Example sentences of "in [noun] [to-vb] on " in BNC.

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1 As Basingstoke closed , Holmes was up in support to carry on and , with a three-man overlap , he dummied the full-back and outpaced the cover to race under the posts .
2 This is both in respect of the run up to the seventy fifth birthday and also with the increase in responsibility to take on the remit for the development of our work in relation to the European Community , central and Eastern Europe .
3 The vessel , which was named after the statue erected by students in Beijing 's Tiananmen Square during the 1989 protests [ see pp. 36640-42 ; 36720-22 ] , left France on March 17 and was due to dock in Taiwan to take on supplies before beginning anti-communist broadcasts from international waters off the coast of China .
4 I am well aware of the anxiety of people in Plymouth to get on with the whole business of the release and development of Ministry of Defence land .
5 And now at least he 'd be left in peace to get on with some real work .
6 If Bernard was busy with flying lessons then she could be left in peace to get on with her work ; once he was back , if he wanted her to go somewhere with him , he would just say ‘ Come on Laura , we 're going , ’ and even if she were in the middle of a meeting , she would put away what she was doing and go .
7 You are very kind to have thought of him and when I gave him your kiss he gave me a hundred in return to pass on to you believing I could and indeed I wish he was correct in his supposition .
8 The patrol probably was n't looking for me — there were too many fugitives in Chinatown to concentrate on just one — but they 'd be more than willing to take me in if they tripped over me .
9 In addition , those rivalries enabled him in peacetime to go on playing his wartime role of common denominator ; the arbiter who remained detached from conflicts of particular interests ; the provider of unity .
10 In order to hold on to what is most important to them it is as if the courting couple enter into an unconscious agreement with each other not to expose differences , even if this results in negating themselves .
11 Each user has a unique username and a password which must be used in order to log on to the network .
12 This is done first by examining the analytics of the cost and demand sides , the subject of this chapter , and then concentrating more on the internal structure of the firm ( in chapter 3 ) , in order to move on to the question of efficiency .
13 A corporation may get into a certain line of business as a short-term objective simply in order to generate cash-flow , a customer base or a better price-earnings ratio in order to move on to something quite different .
14 They must be able to spot strengths and weaknesses and gaps in knowledge , not so as to compare pupils with each other , but in order to move on to the next stage , in the most effective way .
15 In order to move on to the second phase , further satisfactory and lasting progress towards real and monetary convergence will have to be achieved , especially as regards price stability and the restoration of sound public finances .
16 Your whole intention seems to be to ruin me , simply in order to go on building your castles in the air .
17 She must continue , in her deceit , whole , like the spy who , in order to go on , has to become what he seems .
18 This means that , as we continue to diet , we must reduce calorie intake a little more in order to go on achieving a satisfactory rate of weight loss .
19 In surviving the conspicuous favour of Edward II in order to go on to win that of Edward III he had followed a course unusual enough to suggest both his high abilities and his political dexterity .
20 We think , therefore , that it is absolutely necessary in order to carry on the Business of this Establishment , as perfectly as possible , that two such Characters should be appointed — and we , in consequence suggest , that altho ’ each be as much as possible qualified in both Departments , yet if one were to devote himself to one Branch and the other to the other branch — the College would be much more usefully directed — for , if one Professor were fully qualified for both — yet so arduous a task could not possibly be executed by one Man only .
21 ‘ But in order to carry on business it is necessary that the reputation of such a corporation should be protected , and therefore in the case of libel or slander it must have a remedy by action .
22 But in order to carry on business it is necessary that the reputation of such a corporation should be protected , and therefore in the case of libel or slander it must have a remedy by action .
23 Many were surprised when he and Sir Thomas Lee ( who later admitted to receiving money from the lord treasurer , Thomas , first Baron Clifford of Chudleigh , q.v. ) supported the government in February 1673 in its request for £1.2 million in order to carry on the war with the Dutch .
24 The Consultation Draft which preceded the issue of the COB Rules explained that in order to carry on investment business of the same description ( and so qualify as a market counterparty ) , the putative market counterparty must carry on an activity in relation to a description of investment which both fall in the same paragraphs of Sched 1 to the FSA as the activity and investments of the firm .
25 I mean are you saying Mr in actual fact if we take the reverse of what you what you said that the the M A F F establishment itself would would object to development being within a certain distance of its premises because of the requirements which they have in order to carry on their operations ?
26 This can be one time when a young writer has to compromise on some immediate ambitions in order to progress on to the next stage of securing a record deal or having artists cover his or her songs .
27 Joe Clark , the former Prime Minister , once confessed that , faced with the choice of learning of economics or learning French , he chose the latter in order to get on in politics .
28 Among certain groups living in southern Africa the labia can be as long as seven inches and the owners of such equipment have to push the lips back into the vaginal opening in order to get on with their daily tasks .
29 He had been anxious to finish " Little Gidding " partly in order to get on with other jobs , particularly since he had spent so much of the early part of 1941 in seclusion in Shamley Green because of ill health , and these pre-empted his time and concentration .
30 Larger families represent an unacceptable burden on the state or , worse still , may become enemies of society : " All intelligent Salvadoreans — men or women — ought to realize that in order to get on in life , it is better to have one well-trained child , than 5 or 10 who are a burden , or enemies of the society in which we live .
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