Example sentences of "in all [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All in all a total of seventeen strands of training can progress at any one time , ranging from Adult platoons to Junior Leaders and Territorial Army recruits .
2 In all a total of 45 women are recorded as having re-applied for union membership between 1919 and 1934 ( 20 of them in the first two years , 1919 and 1920 ) and this is probably an underestimate .
3 There is indeed in all a welter of words ; and while some sections of the final documents had been intensely discussed , formulated and reformulated across several sessions , much else — quite inevitably — was barely discussed at all .
4 All in all a show not to be missed .
5 In this context , we urge you to maintain your government 's commitment to a constant search for the truth in all the affairs of the nation , especially in your analysis of the deep social and institutional causes which provoked the military uprising of a sector of the armed forces .
6 The privileged terms in all the oppositions which underpin Western metaphysical thought are the idea , the content , and the subservient terms are the medium , the form , the vehicle .
7 The trouble was , in all the fury and exuberance the view was half obliterated : masses of water raised fountains of spray and wrapped the fore-shore in a sort of mist .
8 But it must not be thought that papal conciliar decrees which seem so clear-cut to the modern scholar , who sees them in all the clarity of the printed page , had a similar force and clarity for contemporaries .
9 to its former eminence in all the history books .
10 I am in all the history books .
11 Workers in all the groups in all the areas were of the opinion that work and the organization through which it was carried out was inevitable and little could be done to alter it .
12 One answer is to compile a comprehensive media list , as outlined above , which takes in all the groups which are likely to be contacted with any frequency .
13 So you put in all the hours God gives you .
14 They came with their ideals , found idyllic peace in the countryside , where a man could hardly fail to notice God in the quietness ; said their prayers in one of the fairest little parish churches in all the land ; reacted against , and then threw themselves into the orderliness of quasi-monastic life ; and studied what they wanted , and thought about truth .
15 Yes , yes , oh yes I 've well you know the fires on that I had in all the winter I 'm going to get on that today .
16 In the past thirty years , astrophysicists have discovered dust clouds , radio signals , X-rays , electric and magnetic fields in supposedly empty space , and it is now realised that there is as much energy/matter between the stars as there is contained in them and in all the planets as well .
17 Capital gains are a better proxy for the full benefits from interlocking holdings , since they ought in principle to absorb the value created in all the businesses involved .
18 That 's , that 's true that , that 's what they do , they like rolling in all the mess in the
19 The André Emmerich Gallery is celebrating the recent addition of Karel Appel to its list of artists with an exhibition of recent pictures in all the mediums that he explores .
20 Against the walls sat row behind row of chiefs , in all the glory of full dress .
21 ‘ She 's basking in all the glory , ’ said one man , ‘ but it had bugger all to do with her .
22 The variety of Christologies actually to be found in the New Testament is part of the fundamental witness to the nature of the gospel ; it points to the destination of the gospel in all the cultures of mankind .
23 Ted Wragg , describing his work as adviser to the Parliamentary Select Committee into the attainment of the school leaver ( 1976/7 ) , reports that mathematics was the topic that came up by far the most frequently in all the submissions to that Committee , and one of its recommendations was that an inquiry should be set up into mathematics teaching .
24 ‘ RCA have been really understanding in all the things we do .
25 Tyner 's achievement here is that , while all the tracks here are largely improvisations ( or at least spontaneous ) , and each is imbued with Tyner 's own sense of the appropriate ( including thundering chords in All the Things you are , for example ! ) , each has a fully rounded and selfcontained form .
26 Mr Clinton can not believe in all the things that his myriad groups of supporters think he believes in , or at least he can not if he is to rescue his presidency .
27 Our very own Adventures deal in all the things that seemed to go AWOL in the late 80s — luscious harmonies , strong guitar driven songs with big big choruses , all topped with strong echoes of classic 60s pop .
28 He was involved in all the things like Greenpeace , cruel sports , protection of birds , that sort of thing .
29 He had known she was old but she had been so full of vitality , and interested in all the things going on in the world , that her death was a shock .
30 We do need to be able to show forgiveness in all the things that we do but it is n't easy and Jesus devotion to is a great challenge to us as to just how far we can go .
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