Example sentences of "a [noun sg] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If we fail , you may write and claim a payment as follows :
2 The principal difficulty I have on this aspect of the case is that in Mr. Lester 's submission reference to Parliamentary material as an aid to interpretation of a statutory provision should be allowed only with leave of the court and where the court is satisfied that such a reference is justifiable : ( a ) to confirm the meaning of a provision as conveyed by the text , its object and purpose ; ( b ) to determine a meaning where the provision is ambiguous or obscure ; or ( c ) to determine the meaning where the ordinary meaning is manifestly absurd or unreasonable .
3 Viscount Dilhorne similarly held that if the requested court was not satisfied that evidence was required , direct evidence for use at a trial as contrasted with information which might lead to the discovery of evidence , it had no power to assist .
4 ‘ Very high increases could lead to a recession as happened in the late 1970s and early 80s due to the oil price hikes .
5 What he produced was a volume for which he really should have kept his title The Conduct of the Kitchen — a title borrowed incidentally from Meredith — because that was just what the book of menus was about : the logical and orderly conduct of a kitchen as related to daily life and seen not through the medium of a few isolated menus for special occasions , but as part of the natural order of everyday living .
6 Contact with the Belfast Republican and Labour Movements was tenuous , there was no link with Queen 's at such a level as to influence student ideas ’ .
7 Once this level is set , any change in the output voltage , rise or fall , due to a variation in the load current , for instance , is sensed by the error detector which then causes the error amplifier input to deviate from the reference level , and the resulting output adjusts the series control element resistance in such a direction as to compensate for the initial change .
8 ( 2 ) A licensing board shall not make any arrangements under subsection ( 1 ) above for the discharge of any of the following functions : ( a ) making a decision on the application for the grant , including the provisional grant , of a new licence ; ( b ) making a decision on an application for the renewal of a licence where a competent objection has been lodged ; making a decision to refuse to grant the renewal of a licence ; making a decision on the permanent transfer of a licence ; ( c ) making a decision on an application for a regular extension of permitted hours ; ( d ) making a decision on the restriction of the terminal permitted hour ; making a decision on an application for restoration of restricted hours ; ( e ) making a decision on an application for Sunday opening under Part 1 of Schedule 4 to this Act other than an application and 13 of that Schedule where no objection is made in relation to the application ; ( f ) making a decision as regards a Sunday restriction order or the revocation of such an order under Part II of Schedule 4 to this Act ; making a decision on the suspension of a licence ; making a decision on a closure order .
9 Because the scheme also involves a reduction of share capital the company will need to follow the procedures for a reduction as set out in ss135-138 of the 1985 Act .
10 A marriage is so voidable if it has not been consummated because of the incapacity of either party , or because of one party 's wilful refusal to consummate it ; if the marriage was entered into without the consent of either party ( e.g. by reason of duress , mistake , or unsound mind ) ; if at the time of the marriage one party was suffering from mental disorder of such a kind as to render him or her unfitted for marriage , or from venereal disease ; or if the wife was at the time of the marriage pregnant by some other person than her husband .
11 If , on the other hand , the obstacle is of such a kind as to jeopardize the integration of the market , it may seriously be doubted whether it is still proportionate to be in itself the legitimate objective pursued by the measure .
12 I think not : in Case 145/88 the court had no need to rely on the criterion of proportionality — any more than it does in these cases — since it was immediately apparent , as it is now in these proceedings , that the obstacles created by the national legislation in question certainly were not , and are not , of such a kind as to compel the member state to dispense with a measure necessary for the attainment of a justified objective .
13 The Panel will not regard an adviser as independent if he is in the same group as the financial adviser to an offeror , or if he has a significant interest in or financial connection with either an offeror or the target company of such a kind as to create a conflict of interest ( Rule 3.3 ) .
14 The differentiating characteristic of a coin as opposed to a piece of bullion is that it is issued with a recognised value by a competent authority .
15 So , for instance , a temple with eight columns might be shown on a coin as having eight , six , four or two ; it was sufficient to show that it had a columned portico .
16 Both US and Soviet intermediate-range missiles in Europe were to be eliminated entirely , without reference to the British and French deterrents ( this was a concession as compared with the Soviet position at Geneva ) ; and discussions should start immediately on the elimination of such missiles from Asia , and on shorter-range or tactical missiles .
17 It was no wonder that the position was described in the House of Commons in 1871 as ‘ a chaos as regards authorities , a chaos as regards rates , and a worse chaos than all as regards areas ’ ( quoted in Thornhill 1971:49 ) .
18 It was no wonder that the position was described in the House of Commons in 1871 as ‘ a chaos as regards authorities , a chaos as regards rates , and a worse chaos than all as regards areas ’ ( quoted in Thornhill 1971:49 ) .
19 The bonds must therefore be accounted for as a liability as required by paragraph 21 of the [ draft ] FRS .
20 The Board 's draft Statement of Principles defines a liability as follows :
21 No two prose characters exert so much influence on a play as do Pandarus and Thersites , and only one other play that I can think of ( King Lear ) makes so much use of a simultaneous gap between the two media .
22 It eliminates the need for client workstations to add libraries or protocols in order to access SQL Server data on Unix systems , the company quotes a user as saying : ‘ a single workstation configuration can obtain data from both Unix and OS/2-based servers . ’
23 Think of living in a yacht as living in a caravan , eating out in the evenings .
24 ‘ As well mending a roof as Lying here , ’ said Hugh , shrugging .
25 Held , allowing the appeal , that although there was a strong presumption against interpreting a statute as taking away the right of silence of an accused person it was the plain intention of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 that the powers of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office should not come to an end when the person under investigation had been charged ; and that , accordingly , she was entitled to compel the applicant to answer questions on pain of commission of a criminal offence under section 2(13) of the Act of 1987 if he did not do so and no caution was appropriate ( post , pp. 68F–H , 81C–F , 83E , 86H ) .
26 That there is strong presumption against interpreting a statute as taking away the right of silence , at least in some of its forms , can not in my view be doubted .
27 Even so , it is possible for a court to interpret a statute as covering what looks at first sight as a casus omissus if it can find or invent some plausible general principle of interpretation , an exercise that may call for a little ingenuity .
28 6.3 No goods covered by orders shall be manufactured sold or disposed by you in violation of any right whatsoever of third parties , and in particular , but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing , of any patent right , trademark or similar right , or of any charge , mortgage or lien , provided that you shall be under no liability under this Condition in respect of a violation as aforesaid occasioned by use of a design or specification supplied to you by us .
29 Can a chimp perceive a movie as representing a second individual trying to solve a problem , like reaching bananas or switching on a heater ?
30 Few would argue that his departure from the court will leave as big a gap as did those of the last two justices to retire : Thurgood Marshall , the first black on the court , and William Brennan , its liberal conscience through four decades and one of its finest minds in two centuries .
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