Example sentences of "in [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary they are a natural feature of the human condition , present in everyone to a greater or lesser degree .
2 The following remark of Dennis Altman 's , even if not strictly correct historically , rightly implies how the negation of desire and the negation of difference are in practice often inseparable : ‘ the original purpose of the categorization of homosexuals as people apart was to project the homosexuality in everyone onto a defined minority as a way of externalizing forbidden desires and reassuring the majority that homosexuality is something that happens to other people ’ ( Homosexualization , 72 ) .
3 those apparently naturalised representations of events and situations relating to race , whether ‘ factual ’ or ‘ fictional ’ , which have racist premises and propositions inscribed in them as a set of unquestioned assumptions .
4 If there is no particular justification for these categories , and they appear to be somewhat arbitrary , what faith can schools then have in them as a basis for review ?
5 Beneath the oral history lies a sad text of spies , betrayers , official reprisal and oppression , and heartrending devotion : ‘ Old Mrs Macdonald , after her guest had left the house , took the sheets in which he had lain , folded them carefully , and charged her daughter that they should be kept unwashed , and that , when she died , her body should be wrapped in them as a winding sheet .
6 So that erm if we 're talking to parents , for example , about being assertive , we know that very often the feelings behind their inability to be assertive need to be addressed first of all and then the skills that they may want to acquire will fit in with erm a different quality erm of where it 's emanating from in them as a person .
7 The outcome is that fox hunts will need a licence from the Ministry of Agriculture before they can temporarily block setts to prevent foxes hiding in them during a hunt , or to dig out foxes which succeed in entering a sett .
8 The counselling and procuring provisions are contained in s.1(7) and stipulate that it is an offence for , inter alios , any of the above mentioned insiders to counsel or procure any other person ( ie not only individuals ) to deal in the relevant securities , if they know or have reasonable cause to believe that person would deal in them on a recognized exchange .
9 the fact of belonging to the same class , and that of belonging to the same generation or age group , have this in common , that both endow the individuals sharing in them with a common location in the social and historical process , and thereby limit them to a specific range of potential experience , predisposing them for a certain characteristic mode of thought and experience , and a characteristic type of historically relevant action .
10 No Claire came out last night she 's fallen over and got a hole in them with a pair of woolly tights .
11 I must have always wanted to believe in those things ; I did believe in them in a vague sort of way , before I met him .
12 The populations of two towns A and B and the number of persons who die in them in a certain year are given in the table below .
13 First comes extension of educational ideas and curriculum countering low aspirations and expectations present in too many Britons , bred in them by a century and more of patronising neglect .
14 Not that any man would be interested in me with a handicap like Mum .
15 I had foolishly allowed myself to imagine that you might be interested in me as a person , even to the extent of being a little jealous of Lieutenant Lapointe .
16 ‘ I thought you were interested in me as a person , interested in what I felt and believed .
17 Mortimer seemed to be so supportive , he seemed really interested in me as a friend , he believed in my design abilities … but then it all changed , it was like a nightmare .
18 ‘ Interested ? ’ she queried huskily , and , trying desperately to get to grips with herself — he could n't mean ‘ interested ’ interested , could be ? — ‘ You mean , interested in me as a journalist ? ’ she just had to find out more .
19 Er so I , it was really instilled in me from a very early age .
20 There was another elderly gent who was misguardedly hoovering a friend 's stairs in nothing but a dressing gown when the attractions of the vacuum cleaner seduced him .
21 The castle was a fat woman in nothing but a Highland plaid . ’
22 Another young man in nothing but a tan lay on the deck watching her through sunglasses .
23 But just at that moment , standing tall and bronzed in nothing but a pair of ragged denim shorts , his black hair tumbling damply across his forehead , Nathan Bryce did not fit the expected image of a millionaire yacht designer .
24 Now he suddenly reappeared , clad in nothing but a pair of nankeen trousers , rushing down the stairs and levelling a pistol at my head !
25 Dressed in nothing but a pair of dark boxer shorts that rested low on his lean hips , his body was a tanned perfection of muscles and sinews , living flesh as beautifully sculpted as stone .
26 The School is particularly interested in someone with a quantitative or computer orientation , though applications from those with alternative specialisms are equally welcome .
27 They were in 'er for a dinner Which was excellent , in Pinner , And another one , a cracker , In Majacca — that 's in Spain
28 There were times when his own belief in himself as a great player could backfire on him if he failed to realize that he was having an off day , and he could look stubborn and bloody-minded as a result .
29 Work on the survey had to await Hailey 's retirement , but the choice nevertheless proved to have been an extremely shrewd one , justifying , if nothing else did , Curtis ' lifelong faith in himself as a fisher of men .
30 Her manner was rather endearingly confused , and Morse switched on what he sometimes saw in himself as a certain charm .
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