Example sentences of "in the [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the long-run the provision of this support will need to be done electronically and suitable tools need to be developed to allow simultaneous interactive online support of users .
2 This means that in the long-run the level of real income will always be at the level associated with full employment , whatever the price level .
3 In an attempt to try to contain the pressure for such changes donors adopted in the 1970s a strategy of establishing semi-autonomous project units , which were nominally attached to national ministries , but in fact were more or less independent of them .
4 In the 1970s a study of dolphin and porpoise tissues , from several locations throughout the Pacific , demonstrated that coastal dolphins and porpoises are the most susceptible to accumulating toxic waste , especially those whose habitat is close to industrial discharges or runoff of agricultural chemicals .
5 In the 1970s a worldwide seminar on the use of vibration was held in Japan .
6 In the 1970s a prisoner from one of the labour camps had assembled a group of volunteers , including experts on dowsing , to investigate what he claimed to have located — Ivan the Terrible 's library .
7 In the 1970s a small number of feminist critics accused most of these influential and widely cited texts of sexism , ( targets included A. Campbell et al , The American Voter ; G. Almond and S. Verba , The Civic Culture ; R. Lane , Political Life ; R. A. Dahl , Who Governs ? ) .
8 In the 1970s a series of Danish studies compared the children and step-children of alcoholic fathers .
9 Many of the changes that helped to bring about in the 1970s a new , more fragmented and more intractable congress would have happened irrespective of the misdemeanours of the Nixon administration .
10 In the 1970s a temporary oil facility was established through which oil exporters made finance available , via the Fund , to assist the balance of payments problems caused by the sudden rise in the price of oil .
11 In the USA in the 1970s a middle-class child raised through four years at college cost $74,000 and $145,000 if the wife 's opportunity costs were included as well ( Espenshade 1980 ) .
12 In the 1970s a series of controlled trials compared the drug with other neuroleptics , and whereas no other drug has ever been shown to be more effective than chlorpromazine ( Largactil ) , clozapine was found to be so in six out of thirteen studies .
13 Bears became extinct in the Austrian Alps over a hundred years , but in the 1970s a male bear from Yugoslavia wandered across the border to take up residence in the southeast province of Styria .
14 In the 1970s the word was excursion , even then hardly fashionable , conveying an image of day trips to Blackpool and kiss-me-quick hats , of FA Cup tie specials ( when football supporters swung rattles instead of knives ) , and of the classical BR Sunday Mystery Tour , when for ten and sixpence , you could be pretty certain of finishing up at Barry Island ( again ) .
15 In the 1970s the government of Valery Giscard D'Estaing made a huge investment in the French telecommunications industry , giving it one of the most modern infrastructures in the world .
16 In the 1970s the police were often concerned with the need to keep apart two rival groups , each of which had gathered together for a demonstration in the same place and at the same time .
17 In the 1970s the total volume of transfers through these two channels was nearly 3 per cent of the social product of the more advanced republics and provinces , and even in the more difficult 1980s this ratio has amounted to almost 2½ per cent .
18 It is a lyre-horned breed which was originally white with red muzzle and ears and a few red freckles on the sides , but the use of Ayrshire bulls during the nineteenth century increased the area of red in the coat and in the 1970s the use of NRF bulls darkened the colour cline to the brindle or red lineback of today .
19 In the 1970s the United States led the world in setting up standards of risk assessment , and establishing suitable levels of containment for laboratory buildings and equipment .
20 In the 1970s the search for a room temperature superconductor led chemists to look at one-dimensional organic conductors and semiconductors .
21 Research studies demonstrated back in the 1970s the fact that exhaust emissions contained dangerous toxins , in particular lead .
22 In the 1970s the company expanded into Northampton where it makes girls ' shoes , ladies ' shoes and men 's sandals .
23 In his view , in the 1970s the drop in children available for adoption led adoption pressure groups to advocate a kind of fostering closer to adoption , with the natural parents having fewer rights to intervene in the foster placement .
24 In the 1970s the odds had lengthened against effective leadership from the White House ; there had been a succession of failed presidencies public confidence in political institutions had slumped disastrously and congress had become even more difficult to deal with .
25 In the late 1960s and in the 1970s the development of administrative law was strongly influenced by Lord Reid and Lord Denning , both of whom were in favour of expanding judicial control of government .
26 In the 1970s the real price of cigarettes fell about 30% because cigarette taxation did not keep pace with inflation .
27 During the post-war period they have shown a quite stable distribution although in the 1970s the process of growing concentration in selected retirement areas , noticed in the 1960s , appeared to end .
28 In the 1970s the average family size of graduate women at the time of interview ( 1.53 ) was considerably lower than the fertility of women with no further education ( 2.04 ) ( Cartwright 1978 ) and they were likely to be childless .
29 The 1960s were years of great opportunities and great expansion in education ; in the 1970s the opportunities still existed , but the expansion was drawing to a close .
30 In the 1970s the Department of Education and Science pinned its hopes on the APU to provide a general measure of the achievement of children at schools and , implicitly , changes in standards over time .
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