Example sentences of "in [noun] [pn reflx] the " in BNC.

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1 In Bateman itself the accused took part of the victim 's uterus away during childbirth and did not remove her to hospital for five days .
2 In Bosnia itself the Serbs said they would open an air link to the besieged Muslim enclave of Srebrenica and halted an offensive that brought their forces within a mile of its outskirts .
3 In France itself the Valois family had good dynastic reasons for wishing to see Isabella removed from France and embroiled in English domestic politics : Charles IV was the last of the Capetians in the direct male line , and the question of Isabella 's title to the throne , or her right to pass the title to her son , might soon arise .
4 In Europe itself the Conservative M E Ps are led by Sir Christopher Prout Sir Christopher Prout is the vice president of the European Peoples Party and they sit the the the a debate may no doubt take place later on whether he 's the vice chairman or vice president .
5 In Zambia itself the ruling party , UNIP , took virtual control of the Times , but even before this the president had acquired the power to hire and fire its editor : a power he has used on a number of occasions .
6 In Danzig itself the sugar , sweets , chocolate , tobacco and match industries , as well as the famous Danzig Gold Water business were all badly affected by the Versailles arrangements .
7 They were monarchs indeed from the mid eleventh century on , ruling over a monarchy as wide as western Christendom with some very material weapons ; but it was a spiritual monarchy in which military power had no hand ; and in Rome itself the spiritual monarchy became for ever entangled with the pope 's role as the ruler of the city .
8 In Rome itself the cardinals administered their own churches according to their orders of bishop , priest or deacon and they acted also within the pope 's household as officers such as chancellor and chamberlain .
9 In India itself the number of infections was reduced to 50000 in 1961 , and in Sri Lanka in 1963 only 17 cases could be detected .
10 Moreover , the supporters of Morgan add , this should not lead to unmeritorious acquittals , because juries will not allow bogus defences to succeed : in Morgan itself the House of Lords was satisfied that the basis for the defence was so weak that a correctly directed jury would have found the defendants guilty .
11 Von Schirach pointed out that ‘ this unlimited , almost religious veneration , to which I contributed as did Goebbels , Göring , Hess , Ley , and countless others , strengthened in Hitler himself the belief that he was in league with Providence ’ .
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