Example sentences of "a few [noun pl] as " in BNC.

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1 They wanted a few rupees as protection money — a common arrangement .
2 The knife sprang into the air , arced up a few inches as if powered by a small spring .
3 The drop down to half-moon Rhossili Bay below me was almost sheer , and the sea was striped with shimmering blue and white as endlessly long parallel lines of surf moved in slow motion towards the expanse of sand , on which I could just make out a few figures as tiny specks .
4 I knew the paths well and it was a journey of a few kilometres as the crow flies or , as they say in Italy , a volo d'uccello .
5 If travelling in a car , you might stop for a few minutes as a penalty , refusing to speak to the child until he behaves .
6 Only got in for a few minutes as half the church was there .
7 On the telephone , I was greeted with a very friendly and hearty ‘ Well … well … well ! ’ and we chatted for a few minutes as if there had been no break in our contact .
8 Working people and shoppers here have as much right to sit in the sunshine at lunchtime for a few minutes as their counterparts elsewhere in the country .
9 I completed tidying the loft , sneezing a few times as the golden space filled with motes of shining dust .
10 Now , just as the long-standing debate had been settled , here was Kammerer adducing experimental evidence in favour of Lamarck 's discredited theory , for he was claiming that the pads had been ‘ re-evolved ’ in a few generations as a direct consequence of the parents being persuaded to mate once more in water !
11 The couple , who met only seven months ago , first wed in a hush-hush civil ceremony in Los Angeles in April with just a few friends as witnesses .
12 Somebody had planted a few saplings as if to justify the name , but they looked extremely sorry themselves , sadder even than the Fir Tree in Hans Christian Andersen 's story and about to meet a similar fate .
13 One then ‘ breeds ’ a new generation of routes by combining features of the best ones , and randomly altering a few details as a form of mutation .
14 SAVE produced a leaflet , above , within a few days as part of the campaign .
15 There were a great many houses in the vicinity of Hadleigh of the same sort of size as Wyvis Hall and a newspaper would be likely to describe anyone who possessed a few acres as a ‘ landowner ’ .
16 But otherwise it 's basically I think it 's , it 's all there , all you 're trying to do at this stage is , is to give , your aim here is to get is to get firstly , first of all , to get it on the diary , on the picture editor 's diary for your picture , and also to get the basic information in so that somebody can write a few cards as an advance to say it is going to happen .
17 There followed a few years as a ‘ journeyman ’ caddy , industrious years but without great success .
18 The branch line had survived for a few years as a single line until its final demise .
19 Lurgan publican Ralph Hewitt faces an election after only a few weeks as a director of Glenavon .
20 After a few months as a general news reporter I was given a wider range of assignments and when Jim Miller left , my regular beats included the monthly School Board meetings and the daily Police Court and High Court sessions .
21 A few months as a registrar in Nottingham , then he would be well set up for a job in the place of his choice .
22 For a fraction the ball wavered in flight , Davies running a few paces as if in pursuit to help the ball on its way .
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