Example sentences of "in this [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Small things build up to give a positive lasting impression and provide the main opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company — in this every employee has a role to play .
2 Occasional statistics sometimes throw light on the problem ; in 1875 Gladstone 's pamphlet on the Vatican Decrees sold 100,000 copies and it is difficult not to see in this a level of religious interest which later declined .
3 Witness could not say how much help in this a girl would need from the men because it varied so much , but she did not think it amounted to much , and no special men workers were employed for it " Lifting is therefore not denied , but its importance is distinctly minimized when a woman is speaking , maximized when a man is .
4 and find in this a kind of consolation .
5 I 'm might say , what I 'm , I 'm not saying that film but in some , in some cases he do n't , you know , there has always been he do n't in this a lot of people .
6 In this a number of companies ( which can range from five to 500 ) contribute funds and technical and market input into a collaborative venture generally based at the laboratories of the technology provider .
7 In this a group of friends form a syndicate to create the Hopkin myth , inventing biographical details ( ‘ a near genius living in the country with a romantic proletarian background , possibly a dipsomaniac mother and so on ’ ) for a painter who does not exist but whose paintings they churn out in a fashionable style ( ‘ with dots , crescent shapes and bright colours ’ ) and exhibit in a sensational first exhibition .
8 The connection between this and the concept of form as sketched much earlier in this paper-the notion of form as enabling ways of life , of form as a part of " processes of human individuation " — is contained within the concept .
9 Older and tougher belief on the same issue is embodied in another tale Tolkien had probably read , the Scottish story of ‘ The Woman of Peace and the Bible Reader ’ : in this an elf-woman approaches an old man reading his Bible and asks ‘ if there was any hope given in holy Scripture for such as she ’ .
10 The Buckfastleigh section , now known as the Primrose Line , has been leased to the South Devon Railway Trust who are supported by the Dart Valley Railway Association and will operate it very much as before but adding various events to attract railway enthusiasts : in this the Trust will have the fullest support and cooperation from the Company line .
11 In this the structure constitutes the supply-side and individuals in the social field comprise the demand-side .
12 In this the child 's health and education are of major importance .
13 In this the concern was to measure public opinion as a guide to political action .
14 In this the government has had a measure of success in that twenty-three separate sales have gone ahead , and most of them have been greatly over-subscribed .
15 In this the government is dependent on the police , armed forces and civil bureaucracy , a dependence which can only be offset by making concessions to one section of the bourgeois alliance or another .
16 Chemistry was regarded as a subject which was not fundamental ; the issues it examines are not fundamental to the universe in the way that the issues of physics are ; in this the views of the students can be seen to coincide with the views of Dr L , who said that ‘ all of chemistry is becoming explicable in terms of quantum theory ’ .
17 In this the camp was run as a luxury camp by the Germans in order to lull people into a sense of false security while they were pumped for information .
18 This is obviously not new , and is in part an expansion of the teaching of a long line of papal encyclicals on social justice beginning with Leo XIII 's Rerum Novarum and extending up to Pope John 's Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris , but there is no possible doubt that the Council , following in this the footsteps of Pope John , gave both a wider range and a new urgency to concerns of this kind as properly constitutive of a very large part of Christian living .
19 We were thrilled by her generous gesture in this the Guild 's Centenary Year , not least because the story she tells so well shows that much of what we do for Christian Aid is in the best Guild tradition .
20 In this the prey flashes a bright patch of colour as it flees , and then it suddenly freezes , concealing the bright patch as it does so .
21 This preliminary meeting will be followed by a weekend seminar at Dublin in October when we will discuss the whole picture of older deaf people in this the EC year of the elderly .
22 In this the University of Nottingham Union plays a central role , either running or being connected with almost all of students ' extra curricular activities .
23 After a few hours in this the home of Johannes Gutenberg ( he invented the printing press ) , the cruise heads upstream to Speyer for 8.00pm arrival .
24 In this the miners are at one with the demonstrators who set up another first in Moscow yesterday — the first rival march to the parade in Red Square which officially salutes the revolution .
25 In this the hobbits are , orcs apart , at the bottom .
26 In this the grain size is the independent variable , which is therefore plotted on the horizontal axis and the vertical axis is used for the dependent variable , i.e. the determined weight percentage .
27 In this the sociology of knowledge follows what he calls a ‘ reactionary prejudice ’ of Hegel and Engels that asserted that freedom could be gained by knowledge about the determinants affecting social being ( Popper 1966 : 223 ) .
28 The family had a strong social value because it was an absolutely necessary social institution , an essential mutual-aid society in a world of rapid change , and in this the woman 's contribution was pivotal .
29 In this the woman inadvertently mentions God and says to her fellow passenger : ‘ Oh , I do hope you did n't mind my saying that .
30 In this the absence of any self-reflexivity on the part of these ‘ priests in drag ’ has been remarkable .
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