Example sentences of "and into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With painful care she eased the car out of its parking place and into the flow of traffic .
2 They were still on their knees after the last Amen , when a sudden gust of wind arose , blowing past the nave altar and into the choir , as though from the south door , though there had been no sound of the latch lifting or the door creaking .
3 He came over her sweet melons and into the hollow of her throat , while she massaged the warm spunk into her ivory-white skin .
4 A warm stream of urine was soon gushing down upon the naked flesh of her full white bubbies — splashing on to her stomach , and into the hollow of her throat .
5 After all , as Dad quite rightly explained , if the entire country flung its brushed nylon to the winds , we 'd be out of detached splendour and into the gutter within a week .
6 Such a definition may indeed give important critical insights into the immediate workings of individual series and into the system of expectations which they put into play , but it seems , in the end , to add very little to a theory of genre .
7 Shadshit 's voice suddenly rose to rehearsal pitch and he walked out of the toilet and into the dressing room .
8 With bungees holding the tiller arm , he heaved the heavy BMW inboard on the davits and manhandled it across the cockpit and into the saloon , lashing it to the mast support .
9 Certainly , Coleman and no other was the route of entry into the College and into the army veterinary service .
10 The door was open and with the strength of ten I hurtled him through it and into the herb garden where he came to rest in a clump of sage .
11 He went up through the wicket gate and into the cemetery , a quiet , surprisingly well-kept plot .
12 Down the clachan street he ducked and dodged through the retiring clansmen , half-hidden by the smoke , Lachlan yelling after him , till suddenly they were clear of the huts and into the fight round the ships .
13 Mr Brownlow hurried out of the room , down the stairs and into the coach without another word .
14 On the personality scene , Paul Ross 's Jack Russell terrier Blencathra Badger won at Crufts and Doug Scott ( north Cumbria based ) drove off the road and into the river when looking for Grey Mare 's Tail .
15 Terreiro da Luta ( nine kilometres from Funchal at an elevation of 876m ) is reached after leaving Monte and following the road through the layers of eucalyptus trees and into the level where coniferous trees commence .
16 Mr Darby himself , a professionally miserable man in his late sixties , handed Billykins down from the car and into the chapel and , as the mourners crowded in after her , as politely unaggressive as only mourners can be , there was a real , though muted feeling of loss in the air .
17 The children marched down the stairs , the nun coming behind , and in the hall they met up with the older girls and , now forming two files , they walked , hands joined as if in prayer , slowly along a corridor , and into the chapel .
18 With the slide and its container under a binocular microscope use a mouth pipette to dispense a small volume of M2 + BSA under the oil and into the centre of each well .
19 A switch to an official car and into the centre of Edinburgh , where the prince joined a meeting of chairmen of his business and youth trust organisations in Scotland .
20 ‘ The child who lives in a clearing in the jungle has to move out of the clearing and into the jungle one day , ’ she says .
21 Its one rolling , swollen eye was fixed on Cardiff even as the thing thrashed with blackened , elongated and monstrously deadly arms at the brickwork , trying to heave itself through the aperture and into the basement .
22 Claws braced on the wall beneath it , the thing strained upwards , rolling its dripping head in agony — and something that had been lying tight beneath it on the pavement slid from under its ravaged body and into the basement .
23 When he left to powder his nose I noticed a change of mood on the street : the club across the road had suddenly gone dark , and into the brightness of our window fitted uniformed police escorting angry ladies into vans .
24 She had followed the tracks of Rodomonte and Molassi through the city and into the cone shaped building , her poor physical condition blinding her archaeological curiosity .
25 If a Simulium black fly is infected with nematode worms , their larvae migrate into its muscles , then into its salivary glands , and finally , when it feeds from a host , pass out of its mouthparts or burst out through them and into the mammal host .
26 That was on the Friday evening and by Monday I had put the whole thing out of my head and into the category of satisfying memories when the boy came in with Duke on the lead .
27 As they came out of the toilet and into the bar Maura 's heart stood still in her chest .
28 We walked through the front door and into the bar .
29 and into the bar area .
30 Unlashing the motor cycle , he manhandled it across the saloon and into the cockpit .
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