Example sentences of "in [noun] [num] to " in BNC.

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1 If the defendant files an admission of the whole or part of the claim within 14 days of service , notice is sent in N 227 to the plaintiff , who may then apply , on notice to the defendant before the return day , for judgment for the whole , or that part of the claim , which the defendant admits , without waiting for any other issues to be resolved .
2 There was a steep increment in salaries between grade categories — from an annual salary in 1987 of £18020-£62100 in category 1 to £3060-£6790 in category 6 .
3 Mr. Eccles sought to contrast the presence of that definition in that group of sections with the absence of any such definition in relation to the administrative receivership group of sections in Part III to the Act of 1986 .
4 By section 34 , a building society was authorised to provide the services described in Part I to Schedule 8 .
5 A debtor 's petition may be presented to the court on the ground that the debtor is unable to pay his debts and must be accompanied by a statement of his affairs in the prescribed form ( Form 6.28 in Sched. 4 to the rules ) .
6 By April 1989 price controls started to crumble and monthly inflation rose from 5% in March 1989 to 73% this February .
7 The archdiocese of Sao Paulo , encompassing some 15,000,000 inhabitants , was reduced in March 1989 to one-eighth of its former size by order of the Vatican .
8 From the conference of Berchtesgaden in November 1937 to the Anschluss of Austria in March 1938 , from the increasingly threatening noises over Czechoslovakia in March 1938 to the abdication of Munich in September 1938 , from the last-ditch , desperate attempts to cobble together a tripartite agreement in May 1939 to the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact in August 1939 , there was a sense of deathly inevitability compared to which Nizan 's repeated calls for collective security appear as no more than the efforts of a man crying in the wilderness .
9 The spread between city banks ' loan rates and deposit rates narrowed from an average of 209 basis points ( just over two percentage points ) in March 1992 to 180 basis points in March 1993 .
10 New figures show that the number of apprentices north of the Border has fallen from 13,600 in March 1981 to 6,300 in March 1990 .
11 Richard Rampton QC , read out a draft of a speech which Lord Aldington gave in March 1985 to the pupils of Winchester College where he was Warden .
12 This convertible pref share is convertible into ordinary in March 1993 to 2003 at the rate of 10.6383 ordinary for every 100 pref .
13 Late in 1950 the French Minister of Agriculture , Pierre Pflimlin , announced at the Council of Europe — and proposed later in March 1951 to the non-member states of Austria , Portugal and Switzerland — something which amounted to a second Schuman Plan , in that it contained similar ultimate objectives : a common market directed by supranational institutions .
14 ( Since the last leadership contest in December 1989 the Conservatives had lost two by-elections : at Mid-Staffordshire in March 1990 to Labour and at Eastbourne in October to the Liberal Democrats — see pp. 37328-29 ; 37784 . )
15 Rush 's paper in March 1836 to the Veterinary Medical Society on The Blood Circulation in the Foetus and Adult , and the changes it undergoes during Respiration was challenged by Vines as an unacknowledged copy of his own work .
16 Breaking with his father 's strong Quaker commitments , Crowley had become an Anglican by the time of his marriage in March 1682 to Mary , daughter of Charles Owen , a Londoner from a Shropshire gentry family .
17 The histograms show the numbers of cells controlled exclusively by the contralateral eye ( 1 ) or ipsilateral eye ( 7 ) , with intermediate balance of control shown in groups 2 to 6 .
18 Help may be found in a number of places , the most generally useful probably being in Appendix Eight to McKerrow 's An Introduction to Bibliography where he analyses with admirable clarity , and with illustrations of all the minuscules and capitals , a letter written by Thomas Kyd , the Elizabethan dramatist , to Sir John Puckering , Lord Keeper of the Great Seal .
19 ‘ Corporate finance activities ’ are defined above ( Section 0402.5 ) and in Appendix 1 to this section .
20 He must be qualified , and act , in accordance with the receiving agent 's code of practice set out in Appendix 4 to the Code ( see para 9.1.10 below ) .
21 The Cockcroft foundation list is reproduced in Appendix II to this report .
22 Calls are permitted , however , to the extent specified by the Common Unsolicited Calls Regulations set out in Appendix 9 to the SFA Rulebook .
23 The flowchart to go through is set out in detail in Appendix 3 to this section .
24 The decision tree to go through to decide whether the Information memorandum is an investment advertisement or not is set out in detail in Appendix 3 to this section and should be followed in all cases .
25 Financial advisers must also be mindful of conflicts of interests , and a guidance note on this topic is contained in Appendix 3 to the Code .
26 Corporate finance activities are defined in Appendix C to the Financial Services Compliance Binder and in Appendix 2 to this section .
27 In respect of the list of draft conditions included in Appendix I to my report to the Planning and Development Committee on 5 November 1992 , it is appreciated that a legal burden on the land can not be imposed by condition .
28 Sommer and Zeger have estimated that if full compliance had been achieved in the Aceh study the reduction in mortality in months 4 to 12 would have been 72% rather than the 41% given by the intention to treat analysis .
29 The following definitions apply for the purposes of the [ draft ] FRS and in particular the statement of standard accounting practice set out in paragraphs 16 to 61 .
30 The statement of standard accounting practice set out in paragraphs 16 to 61 of the [ draft ] FRS should be read in the context of the Objective of the [ draft ] FRS as stated in paragraph 1 , the definitions set out in paragraphs 2 to 15 and also of the Foreword to Accounting Standards and the Statement of Principles for Financial Reporting currently in issue .
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