Example sentences of "in [adj] the government " in BNC.

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1 Thank you sir erm in that the government and the opposition front bench want to move this measure erm fulfilling their commitments to the Maastricht treaty , I accept the methodology and the precedent that the government cites , I think that 's appropriate , erm I just wanted to very briefly say that this is of course a vote no longer like the generality of the population voting for the membership of a golf club in which we have varying degrees of er interest .
2 In 1986 the government reversed itself and cut employers ' contributions to the fund ( though they have since been allowed to rise again ) .
3 In 1986 the government appointed Sir Roy Griffiths , the private sector consultant behind the earlier general management reforms in the NHS , to carry out an inquiry into community care .
4 In 1986 the government launched a second scheme under the title of ‘ Helping the Community to Care ’ .
5 In 1980 the government raised various benefits , including those for the sick and the unemployed , by 5 per cent less than the current rate of inflation , though the abatement was restored in 1983 when the benefits were made subject to tax .
6 In 1980 the government published a report Lead and Health , which , says Price is ‘ now notorious ’ .
7 In 1980 the government completely deregulated express buses and introduced some experiments in deregulation of local buses on the grounds that the protection induced inefficiency by the selected operators , and , by causing fares to be higher and services poorer than would otherwise be the case on the more profitable routes , accentuated the move to the car and the further decline of public transport .
8 In this the government has had a measure of success in that twenty-three separate sales have gone ahead , and most of them have been greatly over-subscribed .
9 In this the government is dependent on the police , armed forces and civil bureaucracy , a dependence which can only be offset by making concessions to one section of the bourgeois alliance or another .
10 In 1972 the Government of Sind Province declared the river dolphin protected by law and prohibited its killing and trapping .
11 In 1670–71 the government briefly lost control of a vast area from the Don to the Volga as peasants rallied under the leadership of a Don Cossack named Stenka Razin .
12 Even the ever-ebullient Sir Peter Parker saw parts of the commuter system ‘ rattling into decline ’ , and nobody was surprised when in 1979 the government referred the services to the Monopolies & Mergers Commission .
13 It was with this in mind that in 1979 the government reduced the maximum rate of income tax from 83 per cent to 60 per cent .
14 In 1979 the government announced that it was determined , unlike the previous Labour administration , to control and reduce public expenditure .
15 Every season in 1991 the Government presented another inaccurate forecast .
16 In 1991 the Government launched Opportunity 2000 in an attempt to encourage industry and commerce to take the issue seriously and the past two years have seen two of Britain 's top 15 companies — BTR and Sainsbury — appoint female finance directors .
17 In 1932 the government sent commissioners into Rotherham and Durham councils to take over their public assistance committees when they refused to operate the means test as rigorously as the centre wished .
18 In 1649 the government of the Republic was not at all sure that it could assert its authority over distant colonies ; it had too many problems close to home .
19 In 1699 the government began to pay the professor of Arabic at Oxford an annual allowance of £100 to enable him to train " young students in the modern Arabick and Turkish languages " who could translate letters from Muslim rulers .
20 In 1920 the government discussed the idea of placing the bezprizornye in Red Army units .
21 In 1984 the Government announced a union ban at the base , and in 1989 Robin Smith was sacked .
22 In 1975 the Government proposed a new tax on vouchers provided by an employer to his employees which could be exchanged for goods or services .
23 In 1921 the government was clearly still fearful of social unrest .
24 At the end of 1864 he went to Bombay to superintend a large land reclamation scheme adjacent to the harbour , which he did so successfully that in 1873 the government of India formed the Bombay Port Trust with Ormiston as chief engineer .
25 In 1957 the government , believing that the private renting market could be revived if rent controls were removed , passed a Rent Act that allowed some decontrol .
26 Although in 1905–6 the government had in principle conceded the right to form trade unions and to strike ( for defensive purposes only ) , it subsequently put a host of obstacles in the way of effective collective bargaining .
27 In 1976 the government argued that , although it would set the ‘ broad lines of transport policies ’ , local communities would make their own decisions within the context of the national policy .
28 In 1992 the government made changes that cut local taxation to about 15 per cent of revenue income .
29 After 4,000 perished in 1952 the government introduced the Clean Air Acts , with 2,000 local Clean Air Zones .
30 In 1981 the government authorised the project in principle and set up the Mediterranean-Dead Sea Company , which delivered a detailed study on engineering , economic and environmental aspects of the whole hydroelectric scheme last year .
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