Example sentences of "in [det] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In neither class group is either norm — satisfaction or dissatisfaction — adhered to absolutely .
2 ( Notice that the weights in each column sum to 1000 . )
3 The modification is a summation of the probabilities assigned to a word in each window position in which the word exists .
4 Mandibular lengths along the horizontal axis are divided into arbitrary size classes , and the frequency of rodent and insectivore mandibles in each size class are plotted against the vertical scale .
5 In each West Court there were large cylindrical granaries , and the curious pattern of paved causeways suggests that the granaries , as well as the temple entrances , were focal points .
6 An analysis was undertaken for a subsample of 20 patients in each treatment group sampled from trial patients in Sheffield to derive a mean hospital cost per patient .
7 The numbers withdrawn were similar in each treatment group .
8 We estimated that 37 subjects would be required in each treatment limb .
9 Two patients in each treatment arm refused to accept the treatment assigned or participate in the research study or both .
10 Using that indicator , it seems that about ten per cent of the people in each income group have heavy credit commitments .
11 Details include a method of improving breathing by using an additional throttle valve in each inlet port .
12 The choice of how many tablespoons to make the solution with depends on how much of the granule is required in each tablespoon dose i.e. 1/7granule ( 7 tablespoons ) — unc ( 20 tablespoons ) , as well as for how many days the remedy is to be given .
13 Still birth ratios also increase with birth order in each birth interval category .
14 While the data were being collected ( from 16 September 1991 to 15 February 1992 ) at least one of the researchers was present in each telephone room , in addition to the usual supervisory staff of the institute .
15 Genetic , sex , and environmental effects are eliminated in each within-twins difference and the mean of the these differences is a good measure of the X-effect even if the average response varies greatly over the twin pairs .
16 Local authority day care provision was available in each CMHT area prior to the creation of the teams , with the exception of Newark ; an additional building programme in the mid-eighties filled this gap and augmented provision in South Nottinghamshire and Central Nottinghamshire ( Table 2 ) .
17 However , some development was possible in each test mode and views on issues were obtained from a number of liaison groups and second-phase schools .
18 And twenty-nine in each Leap Year
19 Thirty days hath September April June and November all the rest have thirty one except for February alone which has twenty eight days clear and twenty nine in each leap year .
20 One interpretation was based on the fact that in each case memory appeared to be best for situations which accorded with the subjects ’ expectations about the junction , an attempt to test this was made by considering subjects ’ ratings for how normal the situation was .
21 Anthony Storr 's project , in this collection of essays , is to use psychoanalytical principles to show how in each case weakness produced strength .
22 In each case expenditure on the project would qualify for EC grant assistance , and there would be significant private sector investment .
23 In each case rebleeding was seen to take place below the staple line , suggesting perhaps that while the oesophageal transection was satisfactory better results could conceivably be obtained with a more radical gastric devascularisation .
24 I assume that in each case time in custody before trial is counted as part of the period before the first review .
25 In each case Rain confessed ignorance and left explanations to Rosie who was in a chatty mood .
26 In each case sequencing confirmed a single sequence and an in frame translation product with the expected type III repeat junctions .
27 In these papers , all kinds of non- and extra-philosophical activities become the basis for philosophical reflection , for instance menstruation and childbirth ( Brenda Almond 's paper ) ; a gut reaction to pornography ( Alison Assiter 's paper ) ; the fantasies that disturb because of their apparently unfeminist nature Jean Grimshaw 's paper ) ; and nonviolent demonstrations against missile bases ( Anne Seller 's paper ) ; the point in each case being that these experiences are the starting point , because their importance did not seem to be recognised within the theoretical categories already provided , and so urgently impel the theorist to work out categories that are more adequate .
28 William II , Henry I and Stephen all won the throne by holding rivals at bay , and in each case warfare played its part ; in Henry 's case the battle of Tinchebrai ( 1106 ) enabled him to imprison his elder brother for life and made him secure in Normandy as well as in England ( see pp. 289 ff . ) .
29 In each case lawyer C refused to translate .
30 In each crypt column — that is the single column of epithelial cells lining one side of a sectioned crypt meeting the criteria — the total number of cells and the number of labelled cells and their position in the crypt column relative to the base of the crypt were noted .
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