Example sentences of "a time [vb mod] be " in BNC.

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1 UDCs were intended to be merely pump-primers to bring in the private sector , which after a time would be reduced as private sector finance took over .
2 To interrupt at such a time would be selfish and babyish — which I had only just promised Heavenly Father not to be .
3 Partisanship at such a time could be unwise , she knew , and the sooner she and Anne were back at Framlingham , the better for them both .
4 The idea that there is such a thing as the spirit of a time can be awkwardly challenged by asking , ‘ Whose time ? ’
5 Since only one bit at a time can be sent , we could not send the 8-bit binary number : all at once until we had eight separate telephone lines and this would be obviously impractical .
6 Only one stitch pattern at a time can be downloaded from DesignaKnit to the knitting machine and any patterns currently in the memory of the knitting machine will be erased ( this does not of course apply to the built in Stitch World patterns which can not be erased ) .
7 The many-to-many mapping of the process can not occur , because the human thought process is sequential in nature ( one thought at a time ) , and only one idea at a time can be transferred .
8 Should anyone feel the need for a sympathetic ear , a time can be arranged .
9 A small amount at a time will be much easier !
10 Somebody with a £100,000 portfolio who deals £5,000-£10,000 worth of stock at a time will be protected from the worst stocks , doubly so if he is lucky enough to be in the hands of a dealer with a longer-term commitment to his profession than average .
11 When compiling the timetable , a time should be selected to enable the maximum number of trained staff to attend .
12 A time should be prescribed for exercise of any option , though that could be extended by subsequent agreement and the court would readily imply a reasonable time if none were in fact specified .
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