that his aim was first to divide the west from the east , then to work round and isolate Edinburgh ; that he knew of Sir Archibald Douglas 's mustering of his Galloway vassals and sought to keep this force from joining the main Scots array ; that perhaps he was expecting further English reinforcements from Carlisle and the West March ; and so on .
10 The chink in this otherwise disarming argument is that Nature exists only to the extent that we comprehend it .
11 The first objective was to develop a Pinot Noir clone which could resist the frosts in the Marne valley and thus enable vineyards in this predominantly Pinot Meunier area to be replanted with a more noble variety .
12 And there is much more where that came from in this attractively illustrated and assiduously researched collection of articles .
13 Most worms in this superfamily inhabit the lungs or the blood vessels adjacent to the lungs .
14 Post-war development of parachutes acting as brakes on jet aircraft are also covered in this rarely written about subject .
15 Before spawning in this artfully arranged cave , this pair of C. labiatum had cleared right down to the undergravel plate .
16 THE PRESENT generation of scientists is not the first to have been troubled by problems of communication , as Dr Slaughter shows in this well documented account of the rise and fall of the 17th century universal movement .
17 In this well preserved late 14th Century Carthusian Monastery you can see the monks ' cells , church , stables and brew house .
18 It is not impossible , in this highly charged atmosphere , that the party leader will be replaced by the weekend .
19 It is not impossible , in this highly charged atmosphere , that the party leader will be replaced by the weekend .
20 I do n't think he should really be telling me all this , but he is demob happy and there is something of the anonymity of the confessional in this dimly lit train compartment , lurching slowly over the snowy plateau of the Kola Peninsula .
21 They had wanted each other from that first night , and now , in this dimly lit room , with Nicolo 's mouth on hers , with his hands on her breasts , she had finally run out of lies and excuses , not just for him but for herself .
22 Fine home cooking and all the other special comforts you would expect in this beautifully restored home .
23 In this rapidly changing political landscape , at the end of January 1992 there appeared to be eight presidential candidates in addition to Ramos .
24 Inside , antiques , family paintings and period furniture enhance the elegance and character inherent in this finely proportioned manor house .
25 The reader will recall that latency in this genetically determined , physiological sense is a consequence of neoteny , itself the cause of the postponement of sexual maturity until adolescence which is a contributory , but not a necessary or determining , cause of the resolution of the Oedipus complex which in our culture should normally usher in the latency period . )
26 In this further research a variety of service industries , in education , health care and in the provision of services to private companies , will be investigated .
27 Capture the Indian Officers ' Club atmosphere in this brightly lit restaurant .
28 In this tightly knit situation there can be no escape and what upsets one will eventually cause chaos among all .
29 For the first time in this long climb back to their fortune he began to feel a sort of panic .
30 ‘ then continues in this long footnote to give details of certain chronic and serious acute conditions when it is actually necessary to repeat the dose several times to effect a cure , although he advises caution as ‘ he has frequently experienced no advantage , but most frequently , decided disadvantage . ’
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