Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 In Nos. 1 and 3 you are particularly aware of how much he initially holds in reserve so as to reveal their full organic growth and cumulative excitement .
2 In the first instance Bukharin noted that the process of expanded negative reproduction was at work in agriculture just as in industry , but its material effects were mitigated by the very primitiveness of agriculture as compared to industry .
3 Thus it has simple computational procedures , or ‘ perceptual primitives ’ , which address the visual array in parallel so as to identity area , centre , point of contact , symmetry , and so on .
4 The majority423 asserted that Article 28 ( a ) as an entirety must be given its ordinary and natural meaning , and the word ‘ elected ’ could not be read in isolation so as automatically to imply a choice .
5 I 'm not saying I want to see Morris ' Utopian vision in action exactly as it is , but a lot of his idea is still very inspiring a century after it was written .
6 Since then only a few have carried the flame in Europe and India , but recently the worldwide growth of homœopathy has started to look again at the LM potencies which Hahnemann describes , in a footnote to 270 as being ‘ the most powerful and at the same time mildest in action i.e. as the most perfected . ’
7 Sandra hid in undergrowth nearby as Robert was repeatedly stabbed in the chest and beaten by the gang .
8 She managed to keep her smile in place too as she walked into the thickly carpeted room and closed the door behind her .
9 Certainly there are daily actions that help someone to stay in recovery just as the daily wearing of spectacles or contact lenses helps to overcome the effects of short sight .
10 It was even more important to know when evil gods would be in charge so as to avoid trouble as far as possible by doing nothing at such times .
11 It was in evidence now as Tina upbraided him .
12 He sat gazing into space , his unblinking stare which had compelled Harold Macmillan to shift him in Cabinet so as to avoid what he took for continual rebuke , unbroken by the throng that pressed about him .
13 Indeed , films like ‘ The Living River ’ are as much in demand now as when first produced five years ago .
14 In other words , Ginsberg and his followers were campaigning against the establishment , the Luce family who controlled Time and Life , school , parents , the police — anyone in authority just as , in Britain it was emanating from Liverpool , the Marquee and Carnaby Street .
15 Perhaps I may also be permitted to use some of your space to assure your readers that the arrival of Triassic and Lilla for our Summer Gala ( June 20th/21st ) was not intended to be in any way the last minute and the locomotives arrived just two days before the event , so we preferred not to advertise them in advance so as to avoid disappointment .
16 Often enough , restrictions are imposed in terrorem so as to discourage the more blatant activities of the outgoing partner but with the realisation that to hold him to the letter of the restraint might well be impracticable .
17 She was not writing of slum life so as to shock the reader , or even indulging in nostalgia so as to entertain .
18 The database will grow in size automatically as necessary but the data transfer times will increase if your database continually requires to be extended .
19 Women are in favour now as they are the outsiders and anyone who looks and acts differently is preferred currently .
20 The Court did not however think that it fell so far below what might properly be imposed by way of sentence so as to justify the Court in interfering so as to increase the sentence .
21 Best of all were the dancers and courtesans — beautiful women like Ad Begum whose speciality was to appear naked at parties , but so cleverly painted that no one noticed : ‘ she decorates her legs with beautiful drawings in the style of pyjamas instead of actually wearing them ; in place of the cuffs she draws flowers and petals in ink exactly as found in the finest cloth of Rum . ’
22 The differences between Reich and Freud are concerned not so much with the desirability of sexual activity in youth so as to avoid later sexual disturbances , and therefore the need for change in the morality of that period , as with the consequences which could be hoped for as a result .
23 Sadly the plan is in abeyance now as Pakistan has more urgent problems on its doorstep .
24 In a country that has known hosepipe bans in autumn even as gardens disappear under floodwater , it is reasonable to wonder how much good the downpour of the past 48 hours has achieved .
25 ‘ For now , I would rather look at you , take in your beauty and your warmth , hear your voice and bask in your smile — see you in reality just as hitherto I have seen you only in my dreams ! ’
26 We may sec one and the same object changing in shape so as to be transformed into something different — as the baby that Alice was holding gradually turned into a pig before her eyes .
27 These cornerstones remain as firm in principle now as when they were laid down in 1981 , or when the blueprint was drawn in 1978 .
28 There is a sense of God 's transcendence in Hinduism just as there is a sense of God 's immanence in Judaism , Christianity and Islam .
29 It was winter and we made an early start , travelling the seventy-odd miles in darkness so as to arrive with time to tackle up and be fishing as the last dregs of darkness dripped away .
30 In fact just as he relied upon intuition and perception rather than sustained argument in his prose discourse , so his public attitudes were imaginative rather than practical .
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