Example sentences of "in [pron] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Those who chronically seek help from subspecialists are a small but costly subgroup in whom psychosocial factors may be more disabling than the gut symptoms themselves .
2 We report our experience in 40 patients in whom such criteria were fulfilled and in whom this technique was applied .
3 The lack of evidence of greater efficacy and acceptability of serotonin reuptake inhibitors means that their adoption as the drugs of choice in major depression may be premature , although they may have a role in subgroups of patients in whom other treatments are contraindicated or have failed .
4 Thus , the molecular genetic approach has the potential to contribute to our understanding of the underlying biochemical mechanisms of alcoholic liver disease and may ultimately enable ‘ high risk ’ individuals to be identified in whom preventive measures such as counselling can be undertaken .
5 We are creatures in whom good desires compete with evil desires , altruism struggles with selfishness .
6 As we saw , this is the result of the fact that in human beings clearly-focused , specific sexual instincts have undergone a process of diffusion , displacement and generalization and have become associated rather more widely with the body and mind than may be true of other animals in whom these instincts still maintain a narrow and specialized role solely adapted to reproduction .
7 It should be borne in mind that despite the fact that psychiatric diseases such as depression or manic-depression tend to be vastly over-diagnosed , particularly in sufferers from alcoholism ( in whom these features may be indications of their primary disease of alcoholism ) , some patients do have both addictive disease and psychiatric disease and need appropriate treatment for both .
8 A few British officials , however , in whom northern habits died hard , preferred to go to one of the clubs and have a drink and lunch there .
9 In the process , though this biography is refreshingly free of anti-male bias , it offers a portrait of men in whom high notions of liberty and truth were riddled with feckless egoism .
10 Microscopic examination in haematoxylin and eosin stained sections revealed only minor alterations except in one concordant and clinical slightly affected Crohn 's disease twin pair in whom overt signs of inflammation were present in both twins .
11 ‘ Mollickin' in them scented baths all day long .
12 Cos he use to be er , you know like in them black films when famous tap dancers
13 Why they should want ti work in them smelly places when they could be out in God 's good air , Aah sh 'll nivver know . ’
14 In them opposing forces sought to violate his commitment : the physical versus the spiritual ; the free versus the regimented ; the religious versus the secular ; and so on .
15 I recall those things because of their typicality : this is what the English and Welsh grammar schools were like , and ( more surprisingly ) were still like when I began to teach in them ten years after the 1944 Act .
16 However , a great many books that , if one were tabulating them by content , would perhaps have to be called why-dun-its still have in them considerable elements of other sub-genres .
17 Very often in them high-ranking officers had easier and more direct access to the ruler , and sometimes more influence over him , than any civilian minister , however important .
18 I had at Carrans Cort blown down 30 great ealmes which had in them 50 tunes of timber . ’
19 ‘ I do n't give a toss , I 'm not sitting in them wet bushes all day . ’
20 I crawled down these stairs forty-eight years ago and I 've walked up and down them ever since , mostly in me bare feet , and I 've never got splinters . ’
21 And I remember herring fishing in me young days .
22 Yet , it plays little part in standard accounts of the history of English before about 1600 , and in ME stop-deleted forms ( such as bes , lan : ‘ best , land ’ ) are amongst the forms that are typically corrected by textual editors as errors .
23 Crime in Me inter-war years was characterised by razor gangs , feuds between armed gangsters , vice rackets and so on .
24 He used to take me walking through the ditches in my bare feet , although I was terrified of frogs and newts .
25 My feet got so hot and sweaty I took my trainers and socks off and walked along in my bare feet till I saw a traffic warden looking at me as if she 'd get me arrested .
26 When it has gone completely , I venture up a flight of stairs in my bare feet to the phone box .
27 I 'll walk all the way , and in my bare feet , too …
28 Well I know where my oh is that yours ? it 's in my overall pockets and I , I tell you what 's in the , in the thing with it , me petrol one and I had me premium punch put on there look .
29 I left the house at quarter to seven in my working boots with my pieces in my pocket .
30 In fact I felt rather a lout in my working clothes among the elegant gathering .
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