Example sentences of "in [pers pn] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Bill will produce the finance necessary to allow the mines to operate efficiently and effectively , and will give the people who work in them the opportunity to feel that they are part of an industry no longer hooked on public subsidy .
2 ‘ And I appeal to employers to look on our ex-service people and see in them the opportunity for the loyal , dedicated , hard-working men and women that they are . ’
3 But if we do , we should also discern in them the origins of the teamwork and collaboration that we have brought to an unparalleled peak of complexity and that has brought us some of our greatest achievements .
4 In them the meditator projects a dramatisation of his own reaction to the Passion as a present reality .
5 These cases lie on the borderline between construction and interpretation of an established disposition : in them the trust is resurrected in a form which satisfies the testator 's aims , where a civil-law disposition could only have failed .
6 In them the racks and shelves were filled with clothes made in the factory here .
7 As Locke defines them , they ‘ contain not in them the supposition of subsisting by themselves , but are considered as dependences on , or affections of substances ’ .
8 A major requirement of a religion then , must be that , above all , it shall be capable of a simplified , but undistorted interpretation capable of being taught to the very young in such a way that it will instil in them the stirrings of what will become their consciences , that is , they will harbour a subconscious awareness of the fundamental nature of right and wrong as these are applied to those areas of human aspirations where they are beyond dispute .
9 The old legends have not only this factor of being immortal , but they have in them the property of conferring the peak experience .
10 I do not envy those who only see in them the messengers of evil tidings , forebodings of rain , and who think the landscape is devoid of loveliness because the sun does not shine — because there is not an Italian sky overhead , and that the open car or gig he travels in is not a Pullman car .
11 A hundred years of missionary effort had failed utterly ; its only effect had been to confirm the Abyssinians in their attachment to their ancient faith and to sow in them the seeds of xenophobia .
12 Such an equilibrium is stable ; that is , the price , if displaced a little from it , will tend to return , as a pendulum oscillates about its lowest point ; and it will be found to be a characteristic of stable equilibria that in them the demand price is greater than the supply price for amounts just less than the equilibrium amount , and vice versa .
13 These are essentially isolated from the main curricular work of a school and for those involved in them the profile has its own validity in the same way that , for example , RSA typing examinations have always done .
14 In 1644 the Puritans , seeing in them the remains of a pagan tradition , had them banned by Parliament .
15 And had he not , with the utmost delicacy , nurtured in them the impression that they and not he were in control of events ?
16 With many relationships the case for self-creation is even stronger , since in them the fact that one chose to have a relationship of a certain kind and chose one 's partner is part of what makes the relationship valuable .
17 So while his real need for me had something to do with prac-ticalities , he reinforced in me the sense that his need had something to do with his sister 's death .
18 I just wanted to know , inside my own head , that I was betraying his trust in me the way he 'd betrayed mine .
19 From such a quarter this is significant testimony ( though it prompts in me the reflection that it takes one to know one ) .
20 In me the need to talk is a primary impulse , and I ca n't help saying right off what comes to my tongue .
21 On one occasion , my thoughts brought out in me the emotion of compassion .
22 I had no intention of giving trouble or offence to anyone , not me , but the case-officer discerned in me the potential for terrible trouble .
23 ‘ I can not say why , precisely , but for hundreds , thousands — an infinite number of reasons — you fascinated me , and that fascination encouraged in me the desire to live , something that abandoned me on the death of my sister .
24 RACING legend Lester Piggott last night vowed to carry on riding as he lay in his The 11-times champion jockey has a partially collapsed lung , broken collar bone , damaged spleen , broken ribs and facial cuts after falling from his horse at 40mph in Miami .
25 More recently , in his The Sons of Horus he has found ways of incorporating the profiled attitudes and poses seen in ancient Egyptian designs with straight turned-in legs , elongated lines and angled arms , all in contrast to the turnedout legs and curving bodies of classical dance .
26 In his The Loves of Mars and Venus the dancers had to tell their own story in different ways .
27 A similar approach was taken by Fox in his The Archaeology of the Cambridge Region ( 1923 ) .
28 His move to the New Forest and the forest itself were vividly described in his The Book of Gorley ( 1910 ) .
29 At the end of 1936 G. D. H. Cole , in his The Peoples Front , advocated the formation of " Radical Groups " , to work in local Liberal parties and to co-operate with the Labour and Communist Parties .
30 Baudrillard 's argument becomes highly convoluted , as in his The Precession of Simulacra ( 1983 ) , which postulates the annihilation of all content , but the outcome of this contention is clearly nihilistic , since any opposition to this trend , or any radicalism , would be simply subsumed by this subversion of the sign .
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