Example sentences of "in [noun sg] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Because , for reasons mentioned earlier , the itching may persist for some time , an just in case the first application was not exhaustive , it is quite common to advise a second treatment one week after the first .
2 A second police car followed close behind in case the first should break down .
3 The patient was moved on to a life-support machine and another set of X-rays was ordered in case the first ones had not revealed internal injuries caused by the car accident .
4 It is normal to select one preferred bidder and to attempt to keep a second or third bidder on hold in case the first bidder should withdraw .
5 By now you 'll be out and about all the time on your scooter but , just in case the second Thursday of the month should dawn wet and windy again , I have chosen yours as this month 's Star Letter .
6 I did not dawdle , but as I had to pass our post pigeonholes , from force of habit I looked in mine in case the second post had been sorted early .
7 However the ETUC had begun to press the need for the development of an active social policy in the late 1960s , and in response the first Quadripartite Conference , involving representatives of the Commission , Ministers of Labour , employers and employees , was held in Luxembourg in 1970 .
8 An Ingersoll D20 , M6 , M7 , SC71 , NS80 , SC74 or SC76 lock and in the case of double leaf hinged doors in addition the first closing leaf is secured by either :
9 The final area in my list of mathematics education IT uses is control , in essence the first step to robotics .
10 In amphibia the first sign of neurulation is the flattening of the upper surface of the embryo into a broad plate bounded by two ridges or folds .
11 These are given for illustration only , since in practice the first would almost certainly be classified under 624.151 along with all the other books on foundation soils and engineering geology .
12 ( b ) The battle in practice The first contact between contracting parties will normally be the sending out of a price list or catalogue , or perhaps a potential buyer 's request for an estimate or tender .
13 It is , in particulars the unnerving intellectuality of the life around him that Hölderlin attacks , the overvaluation of philosophizing and the promise of action that never comes , the substitution of books and words for deeds , the excessive introspection and lack of worldly competence ( the criticism has a special poignancy in that these are character traits he is intimately familiar with , which at times become part of his self-criticism ) When he speaks of Greece , it is not always clear whether he has in mind the fifth century or the timeless present in which Hyperion lives , but it is always Greece that provides the contrast .
14 Each of these steps must be an improvement , or , bearing in mind the last section , at least not a deterioration .
15 Maybe other irate walkers would bear that in mind the next time they see the army out on an exercise .
16 With these points in mind the next section will return to the contribution that liability rules can make to increased management efficiency .
17 In the next decade — and let us bear in mind the next intergovernmental conference — there will be different Ministers who may have different ideas .
18 Carlotta de Leyva belongs to one of the liberal families opposed to the dictator Lopez and as the betrothed of the leader of that opposition , Don Manuel of Encinitas , she is to some extent a figurehead , a political symbol : moreover , to the youth of eighteen , Highworth Ridden , who is introduced to her soon after his arrival in Santa Barbara , she is an ideal because she is in effect the first woman who has ever touched his love , as someone to be served , not someone to aspire to .
19 He inspired the creation of Oxford 's earliest ancillary scientific post , becoming in effect the first professional laboratory technician .
20 This book was in effect the first which emphasized contemporary processes and underlying physical principles and it focused upon river channels , drainage systems , slopes and had some reference to climatic-inspired systems .
21 1993 is in effect the 70th anniversary of Byrd on record .
22 Okay so that 's in effect the tenth is n't it .
23 Henry became successor to the Burghley estate and in return the ninth Earl settled his younger brother 's debts .
24 Laying herself down beside Cad again in the hot room under the single sheet , she instructed her sister carefully , how she was to find Tommaso Talvi in town the next day , to come across him as if by accident , and then , if no one was listening , she was to give him a message .
25 Still to come : was Shakespeare in truth the seventeenth Earl of Oxford , and a Van Gogh made of money at the Museum of Modern Art .
26 I was kept in a cell overnight to appear in court the next morning .
27 I was back in court the next day and I ended up getting twelve months for GBH [ grievous bodily harm ] on a police officer .
28 In anorexia the first essential is for life-saving medical supervision .
29 In theory the first step in the procedure is a formal application for payment of arrears by either the landlord or someone acting as an agent .
30 There was a steady flow of people during the day and in theory the last to use the gate after the second hour of night should be the one responsible for bolting it .
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