Example sentences of "in [det] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 Satellite surveillance is all very well , but it takes time to get information back and in that time a naval force can have moved a fair distance .
2 In that time a Children 's Panel Hearing must be convened , and the options assessed by Panel Members after considering all the information available .
3 And in that time a whole regiment of cavalry could have got away .
4 The North 's share of the world 's energy consumption was expected to decrease from around 70 per cent to 60 per cent by 2020 , but in that time the proportion of the global population living in the South would have grown from 75 per cent to 80 per cent .
5 In that time the story was written , typeset , and put into a redesigned page under a new headline .
6 The whole sequence of events lasted only eight seconds , and yet in that time the cuckoo had also managed to lay its own egg .
7 In that time the ulema of the three cities gave fetvas on an equal basis .
8 In that time the Great Criminal sent us not even one reply to our requests for help .
9 In that time the military have killed 100,000 civilians and 40,000 people have been ‘ disappeared ’ by death squads .
10 And in that time the number of share-owners has more than tripled to more than nine million .
11 Tommy Chase Quartet Arts Centre , Darlington IT 'S BEEN three years since the Tommy Chase Quartet last played in Darlington and in that time the other players have changed completely .
12 In that time the brain develops 50 per cent . ’
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