Example sentences of "in [verb] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 It was the moment when there was new interest in cooking in this country , but nowhere to buy kitchen equipment .
2 When I first approached The Smiths in regard to this book , although treated with sympathy from their manager , I was waved aside without so much as an acknowledgement .
3 It may be that when the time comes our Party will be divided in regard to this matter .
4 The circumstances leading up to the matter being before the family proceedings court on 23 December 1991 I need mention only in outline having regard to the course which I am going to take in regard to this appeal .
5 COUNSEL : So you do n't really know whether the forces were large or very large ; your term " considerable " has little real meaning in regard to this case ?
6 They do , however , give some indication of the very broad spectrum of behaviour grouped under mental illness , which tends to confuse public reaction and policy in regard to this problem .
7 It is recorded , for example , that in spite of his duties as kadi and muderris , he yet managed to copy every day two leaves from the books of the ancients and Mecdi adds in regard to this point that Molla Husrev thus left a number of books in his own hand at his death .
8 If we now take the social as a " given " — bearing in mind everything we have said above in regard to this — then we can approach the second of these injunctions by modelling the " antitheses " of design activity as internal relations , aspects of a totality ( design ) which embraces , and theoretically transcends , any single pole of the matrix .
9 The important passage that I would quote in regard to this injury is as follows : " Undoubtedly , this is a very severe deterrent on his " ( the plaintiff 's ) " movements and activities . "
10 Quiksilver had created the richest prize in surfing for this contest : $50,000 for the winner .
11 Living in a racially articulated and predicated world , I could not be alone in reacting to this aspect of the American cultural and historical condition .
12 If you experience difficulty in keeping to this timetable you should communicate promptly with Suzanne Pinnington ( on extension number 227 ) at Napier House .
13 Clearly , there will be a wide overlap between the role of the environment in contributing to this external cause of a rhythm , its effect upon an organism 's behaviour , and its ability to adjust the body clock .
14 put it in pencil in this one if you want and we so we
15 Just in , just in passing on this committee I 'm assured will be concerned of the apparent difficulties between er the Highways er and the organization of Suffolk and that in Norfolk , erm and we shall be I think er wishing to look at that er to see what 's going astray and something appears to me to be not quite right in the relationship and er , erm I think it 's important that er adjoining Highway Authorities do in fact get on
16 I would be interested in looking at this , although there is now so much pressure on space in our magazine that is may not be possible to include it .
17 If we 'd been forced like myself I believe in a couple of years ' time , I will not be able to enjoy the pension fund that I 'm in at the moment we will have a problem , and we need to deal with that problem , and we need to raise the issue now and have a strategy , and I think it 's the G M B's to take a leading role in looking at this .
18 Sometimes the similarity is hinted at in the question itself ; for example , you may have looked at another passage involving characterisation and this will guide you in looking at this one .
19 Therefore , in looking at this diagram , one needs to realize that to the southwest er and just east of er Strensall erm the area is filled up by greenbelt .
20 But what we had in mind in looking at this through the the local plan was that er we 'd be looking at specific end users to see what the benefits were of those those end users and to assess those benefits against any environmental harm that there would be and strategy as a whole .
21 So we have had a failing government , we 've had a failing Tory administration , and the people who are interested in looking after this county and all it 's services within the budget set by central government , has made sure that we have got a good police force , which it will not receive cuts in it 's services , cuts in it 's er , it 's , it 's er , forces , and make sure that other services , like education , social services , libraries , highways and everything else will also be adequately funded in this county .
22 We were conscious as well that in venturing into this brave new Unix world that accountants being fairly boring individuals , I mean how many accountants do I have in the audience today ?
23 Seemingly lesser residents of Number 10 found no difficulty in living with this arrangement .
24 Collectively , this information would provide a profile of the person 's individuality in living for this AL , and therefore guides the nurse in devising a plan for individualising nursing .
25 There is joy in living in this very moment with the whole being .
26 All neo-Marxist word-processors have been programmed with the phrase ‘ the relative autonomy of the capitalist state ’ , so it may be useful in rounding off this section to recap very briefly on how the three approaches actually use this concept .
27 Drawing on Habermas ' analytical framework , we can say that in developing in this way , institutions of higher education are expanding the scope of their self-reflection and , in the process , are increasing their own self-understanding .
28 It is understood that SFA regards an agreement as in writing for this purpose even if its terms are set out in a terms of business letter accepted merely by conduct ( which is especially important where the intermediary is not a private customer ) .
29 I 've already put in our comments in writing on this to Chris and I 'll just sort of draw some of them save me repeating them .
30 If you intend to discontinue storage you must notify your intention in writing to this office , in accordance with the conditions of your existing licence , in order that the necessary safety measures may be seen to .
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