Example sentences of "in [Wh det] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She smoothed her skin with oil and chose a short , ice-green robe in which to welcome him .
2 Coventry have four games in which to extend their 25-year tenure in the top flight with Mr Howe admitting they are short of confidence .
3 If the key requested is 24 , then the index table will be searched to see in which block it is to be found .
4 He attended the assembly 's sessions regularly and on several occasions used it as a parliamentary forum in which to press his case .
5 Another farmer , Crematogaster borneensis , is no less solicitous ; it excavates chambers in the stems of the Macaranga tree ( a member of the spurge family ) in which to shelter its brood and its livestock .
6 He had to reach the President 's cabin with at least an hour of daylight in which to plan his defence and with time to get through to Caspar on the President 's radio .
7 Once you leave the bosom of Mother India , she points out , you always find a disturbing ignorance as to the proper preparation of dal and rice as well as an infuriating lack of gurdwaras in which to say your morning prayers .
8 His aim is to be the first President of Corea and since he is 72 and has few more years left in which to realise his ambition he will use any means to hand including , if time presses , the blood of his deluded followers .
9 The elderly lady found a private moment in which to invite her hostess to come to see her in the room she occupied in her daughter 's house .
10 George Meakin , Chief Manager of the Royal Bank 's Bolton Group , said , ‘ We can now offer our customers a more pleasant and spacious environment in which to conduct their financial affairs .
11 It was symbolic , perhaps , of the deep-rooted nature of national instincts that the ECSC could not agree upon a single language in which to conduct its activities .
12 These wasps , which are common in sandy areas , dig a small burrow in which to lay their eggs .
13 The octopus has no trace of a shell within the flesh of its body , but one species , the argonaut , secretes from one of its arms a marvellous paper-thin version shaped very like a nautilus shell but without chambers , which it uses not as a home for itself but as a delicate floating chalice in which to lay its eggs .
14 Although by now she had had twenty years in which to accustom herself to Bernard 's outbursts in private , and , in a curious way this display of his male aggression was also a powerful magnetic force for her , she was nonetheless acutely embarrassed by any public display of his temper .
15 Thus nowadays a company may have less than a decade in which to recoup its investment .
16 And , quite frankly , I think that that women these days have very little time in which to indulge themselves in their own hobbies and interests , and I think women should stand up and say to the government , no you will not inflict this responsibility upon us !
17 But ships are too valuable to lie idle for very long , and Robert barely had a month in which to re-acquaint himself with his new wife and pat his young infants on the head before he was leaving John Street and Stepney again — through Limehouse into Poplar and aboard the Orynthia in West India Dock .
18 He put his few clothes in a neat pile on the bed and then looked round for something in which to carry them .
19 He was elected a member of the Aeronautical Society in 1868 , and with his prize money erected a building seventy feet long in which to continue his experiments , but his sight began to fail and he was unable to make any further progress .
20 Playgrounds provide children with a safe environment in which to let themselves go , and are far preferable to the street or to waste ground as a place to play .
21 Not the ideal circumstances in which to hire someone who is to look after your children for a couple of years or more … ’
22 It is an invaluable ‘ workshop ’ in which to teach your teenager the art of compromise .
23 They always appeared in a ‘ special comedy show ’ on Christmas night — and perhaps the creaking and overfed somnolence of that evening was the best state in which to watch their predictable routines .
24 But even so , I find it hard to imagine a better environment in which to sell their extensive software than a stockholding bookseller with knowledgeable staff .
25 Already , before he has found a theological universe in which to create them , they have the feeling of lost souls , fodder for hell .
26 Most species require very soft and slightly acid water conditions with clumps of fine-leaved plants in which to scatter their strongly adhesive eggs .
27 The Sri Lanka government and armed forces swung from their position in early 1990 of coexistence with the LTTE to the pursuit of military victory over them ( in which regard they achieved a series of successes from mid-1991 — see pp. 38392 ; 38439 ; 38534 ) , while providing sporadic indications of willingness to seek a negotiated settlement .
28 Keith Aitken examines the argument ‘ Having no challengers , capitalism now has no mirror in which to examine itself ’ Could the system which tossed British economic policy to the winds of avarice , be described as stable ?
29 ‘ Having no challengers , capitalism now has no mirror in which to examine itself , no alter ego against which to measure its performance .
30 Terms like ‘ stimulus categorization ’ have to be used , because we do n't have any other language in which to describe what parts of the brain do , but a term like this should be taken as a shorthand for ‘ neural processes that could mediate stimulus categorization , whatever they may be ’ , rather than a conclusive statement about what an area does .
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