Example sentences of "in [pos pn] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I 'm on rest days , I phone up if I know anybody in my unit has been poorly .
2 Then for no particular reason the heap of flesh in my arms felt suddenly smaller .
3 The exact circumstances are forgotten , but I do remember serving as baby-sitter for the Menuhin infant while Papa Yehudi took his violin off to the concert , and I recall walking up and down with the child in my arms to keep it from crying .
4 How I have longed to have you in my arms to show you its marvellous bounty , its plentiful springs and well-watered pastures , its salt ponds and forest arbours where gay birds fly and the trees bear abundantly !
5 Everything that I learned during my childhood in my village has remained sharply in my mind .
6 Either the tumour in my lung had grown in the last three and a half weeks , in which case it must be even more in evidence , or it had stood still , in which case today 's X-rays must be much the same as the previous ones , or it had diminished .
7 Commenting on the thirty one thousand , er Mr 's erm er scenario , that the County Council would clearly think this to be erm unreasonable , it would clearly have regional implications er as I said earlier er in my opening remarks er the County Council would accept that it would n't be meeting its regional commitments , erm er it would be difficult in practice bearing in mind the level erm of commitment we 've got and there may well be local problems in in local housing markets with the level of er of growth er at that level .
8 In my hesitation to step forth lay this question : supposing that this encounter revealed my unreality rather than his … ?
9 That the country would be lifted from recession should Neil Kinnock step aside in my favour counts for nothing .
10 If the seller wants a margin he must , and in my experience does , stipulate for it …
11 ‘ It was assigned to me by the press , a breed which in my experience cares little for such irrelevancies as accuracy . ’
12 Never before in my experience has such a large degree of surface noise been eliminated without any loss of recording information .
13 I am told by Russians , who in my experience have always been frank , that he is a man of formidable intellectual capacity , and little self-importance or vanity .
14 All British judges in my experience have a completely blind spot when confronted by evidence which indicates police corruption , and Lord Hunter was no exception .
15 but I have been led in my experience to believe that they possess a natural intelligence and character which if properly guided and consistently handled should lead them to play a useful part in the synthesis of tribal life in Kenya … as a factor for stability in political development …
16 Seldom in my experience did English women demonstrate the slightest interest in learning from us , from our struggles and from our political experiences .
17 You know , the minute we got in there , the studs in my back had started to tickle , to rustle hatefully .
18 It 's not in my interests to mark another fifty papers .
19 ‘ Yes , it — it is in my interests to keep it hidden , I admit . ’
20 wan na be in my gang wan na be in my gang , my gang , my gang
21 He had whilst I was lying intoxicated on my bed in my quarter had oral sex , had masturbated over my body and had entered my vagina for about 10 seconds .
22 ‘ I felt that I began to get very complacent in my guitar playing and that 's why we asked Craig to leave .
23 ‘ He is a strong runner who is very quick and very direct , and the fact that he and Chris Waddle are both Wednesday players was a big factor in my decision to move here .
24 In many cases , the latter variables were accounted for more than initial variables — ; ‘ first or last words were in many cases influential in my decision making process ’ and ‘ found that the last few adjectives had more influence especially if they reflected negative points of the personality ’ .
25 He was to play the leading role in my plans to breed owls for release into the wild .
26 And in considering how such things could have fooled some of our most eminent Baroque scholars and performers , I leave the reader to judge whether the question mark in my title deserves to be there .
27 I fear , however , that in my anxiety to win the support of Mrs Clements and the girls , I did not perhaps assess quite as stringently my own limitations ; and although my experience and customary caution in such matters prevented my giving myself more than I could actually carry out , I was perhaps negligent over this question of allowing myself a margin .
28 It was raining harder then ever by now , but could all the water in my excavation have come from above ?
29 Then ahead of me , higher up the pass , I saw a woman , with a stab of joy in my diaphragm hurried to overtake her .
30 That resulted in my proposal to increase the discount to 50 per cent .
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