Example sentences of "a [noun pl] [vb base] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though the Lions ' backs have the credentials and Winterbottom and Dean Richards have been in the heat of a Lions Test scrum , there are six forwards who will be experiencing a Lions Test for the first time .
2 Why is the Department pussyfooting around , extending the role of the Economic and Social Research Council — which does an entirely different job — instead of accepting the original recommendation of the British Academy for a humanities research council ?
3 I regard the existence of flourishing humanities research as an index to the civilisation of our society ; Labour , however , has committed itself prematurely to the establishment of a humanities research council .
4 A debate is in progress among scholars in the arts and humanities about whether it would be right to establish a humanities research council or a humanities , economic and social research council , or to continue with no research council at all .
5 In addition , following the Cassels Report ( 1983 ) a Personnel Work Action Programme was launched , key elements of which included more effective staff appraisal and incentives such as merit pay ( see Progress in Financial Management in Government Departments , 1984 , p. 7 ; The Times , 26 November 1986 , and Fry , 1988a , pp. 13–14 ) .
6 The point rider wore tight white-and-blue striped pants , a red tailcoat , a dyed white beard and a stars-and-stripes stovepipe hat .
7 The Gallery makes good use of mock-ups : a convincing re-creation of a Futures Market trading floor where big-time foodstuff deals are struck ( all braces , bravado and baked beans ) , or an authentic 1926 Lyons Corner House ( graced with a sweetly smiling ‘ Nippy ’ ) .
8 Maxine , a futures market broker , went so far as to put ‘ single ’ on her CV , although she is married with an 18-month-old baby .
9 He then gained a job as a clerk in the City , and served as a signals lance corporal in the Territorial Army .
10 The idea has been expanded into a Peoples Show Festival and similar exhibitions , featuring over 200 different collections of tens of thousands of items , will be held at fourteen different venues from Cheltenham to Stoke on Trent .
11 European Community ( EC ) Finance Ministers in early October allocated Albania a balance-of-payments support grant worth ECU70,000,000 , conditional upon Albania concluding an agreement with the IMF and holding to its recommendations ( ECU1=US$1.39013 as at Oct. 5 , 1992 ) .
12 She looked good in country clothes as well ; in fact she looked pretty damned good all round , and right now it was the world 's greatest pisser that he was no more than a rough-at-the-edges motor mechanic whose chances with her had to rate at somewhere close to zero .
13 In early 81 , it tried to do for Oi what the New Musical Express had done for early punk , acting as midwife , prefect and publicist for a grassroots rock movement with political overtones .
14 This massive construction dominating Charwelton Hill is a telecommunications relay station between London and Birmingham .
15 To demonstrate the blacksmith 's craft , Pete made us a rams head fire poker .
16 New potential buyers should be asked to complete a Buyers Input Form ( see 1108.4 ) which should be sent under a standard covering letter ( 1108.5 ) .
17 Simon receives a sports aid grant of £5,000 this year , which is taxed .
18 Far ahead of the rest was a Doves Press Bible at £900 , the next price being nearly £400 less .
19 Sir Robert Maclean Cup , a singles knockout competition was played throughout the season and was won by David McLeod .
20 Clients who are interested in a Poppies franchise travel to the town for discussions and training .
21 It was noted that a resources register questionnaire would be circulated with the Women Chemists Newsletter No 4 in order to update current information and to introduce new women to the register which already contains details of the particular expertise of over 800 women .
22 To village youths , whether they were acting as minor cogs of a cattle relay team or stealing a disliked neighbour 's bullock , it provided both adventure and a small additional income .
23 He left school with little more than basic education , then struggled to earn a living as a cattle mart dealer and haulage contractor before going into politics full time .
24 They nurture organic matter , protect sea lands against erosion , provide habitat and food for marine life , and serve as a cattle forage crop .
25 This they term ‘ internal work motivation ’ to distinguish it from motivation which arises from extrinsic factors such as a payment-by-results wage system .
26 At the CeBit show , the two companies demonstrated a personal computer running Microsoft Corp Windows , and equipped with a communications interface board jointly developed by Ericsson and Intel .
27 ‘ Thomas is an extremely bright boy , but for years he was made to feel stupid because he was falling behind his classmates and nobody could understand why , ’ said Mr Bland , a communications con sultant .
28 Similarly , under Rule 37.4 , if the offeror buys-in or redeems its own shares , this has to be disclosed as a dealing under Rule 8 and in the offer document in the case of a securities exchange offer .
29 Surely Co Armagh 's quarter final victory over favourites Slovakia warranted more than two lines in the middle of a Rangers match report .
30 There is a fibres research centre at Gloucester plus two development centres — one for textile applications and one for carpets .
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