Example sentences of "a [noun sg] from [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am , as the magazine parlance has it , stealing in to snatch a route from under the noses of local activists .
2 Lee picked up a stick from by the broken wire fence and poked the feathers of one of the dead hens , then the bloody bit by the neck .
3 With this sensitivity it could easily detect a shrimp from over a metre away for these crustaceans generate tiny electrical fields of up to one thousandth of a volt ( 0.2–1 millivolt ) per centimetre each time they flick their tails .
4 He does n't take a sample but examines the water gushing through a drain from under the road , just where we 've entered the river culvert .
5 One teacher organised a sorting game by asking each child in the group to choose and bring a toy from around the room ; there was a farm lorry , a helicopter , a golliwog , a breakdown lorry , a helmet and a domino brick .
6 The Niue Assembly comprises 20 members ( 14 village representatives and six elected on a common roll ) ; it chooses a Premier from amongst its number who appoints three Cabinet members , also chosen from the legislature .
7 It chooses a Premier from amongst its number , who then appoints a Cabinet .
8 Thrilled , but trying not to let it show , she darted him a look from under her lashes .
9 Ashley darted him a look from beneath her lashes .
10 The result is a wild , and sometimes very scary , portrait of Manson , his teachings and his bad craziness ; a look from behind those piercing cold eyes as the listener to Moran 's opera is suddenly given an expressway journey to the back of Charlie 's skull .
11 There was a rival from across the Atlantic too .
12 There was a lull in the conversation , and Simone shot her brother a glance from under her lashes .
13 A wind from between the stars
14 Legislative power resides in a 33-member legislature ( the Nitijela ) , which is elected for four years and which chooses a President from among its members .
15 Legislative power is vested in an 18-member unicameral Parliament , elected for up to three years , which selects a President from among its members .
16 You can not issue a command from within a program that will remove it .
17 In a poll of 1,000 people , The People asked : Do you think there is a conspiracy from within Buckingham Palace to discredit Princess Diana ?
18 ‘ Miss , it 's a bloke from down the street , ’ called Linda , determined not to leave the living-room while the fly Archie Cousins was still there .
19 Folly grabbed a pillow from behind her and threw it at Luke , then saw his face change with sudden desire as the sheet slipped down to expose her breasts .
20 I am a Welshman from under the Berwyns , and distant kin to the Tudors of Anglesey . ’
21 There was a laugh from within the TARDIS , and a scrabbling noise .
22 There was a laugh from behind her .
23 I mean every year we have a campaign from about the middle of January to the end of February where we promote British holidays through our shop windows , and in fact I was just totting up our advertising spend in the last four or five weeks and I would say we have spent almost a hundred thousand pounds on partner advertising for Lunn Poly — book your holiday at Lunn Poly for U K holidays .
24 Ironically it looked more like a scene from after the nuclear holocaust instead of a plea to prevent one .
25 This afternoon there was a preview from from a few old favorites .
26 The old lady produced a package from beneath the counter .
27 And on the subject of conspiracies , what future does Swedish winger Anders Limpar have at Highbury if a 20-year-old from up the Piccadilly Line at Wood Green is now ahead of him in the pecking order ?
28 At that precise moment , I heard a sound from beyond the door … footsteps , outside , on the balcony , softly treading the dusty Shelf .
29 Fig 93 Taking a transit from behind the start boat .
30 There was a rumbling from under the Monument and the stone table shook .
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