Example sentences of "and so [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The evidence he has collected shows that working people of the last century were able to hold an image of society from their own experience and so articulate a political consciousness .
2 By this time Lloyd George , in response to generalised militancy against the government 's policy on Russia , had conceded that no British troops would be sent , and so defused a potentially dangerous situation ( Miliband 1973 pp 79–82 ) .
3 These various substantives evoke a state or quality which disposes the support to perform an action ( willingness , desire , impudence , ability , etc. ) , an action he performs which prevents or could prevent him from realizing it ( hesitation , refusal , reluctance , etc. ) , something he needs in order to realize it ( right , permission ) , a circumstance in which he finds himself which favours something 's occurrence ( chance , occasion ) , etc. — all of which evoke a situation existing before the infinitive event , and so imply a reference to a prior position of the support .
4 The result is that ‘ there is no economic incentive for the union to act as a moderating influence on its members and so induce a settlement . ’
5 The successful arguments were drawn from more general movements in the political and social culture and so formed a part of intellectual as well as legal history .
6 The turbine employs the difference in temperature between levels to produce vapour pressure in a working fluid , and so turn a simple generator ( 4 ) .
7 If they bend too much , the bee responds by moving its wings less strongly and so maintains an optimum speed .
8 Typically overheating by 1°C increases energy consumption by 7 per cent , and so heating a building to 22°C rather than the statutory maximum of 19°C increases the amount of energy used by over 20 per cent .
9 The limpet , like Neopilina , produces shell at an equal rate right round the circumference of the mantle and so builds a simple pyramid .
10 But because parents bring up girls in a different way to boys in most cultures , women experience life quite differently and so bring a uniquely female perspective to many issues of local as well as global importance .
11 Debasement of the coinage led Wriothesley to call the Mint ‘ our holy anchor ’ ; its profits were such that he told Paget to keep its operations secret , ‘ for if it should come out that men 's things coming thither be thus employed , it would make them withdraw and so bring a lack ’ .
12 Here a failure calls for immediate action if you are to level out into normal flight and so prevent a stall .
13 A young and inexperienced pilot may not feel able to take command of the situation and so prevent a stupid accident or an unnecessary risk being taken .
14 Accepting this logic , President Bush last year argued that China had ended martial law , and so deserved a renewal .
15 Therefore , this project in addition to providing results of importance for econometric theory , should provide methods of importance for modelling strategies in economics and related disciplines , and so make a contribution towards improving the average standard of empirical research .
16 Two-dimensional spaces are particularly easy to visualize and so make an ideal vehicle for introducing the concepts that will be used later in discussing curvature in space–time ( three spatial dimensions plus one time dimension ) .
17 It can be used to date finds from anywhere in the world and so offers a means of comparing dated finds from different regions .
18 It also encourages the community to anticipate such changes and so achieves a good part of the benefit of change without the waste of litigation , or the expensive , uncertain , and awkward process of legislation .
19 As the lakes in the district are usually linear this technique was most useful in foreshortening a long lake and so forming a more round midground subject .
20 Practical work is an important part of the education of all engineers and so forms an integral part of all four years of the course .
21 When John Leland was touring England , observing and recording , in the years 1534–43 , he was not always certain how a town differed from a village , and so concluded a list of Staffordshire market towns with ‘ Tetenhaul a village and a college about a myle from Wuluerhampton ’ , although there is no confirmation it had ever been anything more .
22 So obvious are these vertical shafts and so compelling an attraction that it is usual on a fine day to find a line of cars parked along the roadside and people of all ages timidly visiting each one to peer into the depths .
23 Removal of this national vulnerability and dependence on other nations became the prime aim , and so compelling an aim was it that it came to be achieved by fair means or foul .
24 Britain had successfully negotiated long-term contracts for the total output from the Congo , and so had a near monopoly of ore supplies , which she had been happy to share with the US in the wartime atomic weapons programme .
25 The basin is linked to three thousand miles of inland waterways , and so had a busy commercial life at one time , and a few of its old warehouses remain .
26 ‘ When it was time for me to fire the very pistol , I had to get up from the wireless operator 's seat and had to move my parachute — which was always as close to my feet as possible and instead of lifting it up by the canvas carrying handle , I lifted it up by the metal handle ( the rip cord ) and so had a bundle of silk to get out of the way .
27 For example , the numerator might be a count of people in a postcode sector who have , say , a cancer , yet , because the census and health data are reported for different areal units , it is not possible to find the appropriate at-risk population for the denominator and so compute a reliable incidence ratio .
28 Two-thirds of the schools had no boarders , and most were situated in the towns — especially in the North of England , where many were Roman Catholic and so represented a useful variant of the religious settlement which Butler incorporated in the 1944 Act .
29 It is in this sense that the former has a greater valency and so constitutes a better learning investment .
30 They now point to another threat : that the Americans will use the Gulf battlefields to test new weapons and so keep an arms race going , for quality if not quantity .
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