Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After all , if you 're a superstar , it 's no good admitting that you found a route given three grades easier than your latest creation anything but a path !
2 It forms down a route called Terminal Wall on Creag Tharsuinn .
3 The position would have been very different in the case of a payment made some years before which was sought to be recovered because a court in another case had ruled that the regulation under which the demand had been made had all along been ultra vires .
4 Luther held that it was " better to obey a prince doing wrong than a people doing right " , and he drew a sharp distinction between things spiritual and things temporal ; between the rules and values appropriate to the inner life of the soul and those appropriate to life in the fallen and sinful external world .
5 Obviously this was a ruse to throw would-be pursuers off the scent .
6 The markers that are characteristic of a variety perform social functions at lower and higher levels of generality .
7 When debating their new Constitution in 1988 , Congress passed a provision to force foreign companies to divest their controlling interests in mineral extraction over a four-year period .
8 9.8 Perpetuity period The perpetuity period applicable to this Lease shall be [ 80 ] years from the commencement of the Contractual Term and whenever in this Lease either party is granted a future interest in property there shall be deemed to be included in respect of every such grant a provision requiring that future interest to vest within the stated period and for it to be void for remoteness if it shall not have so vested Despite the importance of the rule against perpetuities , it is surprising that most leases granted today make no mention of it .
9 The Rules include a provision permitting registered foreign lawyers to be directors and members of incorporated practices with solicitors .
10 The United States House of Representatives had voted on May 22 to incorporate in a foreign aid bill ( which was , however , subsequently defeated ) a provision cutting military aid to El Salvador by 50 per cent , in protest at the failure of the authorities to prosecute the murderers of the priests .
11 The argument is that section 47 can not stand because it is inconsistent with article 30 of the Treaty , a provision having direct effect which prohibits between member states quantitative restrictions on imports and all measures having equivalent effect ; it is said that the prohibition against Sunday trading in this country has such an effect .
12 He points out that such a provision bans any invasion of sovereign territory , air space and maritime zones , even where there might seem to be good grounds .
13 Thus , for example , a provision declaring signed accounts to be binding will not apply in the event that a partner is induced to sign a false account believing it to be true .
14 A chart provides such a structure .
15 One does not have to be a statistician to discount these results .
16 He needs to think of how we are to find the right ministers , men and women — to let people know that there is a vocation called holy orders , of ‘ unique difficulty and unique happiness ’ ; the variety of ministers , deaconesses , teachers in schools , lay preachers , monks and nuns and friars who belong to ‘ the praying heart of the Church ’ , without which its mission would not have the power of God within it .
17 if Brian did n't think we needed it then it did n't even get a lookout let alone er er resources allocated to it .
18 You can have up to two teaspoons of a low-fat polyunsaturated rich margarine , such as Flora Light per day .
19 After a trial lasting five days he was eventually convicted , under count 1 , of obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception , contrary to section 16(1) of the Theft Act 1968 , in that he dishonestly obtained for himself the opportunity to earn remuneration in an office or employment as an accountant to a man called Burt , by falsely representing that he was a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and held qualifications from the Institute of Marketing .
20 On Sept. 28 , after a trial lasting three years , the former chief of the Aviation Security Command , Brig. -Gen .
21 After a trial lasting seven days and presided over by Judge Rucker , the jury convicted the appellant of the four counts .
22 Over 400 patients have already been recruited into a trial to test this regimen .
23 Assured of success by the dream of a warrior called Black Hair , twenty-eight warriors , including Ollokot , Looking Glass , Toohoolhoolzote , Two Moons and Bird Alighting , stealthily entered Howard 's camp at 3.30 a.m. to steal his horses .
24 Returning to camp several days later with twelve horses laden with meat , they were met by a warrior named Two Moons , who announced that the war had started .
25 They were collecting cash in a bucket to stay afloat until Turner arrived in January last year .
26 A passageway crossed left and right before her ; a little way along the right-hand corridor she could see a wide opening in the wall , and through it the first few steps of a wide staircase leading upwards .
27 A recession causes many reliable creditworthy consumers to go under ; how safe will new and existing scoring systems now be ?
28 A function returning 3.14159265 .
29 A function returning -1 for negative argument , 0 for zero argument an +1 for positive argument .
30 The Florida land boom , based on the possibilities of the are around Miami as a holiday resort , ended in temporary disaster when a hurricane devastated much of the state in 1926 .
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