Example sentences of "and made [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She had taken up the idea , she supposed , and made everything bend to it .
2 She swung her heavily stuffed silver-mesh purse on its long chain and made something like a little skipping step towards the door Nicandra thought she had never looked prettier .
3 He can break up the rhythm with the deceptive powers of a confidence trickster and made something happen from seemingly stagnant positions .
4 It was that which struck an answering chord within her and made her stop .
5 I bumped into Esmerelda and made her squeal .
6 There were rainbow clumps of raw colour which sizzled and suddenly coiled into snakelike forms as she approached and lifted serpentine heads to hiss at her ; there were pouring cascades of things that had appeared to be silk or velvet , but which were molten gold when she got nearer and made her remember Fael-Inis and the cascading River and the salamanders .
7 , And much as she had disliked the old women when they were grasping at her and joking about her , she did notice that they comforted her mother , talking about her two lovely clever daughters , and made her join in a bit of a singsong and made her laugh .
8 Then the scuffles subside and I think I hear my bedroom door opening , so my finger tightens on the trigger and I hear my name and I shake my head and I recognize the voice and I know it is Jancey and she 's shouting where am I and I think they 've grabbed her and made her act the decoy and I 'm trying to work out what to do when I hear what she 's saying .
9 He lit the gas-fire and made her kneel in front of it to warm herself .
10 Instead he was extremely magnanimous towards Anna which irritated her further , and made her repulsed by everything to do with him .
11 Until she was eighteen , her father had educated her himself ; he had dressed her in navy serge and black stockings and made her read John Stuart Mill for an hour every evening .
12 Old Mr Pascall saw no reason why he should make life easy for a gossiping female and made her hold on , while he sold two ballpoint pens and a packet of rubber bands .
13 He punched her on the head and made her do pull-ups against a door frame .
14 Some moment when she , as a child , was on the verge of doing something wrong , and he could have fulfilled a father 's role and made her do it .
15 Very gently , as to a wild animal , I reached out my hand and made her turn her head .
16 He gave her precise directions , and made her repeat them .
17 Mamma put her ample arm round Noreen 's shaking shoulders and brought her to the kitchen table and made her sit down .
18 Dr Neil registered how withdrawn she was , and once they were back home hot , sugary tea was poured down her in a constant stream , and then , despite the warmth of the day , Matey put a shawl around her shoulders and made her sit near the fire .
19 Mandy rushed over , and made her sit down on the couch .
20 He clasped her arm and made her get to her feet , but she shook herself free immediately .
21 She took Alice to the sitting-room , and made her get inside the sleeping-bag .
22 You know how I loved your sister , and made her die .
23 His ‘ Leith , you do n't … ’ could n't have been very important either , otherwise , knowing him , he 'd have charged after her and made her listen .
24 For some reason the simple outfit accentuated her long legs , and made her appear willowy and lithe rather than just bony and flat-chested .
25 , And much as she had disliked the old women when they were grasping at her and joking about her , she did notice that they comforted her mother , talking about her two lovely clever daughters , and made her join in a bit of a singsong and made her laugh .
26 If she started to strew the floor with objects she received a firm warning then , if she persisted , her mother took her wrists and made her pick up and replace each object .
27 Something struck her smartly in the middle of her shoulders and made her gasp .
28 It tickled her nose and made her gasp .
29 Something scratchy nudged against her calves and made her jump .
30 It was n't only Simon she pushed over the edge : in that defiant , violent act she was taking revenge on all those people who had ever hurt her and made her feel worthless .
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