Example sentences of "in some [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 So , under a surface appearance of Mannaia victory ( ‘ We have eaten everything ’ , a shaikh 's son commented ) were signs of a more conciliatory spirit , perhaps reflecting Zuwaya awareness that they ought not to fight among themselves : a solidarity only partly abstract or ethical , related in some degree to the unity they had achieved against the menaced Tibbu-ownership of their land .
2 He answered in some degree to his friend 's description of him , but was more gaunt and Don Quixote-like .
3 If the harmonization process is to have any hope of acceleration it is essential for law schools to reduce their preoccupation with national law and their assumption of its superiority over other legal systems and to revert at least in some degree to the internationalism of medieval law teaching .
4 Clearly , this will be related in some degree to the increase in the number of people owning and driving cars which was reported in the first Plan .
5 The Council of ( Health ) Ministers approved on Nov. 13 , 1989 , by a majority vote , the implementation of a directive forcing cigarette manufacturers to reduce the tar levels in some brands to a maximum of 12 mg per cigarette by 1997 , and also obliging them to print more explicit health warnings on all cigarette packets .
6 He also expressed the fear , however , that the very widespread and intense national feeling which the war had revealed might lead in some circumstances to what he called ‘ social imperialism ’ : the imperialism of a whole people .
7 The pointes must not be thought of as a prop on which to balance the body , but as an extra dimension to make dramatic sense of a statement about the character on pointes and/or to relate in some way to the story or theme .
8 Luxemburg does not contribute to the Air component , but all the others contribute in some way to both .
9 Filmmakers were constricted as to subject matter by the requirement that their films contribute in some way to the war effort .
10 This is what the gaunt , red-eyed old lady had told them ; and of course Charsky , needing to draw close in some way to his dead father , wanted to try it out .
11 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
12 Far from being neutral , the objects and descriptions become in fact suffused with meaning when attached in some way to a centre of consciousness .
13 The fourth book had , as I said , impressed Boy with its famous scene of the unwritten letter , which he thought must relate in some way to his own collection of letters .
14 At this stage it may be sensible to rely on your instinct but a further step that is worth trying is to give each candidate a simple task to perform that is related in some way to the post which is to be filled .
15 reports , government circulars , trade and professional information and general documentation allied in some way to your job and its responsibilities
16 This deficiency is linked in some way to the death of nerve cells that arise in the forebrain and connect to many regions of the cerebral cortex .
17 Indeed , many do , because Giardia , like Candida , seems to be linked in some way to food sensitivity .
18 This is instructed as the project proceeds and a fee paid , usually related in some way to his costs .
19 You can use paper of similar thickness but unless you stick it in some way to the faces it is difficult to keep it in position when assembling the cores into the bobbin and bolting it down to the board .
20 We might therefore expect these works to conform in some way to established taste , but it does not follow , as many of Wordsworth 's later disciples were prone to assume that anything in heroic couplets is necessarily bad ; in fact , many passages from these poems compare quite favourably with Wordsworth 's eighteenth-century predecessors .
21 This variation might either be because these forms are tied in some way to a particular kind of context and so are not freely transferable , or because the second context imposes inhibiting conditions which prevent learners from accessing and applying what they know .
22 They suggested that by being out at night the young women had contributed in some way to their own rapes , even though they were merely returning by bus to their homes .
23 However , a theory which was recognizably utilitarian in spirit might seek to give priority in some way to the prevention of suffering over that of the promotion of happiness .
24 The last three statements are assertions of contentment , but only three statements — numbers six , seven and ten — do not refer in some way to domestic work or the work environment .
25 Many detailed studies have been carried out on the nature of the consumption relationship and all seem to agree that , for the community as a whole , consumption is related in some way to income .
26 A poll tax may be ‘ a tax levied on every person ; a capitation or head-tax ’ ( Oxford English Dictionary ) or it may be a tax related in some way to the right to vote .
27 In almost every society we know something about , except perhaps the very simplest , there are individuals who specialize in music or who are regarded as more skilled ; in this respect , notation brings about not a total change but an added stimulus , and even without it , there can develop — as in blues or in British ‘ folk ’ traditions — an idea of particular songs being attached in some way to individuals : ‘ that 's X 's song ’ .
28 Dexter wondered what the superintendent 's idea was , except that it must relate in some way to Jim Lancaster .
29 Did it relate in some way to the fact that millions of years ago our gill-bearing ancestors crawled out of the pond , and ever since we have been paralysed by the thought of a return to it ?
30 better knowledge ( because of the database — 18 per cent of new debts were linked in some way to debts already known )
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