Example sentences of "in [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 In Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls , Dr Schonfield offers a detailed explanation of how precisely the Atbash Cipher works .
2 Common Law treated the mortgagee as the owner of the land in case of the ordinary legal mortgage ; Equity treated the mortgagor as still being in a sense owner .
3 Just in case of the germs .
4 Lawyer is undone in case of the loose shoelaces
5 At Heathrow I 'd been asked specifically not to tranquillise him in case of the possibility of side-effects which could have seriously affected his future stud career .
6 But do make sure you 've returned your Design Controller or mylar sheet to the correct row and , in case of the mylar sheet , have scanned the correct row using the inspection light .
7 A premium waiver in case of the main policy holder 's death or redundancy is also offered , plus a helpline , a second opinion and redundancy cover for up to 12 months .
8 In case of the conversion of a partnership into a Kft , the Act provides that the unanimous decision of the members is required and they remain jointly and severally liable for five years for the existing indebtedness of the partnership .
9 They condemned the Governor 's ‘ unrepresentative , powerless Executive Council ’ ; they demanded a real national government ; and in case of the demand not being met , they signalled a ‘ freedom struggle ’ and empowered the Supreme Council to take all necessary actions .
10 I think there is a tendency erm for local authority planners to have horizons set by the end date of the current plan period , and work , try and work in that , sort of around the real world I think , where nothing happens , or nothing is conceivable , beyond that time period , erm , this particular approach , er does not work in the case of new settlements , there is no need when having established your design size for a new settlement that it necessarily all has to be built within current plan period , and I think this sort of approach is recognized in Cambridgeshire where , in case of the A forty five new settlement , a view was taken at an early stage that a new settlement of three thousand dwellings was needed to meet long term development needs in Cambridgeshire , an area where the planning issues and problems where very similar to those of York , and the approved structure plan in policy proposed that new settlement to be designated as three thousand , of which two thousand portion would be built within the current plan period , so it seems to me that the the question of size need not be an impediment to erm designation of a new settlement if the existing requirement and need are adjudged not to require the sort of new settlement size that we are creating .
11 Statutory regulation of the disclosure of confidential information in the banking sphere is found in ss82-7 of the Banking Act 1987 .
12 Here , for example , is an extract from a memorandum to a US delegate to the Paris Peace Conference by Lawrence of Arabia , who had led the Arabs to victory while torturing himself with the secret knowledge of his part in their betrayal : ‘ On 1 October ( 1918 ) , the people of Beyrout , in emulation of the Damascenes , turned on their Turkish garrison of 700 men , and took them prisoner …
13 Water bottles are sold to clip on the front of the bikes in emulation of the racers in the Tour De France .
14 ‘ Vesta ’ was his contribution to The Triumphes of Oriana ( London , 1601 ) , a collection of madrigals by twenty-four composers compiled by Morley in emulation of the Italian Trionfo di Dori ( Venice , 1592 ) to which Giovanni Gabrieli , Vecchi , Marenzio , de Monte , Croce , Striggio , Felice Anerio , Gastoldi , Palestrina , and others had contributed .
15 A number of important cathedrals , minsters and churches were begun in the late thirteenth century in emulation of the French prototype .
16 It will not align perfectly , of course but this will help to camouflage the mismatch caused by the change in direction of the border .
17 The Act marks the most significant shift in direction of the education service since that of 1944 .
18 [ Obituary notice in Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers , vol. lxxviii , 1884 , pp. 414–16 ; Simon Adamson , Seaside Piers , 1977 ; private information . ]
19 The timing of Nguyen 's visit was regarded as significant by some commentators , coming a few days before the arrival in Moscow of the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party , Jiang Zemin [ see p. 38189 ] .
20 The discovery in Russian archives in Moscow of the first complete version of the diaries of Joseph Goebbels , Adolf Hitler 's Propaganda Minister , was reported on July 3 .
21 When the change in surpluses of the three groups — consumers , producers , and government — are collectively considered , there is an overall loss resulting from trade diversion in the example depicted by Fig 1.2 .
22 The substantial increase sought in industrial R&D will strip dry its sources of people and ideas if there is not also an increase in funding of the science base through the research councils and universities .
23 The money they are putting back in is money they are taking out , through cuts in funding of the Royal Hospital , the Home Help service , the social fund and the health service in general .
24 A hearing by Imro 's investigation committee on February 18 found that Midland Bank had failed to take reasonable care in monitoring of the managers ' pricing of the units .
25 This effect was symmetrical for the two visual fields , suggesting that there is no hemisphere difference in persistence of the icon .
26 Whether the world 's nations can work together to minimize the adverse consequences of the future rise in global sea level , let alone achieve significant reductions in emissions of the greenhouse gases causing global warming and the associated rising seas , remains to be seen ( refer to chapter 12 ) .
27 The magazine claimed that in 37pc of the multiple travel agents visited researchers were spontaneously offered only holidays from the linked company , with no other choice .
28 The magazine claimed that in 37pc of the multiple travel agents visited researchers were spontaneously offered only holidays from the linked company , with no other choice .
29 In the same way , herbs were introduced in the sixteenth century from Europe to North America , to be grafted on to the use already in existence of the herbs of the North American Indians who had a considerable and long-standing tradition of herbal cures from the plants native to their own continent .
30 This linear molecule transforms P. anserina with a high frequency ( up to 1.75 10 4 transformants/µg ) , autonomous replication occurs in 100% of the transformants and the plasmid copy number is about 2-3 per nucleus .
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