Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Make sure that you do not get a link-wire in the wrong place so that it short circuits a secondary winding .
2 It needs to be sharp , of course , since you will use that to clear away surface vegetation and for cutting a route into a hedgerow to obtain easy access to the mouth of a burrow .
3 One of the best starts for later work in public relations , and one which can sometimes prove a route into a job , is working for a charity , organization or event which needs publicity .
4 This can provide a route into the body for HIV from infected semen — and out of the body from the rectum into the penis via infected blood ( blood can enter the penis through the hole in the end ) .
5 After that bypass opened , congestion was greatly reduced — but it is beginning to increase again because of the greater use of the A12 as a route into the hinterland of East Anglia , to the ports of Ipswich , Harwich and Felixstowe .
6 But Hebbert was there , guide in hand , picking out the classics on the Left Wall ( he reasoned it had to be a route on the left wall to provide a contrast to the big slab route just completed ) .
7 From an old book of local walks I read of a route up the Remarkables , the jagged range of peaks which overshadow Queenstown across the lake , and which rise to nearly 8,000 feet .
8 It could signal the need for food when the rivers overflowed their banks , or for volunteers when snow-drifts were piling up and people were needed to come out and reinforce the banks and dig a route through the snow .
9 A well-known example is the micro gallery at the National Gallery 's new Sainsbury Wing , where visitors can see high quality reproductions of the pictures , learn more about them and plan a route through the rooms .
10 I knew I was courting disaster without a rope and partner on , so rushed around below the ice cliffs of the snout to see if I could force a route over the smooth slabs and close to the col .
11 It is level , it 's available , the developer may provide a , an amenity area , it says so in the letter anyway , for the town , and a route across the river to .
12 Charles has actually planned a route across the Martian south pole using photographs taken by the Viking and Mariner probes .
13 Education can be a route to a narrow range of professions , but for most the prospects are poor .
14 Hofmann realized that he had discovered a new and versatile chemical reaction which could provide a route to a wide range of new compounds .
15 Home energy efficiency is increasingly seen as a route to a reduction in national greenhouse gas emissions .
16 However , the most telling condemnation came from General Sir Garnet Wolseley , the Adjutant-General and the Commandant of Dover Castle , who argued that a tunnel would ‘ open up a route to the invader into England ’ .
17 The latter does not offer a route to the former , and should be strenuously opposed as a mere manipulatory gambit on the part of ‘ capital ’ .
18 With Ole Larsen , a Finn , Colbeck reached the furthest south ( 78° 51 'S 50'W ) thus far achieved and reconnoitred a route to the Pole later followed by Roald Amundsen , who in 1912 after his triumph sent Colbeck a letter of thanks .
19 Thirdly , these regionally based programmes of initial training also provide a route to the obtaining of a professional qualification for an increasing number of people outside the formal further education sector , such as nurse tutors , education staff in the armed forces and in prisons , and industrial trainers .
20 For them stations would act principally as a means of access to the labour market in mines , farms , and towns , not as a route to the world market for their produce .
21 Thus if Exceptional children is the preferred term , when the user looks under Children he must also be able to trace a route to the document .
22 a route to the heart of the dream .
23 A programme that may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course could be developed by adding further Stage 1 Biological Sciences modules ( see page 10 ) to this core .
24 The following groups of modules may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course in Chemistry ;
25 The following groups of modules may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course in Physics :
26 He 's also planned a route to the south pole of Mars .
27 He 's also planned a route to the south pole of Mars .
28 The Department of Transport has put forward proposals for a new route around the south of the town although protestors and the local CBI prefer a route to the north along the present A forty one .
29 But Vézelay and Saint-Gilles lay on a route to an even more notable city than Compostela , to Rome itself .
30 These packs are being used by both industry , colleges and individuals to provide the underpinning learning support for S/NVQs , or as a route to an HCIMA qualification .
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