Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We settled on a classic rock climb from the Etançons valley — the West-South-West Ridge of the Pic Nord des Cavales : a mouthful of a name to be sure and not a route well known outside the area , but Collomb assures of its worth :
2 More likely , they followed a route now reduced : like Kipling 's road through the woods , ‘ weather and rain have undone it again and now we shall never know there was once a road through the woods . ’
3 The other options were a route roughly following the A19 and one which ran parallel and close to the existing power line , skirting the North York Moors National Park .
4 Arguments about the quality of particular animals in a payment scarcely arose when the payment was in a standardized currency : no one asked , ‘ Well now , which of these dinars do you promise me ? ’
5 Attorney-General v. Wilts United Dairies Ltd. ( 1921 ) 37 T.L.R. 884 was not a case concerned with the recovery of a payment unlawfully demanded .
6 A payment only qualifies under Gift Aid if it is a ‘ gift ’ .
7 Now he is poised here in Paris , sipping a champagne so dry it tastes like flint , on the brink of old age .
8 A late stimulus for the evolution of distinctive mammals was the Pleistocene Ice Age , although a variety also became extinct at this time .
9 We 've got quite a variety here have n't we ?
10 Thus the very distinctiveness of the Creole becomes the point to focus on — and therein lies its symbolic value as a variety maximally opposed to Standard English .
11 Choosing one category as a base effectively turns any polytomous variable into a series of dichotomous variables known as dummy variables .
12 Despite this , the SGA 1979 does make some attempt to deal with the Scottish dilemma vis à vis non-possessory security interests through the insertion of s61(4) of the 1893 Act ( now s62(4) of the 1979 Act ) , a provision specifically drafted for Scotland but which also applies to England .
13 Edgware Town recovered from a midweek home defeat by Horsham to defeat promotion rivals Hampton 2–1 .
14 But there 's a sister there called Mary she would like to strangle .
15 As US troops occupy Panama , Richard Gott surveys the country 's multi-layered society and the origins of the conflict , and below Martin Walker explains how the White House wimp became a warrior Still trapped in the jungle .
16 Even with sentences not of the form A is f(X) it is often the case that a sentence containing a hyponym unilaterally entails a parallel sentence which is identical in all respects except that it contains a superordinate in place of the hyponym :
17 If you wish to have the door stain-finished you could again specify Douglas fir , or you could consider dark red meranti , which is a hardwood commonly used for clear-finished external joinery .
18 Works of art are not a high priority in most people 's lives ; a recession soon underlines this point !
19 Beware of retailers who offer to supply a kitchen without doing a site survey of your home .
20 You 'll be given a function like given in that form , Y equals some function of X.
21 A function often carries out a number of actions , but it always produces a single result .
22 They may either be conceived as the ultimate arbiters of truth and values ( a function once held by the churches ) or they may meet certain religious or psychological needs .
23 Raising victim consciousness could also be achieved by incorporating it as a function explicitly pursued by controlling and regulating agencies .
24 It is not a political issue about women sharing a function hitherto assigned to men .
25 These inspectors , although originally instituted to inspect schools receiving grants from Parliament — a function now replaced by the task of reporting to the Secretary of State for Education on the quality of educational provision — have always had the aim of seeking to improve education in the institutions they visit .
26 A Squadron certainly did keep up the pressure and achieved the desired result , mining and ambushing merrily .
27 The issue of standards of evidence arises now because of a case just argued before the US Supreme Court over whether data do or do not support the allegation that a drug called Bendectin , once widely prescribed to prevent morning sickness in pregnant women , causes limb deformities in newborn babies .
28 It 's important to take a case just to try , but we 've never won such a case yet .
29 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
30 The state 's case was based mainly on accusations of sabotage and planned sabotage , a case well supported by the evidence found at Rivonia .
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