Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yes she wore them over in Ponty did n't you ?
2 As in the recent past , and as was to be the case with much greater frequency after the start of the Five-Year Plans , planners in Moscow drew up neat and rather abstract formulations that did not match up closely with local realities and timings .
3 They died when part of the Sun Valley processing plant in Hereford collapsed as 120 men from 3 brigades fought to control the fire .
4 Industry sources in Newry said today that negotiations with a European company were at ‘ an advanced stage ’ , while a second project was also being negotiated .
5 So delightfully muzzy was she that it seemed to her the night in Nice had never happened …
6 Even now , she thought , if ordeals like that first night in Nice did not happen again , it might yet be possible .
7 However , we were told an application for a house in the open countryside in Montgomeryshire had just been called in .
8 Council bosses in Sheffield had already scrapped the boiler-check system .
9 A later survey in Sheffield showed how membership of a majority party , and consequently the opportunity to implement policies one agreed with , could influence these preferences .
10 Romanesque architecture in Germany lasted very late , as it did in Lombardy .
11 The UK House of Commons defence committee , reporting on Aug. 9 on the preliminary lessons of this so-called " Operation Granby " , noted that it had " stretched " the country 's military resources to the extent that its operational capability in Germany had effectively been destroyed .
12 Yet the electorally oriented ultra-right 's slide in Germany had far from spelt the end of the ‘ new right ’ that emerged throughout western Europe in the past decade .
13 Vested interests in Germany saw only what they wanted to see : namely that the Junkers were the traditional political and military leaders of German society , that they had brought about German unification and that this would make Germany into an industrial power of the first order .
14 Labour unrest in Germany grew as 300,000 workers , east and west , walked out in support of striking east German engineering workers .
15 Delaunay was represented by three paintings , all of which were sold , and his reputation and influence in Germany increased steadily .
16 Hostility against US troops stationed in Panama had steadily risen in immediately preceding months , and US personnel and their families were restricted from straying beyond the precincts of military bases .
17 AS THE post-mortem into the failed coup in Panama continued yesterday , it emerged that President Bush had approved an order to the US commander in the Canal Zone to remove General Manuel Noriega using covert forces , but the coup fizzled out before the order could be executed .
18 At the final turn into the tailwind , eight miles from the finish , Curry still led but only by 10 seconds , and from here on in Boone pulled ahead taking 1.29 out of Curry over the final miles .
19 The church in Sussex lasted over four centuries with a minimum of influence upon surviving historical records , although the scale of its eleventh-century church towers at Sompting , Southease and other places , illustrate that authority if not the people supported it .
20 From the coming into dominance or Ceauşescu in the later 1960s onwards , the abortion law in Romania became increasingly restrictive .
21 Annette Winterbottom and Balbir Shukle with pupils Lewis McLoughlin and Jennifer Webb look on after Newport Primary School in Middlesbrough rolled out the banner yesterday .
22 The journalist with whom I 'd joined TWW on the same week from sister papers in Cardiff had wickedly gone into another room to make the mischievous call .
23 MARK MACLEAN 's bid for a place in the quarter-finals of the £60,000 Leekes Squash Classic in Cardiff ended yesterday when he lost 17-14 , 15-9 , 15-13 to the Australian World No4 , Brett Martin .
24 Just as they loved colour , they loved oratory , even when they could not understand it : in 1901 delegates at the Free Church Council meeting in Cardiff stood up to welcome five former French priests .
25 Charles Augustus Busby of the Busby and Wilds partnership that had already provided a number of distinguished buildings in Brighton laid out a plan on the west side for a new , almost self-contained , estate with its own church and markets , to be called Brunswick Square .
26 The village of Arrington in Cambridgeshire moved sideways to the improved Old North Road ( A14 ) in the eighteenth century .
27 Almost everything done by the administration in Masailand had as one of its objects greater control over the Masai .
28 Pacem in Terris summed up Pope John 's magisterium , and gave the age-old term a new meaning .
29 Soon after moving in Minton drew up a will in which he left the house to Ricky .
30 Employees of the National Semiconductor company arriving for work in Swindon had more on their minds than usual this morning .
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