Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 But advice workers in Middlesbrough said they had only just heard of the drug and had no reports of its presence in the county .
2 Meanwhile council officers in Swindon say they ca n't cope with any more terrapins .
3 Doctors in Swindon say they 've seen three cases of a rare illness normally associated with Third World countries .
4 They hold them in Plymouth do they ?
5 Union leaders in Scotland said they were confident of a large vote in favour of the move .
6 Detectives in Scarborough said they were no nearer establishing who he is 48 hours after he died .
7 East Germans in Prague said they had seen building work begin at the weekend to make it more effective .
8 Only amid the mud and chaos of the West German embassy in Prague did they try to explain where they were going .
9 He 's had a number of operations to remove blood clots from his brain , but staff at Frenchay hospital in Bristol say they 're delighted with his progress .
10 They do n't sell taties in Nettos do they ?
11 The UN in Sarajevo say they do n't discriminate between injured soldiers and civilians .
12 Detainees in Nylstroom said they had been offered their release on the condition that they agreed to become police informers .
13 In one recent poll 399 out of 400 patients at the Centre for Radiation Studies in Kiev said they did not believe what their doctors told them .
14 " So many people in Nubia said they would rather die than move .
15 MOLECULAR biologists in Australia say they have designed a range of new molecules effective in the initial step of destroying the activity of viruses .
16 With Japanese car manufacturers investing heavily in Britain to ensure they are inside the walls if the internal market turns into Fortress Europe , there is a possibility that Britain will become a net car exporter once again , a development which , more than any other , would help put the manufacturing balance of payments back in the black .
17 But today they contacted their colleagues in Oxford to say they 'd been held up by blizzards .
18 Now researchers at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford say they have found what they call a candidate gene which they think is likely to make someone vulnerable to asthma .
19 Now scientists working at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford believe they 've made a significant discovery in how asthma is passed down the family tree .
20 The monitors from the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe say they agree .
21 But angry guests at the Britannia Hotel in Manchester claimed they were kept awake by the loud music until 5am .
22 But Liberal Democrats in Cheltenham insist they have no plans to close Pates School , even though they favour comprehensive education .
23 Within minutes , the men in Rawalpindi realized they were about to face the German battlecruiser , Scharnhorst .
24 After all , they were about to host the 1990 European City of Culture , an award which the tenants in Glasgow felt they richly deserved .
25 Diplomats in Turkey say they 're confident , a British engineer and his Australian cousin kidnapped by Kurdish rebels , will be released unharmed .
26 Kurds in Turkey say they have been tortured and repressed in a bloody campaign by the government to crack down on separatist guerrillas fighting for an independent Kurdistan .
27 There can be no doubt that the people themselves in Zambia felt they had something to say : some 1,500 contributions were received , more than 1,100 from individual members of the public , the remainder submitted by local , district and provincial seminars , parent-teacher associations , teacher associations , church organisations and other bodies , including schools themselves .
28 UN peacekeepers in Cambodia said they expect Khmer Rouge guerrillas to attack polling stations in the general election starting on May 23rd .
29 DELEGATES to the International Coffee Organisation meeting in London said they expected to begin drawing up a framework within which economic clauses could eventually be reintroduced into the agreement .
30 More than two thirds of people surveyed in Gloucestershire said they were dissatisfied that the offender involved had been cautioned .
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