Example sentences of "in [noun] [vb base] to " in BNC.

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1 Bloch indicated that the committee had considered whether the long putters now in vogue conform to the stipulation that clubs be " traditional " in style .
2 He said that the British advocacy of the " critical loads " approach " the scientific method used to determine what quantities of acid rain damage ecosystems and hence what reductions in emissions need to be made " " has often reflected considerations other than critical loads " .
3 The object is to establish the change in hours supply to the labour market ta ; H as a result of a change in wages δW , which , other things equal , generates an income effect ( y ) and a substitution effect ( s ) , as follows ( assuming that the only tax is the introduction of a proportional one on labour income and it is this that is causing the change in W :
4 All explanations for the rise in suicides point to the destruction of old ways of life .
5 Singers like Elisabeth Grümmer who worked with him in Aachen attest to the fact ; it has been elaborately described by Legge ; and Karajan 's younger colleagues remark on it still .
6 I say minimal both because it is rather modest , in contrast say to Jakobson 's , and because it seems to present a demand that it should be very difficult for modern literary studies to deny : that in describing the language of literary texts a degree of rigour is required such as has been notably absent from the work of a great many critics .
7 This is because the length of the production cycle and the rhythm of the work in agriculture continue to be governed by the seasons of the year except in those branches of the industry which have been turned over to factory farming methods .
8 Benefits in kind refer to the State provision of education , health care , travel subsidy , housing subsidy and other allocated benefits .
9 The significance of these changes is still unclear , although one could speculate that high values of cAMP , and perhaps of cGMP , in enterocytes contribute to the pathogenesis of diarrhoea .
10 This is especially true in applied areas , such as the study of psychopathology , where we are uncertain whether animals experience the same problems as humans and , if they do , we are uncertain about identifying which disturbances in animals correspond to particular disturbances in humans .
11 The implications of its absence in animals permeate to the very heart of our everyday talk about them .
12 With this in mind , those concerned with information management in schools need to be aware of any new technologies which can assist in the development of learning skills which are relevant across and beyond the curriculum .
13 Children under 13 years in Flanders tend to be placed with foster families rather than in residential care .
14 In the words of a report of the ministry of economics and finance ( cited in El País , 6 July 1983 ) , ‘ the losses that occur in practice tend to be higher even than those originally forecast because , among other reasons , of the increase in financial charges implied by the need to finance the lags in financial flows caused by insufficient budgetary provision ’ .
15 By citizens and burgesses he meant the freemen of corporate towns , taking it for granted that his readers would understand that this privilege had in practice come to be restricted to the richer inhabitants — merchants , not working craftsmen .
16 This did not in practice apply to landless labourers or peasants with very little land , a large and growing element in the rural population ; but if it had been put into effect it would none the less have been the most sweeping social legislation seen anywhere in old regime Europe .
17 The Employment Appeal Tribunal has also made it clear that conduct ‘ which a literal interpretation of the written words of the contract might appear to justify ’ may in practice amount to a destruction of the relationship of trust and confidence .
18 Given the provisions of s 6 of the UCTA and the way in which SGSA , s 17 has dealt with the warranties of title and quiet possession to be implied into other contracts under which property in goods is transferred , there do not in practice seem to be left any other types of contract under which property in goods can be transferred .
19 Changes in practice have to be worked for in an intensive and structured way .
20 If both V and Q are constant , will ( a ) a £10 million rise in M lead to a £10 million rise in P ; ( b ) a 10 per cent rise in M lead to a 10 per cent rise in P ?
21 If both V and Q are constant , will ( a ) a £10 million rise in M lead to a £10 million rise in P ; ( b ) a 10 per cent rise in M lead to a 10 per cent rise in P ?
22 Student Language Use : As many bilingual students in FE appear to be fluent users of English and speak in local accents it is important to alert participants to the fact that they use two or more languages regularly and operate in two cultures in their daily lives .
23 Cash limits will in future apply to fundholders and non-fundholders alike .
24 Most of the provisions of the new directives may in future apply to the previously excluded sectors of energy , transport and water distribution .
25 There is therefore , a far greater responsibility for originality placed upon them , as they will in future have to be leaders rather than followers .
26 For example , the past trend towards centralisation of educational facilities may in future prove to be more expensive than the use of new methods of distance learning and of aiming education at smaller local units .
27 HSE experts in LASMO need to be just as skilful at managing money as in managing health , safety and environmental issues the conference heard .
28 Democrats Republicans Independent Alabama 5 ( 5 ) 2 ( 2 ) — Alaska — ( - ) 1 ( 1 ) — Arizona 1 ( 1 ) 4 ( 4 ) — Arkansas 3(2) 1(2) — California 26(27) 19(18) — Colorado 3(3) 3(3) — Connecticut 3 ( 3 ) 3 ( 3 ) — Delaware 1 ( 1 ) — ( - ) — Florida 9 ( 8 ) 10 ( 11 ) — Georgia 9 ( 9 ) 1 ( 1 ) — Hawaii 2 ( 1 ) — ( 1 ) — Idaho 2 ( 1 ) — ( 1 ) — Illinois 15 ( 14 ) 7 ( 8 ) — Indiana 8 ( 7 ) 2 ( 3 ) — Iowa 2 ( 2 ) 4 ( 4 ) — Kansas 2 ( 2 ) 3 ( 3 ) — Kentucky 4 ( 4 ) 3 ( 3 ) — Louisiana 4 ( 4 ) 4 ( 4 ) — Maine 1 ( 1 ) 1 ( 1 ) — Maryland 5 ( 6 ) 3 ( 2 ) — Massachusetts 10 ( 10 ) 1 ( 1 ) — Michigan 11 ( 11 ) 7 ( 7 ) — Minnesota 6 ( 5 ) 2 ( 3 ) — Mississippi 5 ( 5 ) — ( - ) — Missouri 6 ( 5 ) 3(4) — Montana 1 ( 1 ) 1 ( 1 ) — Nebraska 1 ( 1 ) 2 ( 2 ) — Nevada 1 ( 1 ) 1(1) — New Hampshire 1 ( - ) 1 ( 2 ) — New Jersey 8 ( 7 ) 6 ( 6 ) — New Mexico 1 ( 1 ) 2 ( 2 ) — New York 21 ( 21 ) 13 ( 12 ) — North Carolina 7 ( 8 ) 4 ( 3 ) — North Dakota 1 ( 1 ) — ( - ) — Ohio 11 ( 11 ) 10 ( 10 ) — Oklahoma 4 ( 4 ) 2 ( 2 ) — Oregon 4 ( 3 ) 1 ( 2 ) — Pennsylvania 11 ( 12 ) 12 ( 11 ) — Rhode Island 1 ( - ) 1 ( 2 ) — South Carolina 4 ( 4 ) 2 ( 2 ) — South Dakota 1 ( 1 ) — ( - ) — Tennessee 6 ( 6 ) 3 ( 3 ) — Texas 19 ( 19 ) 8 ( 8 ) — Utah 2 ( 1 ) 1 ( 2 ) — Vermont — ( - ) — ( 1 ) 1 Virginia 6 ( 5 ) 4 ( 5 ) — Washington 5 ( 5 ) 3 ( 3 ) — West Virginia 4 ( 4 ) — ( - ) — Wisconsin 4 ( 5 ) 5 ( 4 ) — Wyoming — ( - ) 1 ( 1 ) — Totals 267 ( 258 ) 167 ( 175 ) 1 Figures in parentheses refer to seat distribution in old Congress in which two seats were vacant at time of dissolution .
29 Although para 8(a) of FRS1 refers to ss 248 and 249 CA 1985 , it does not go far enough to state properly whether the exemption does in effect apply to a small group .
30 It sometimes happens that the wrong is so closely connected with a contract that the enforcement of liability for the wrong would in effect amount to an enforcement of the contract .
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