Example sentences of "and will [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 The new AW ordinary shares to be issued to Palatine shareholders will rank pari passu with the existing AW ordinary shares and will rank for the AW final dividend to be recommended in respect of the year ending 31 December 1985 , to be paid early in 1986 .
2 Gittens has agreed to a loan move and will deputise for suspended Alan Kernaghan at Ayresome Park .
3 All the members , however retain their links to current clubs and will compete for them in league and cup matches .
4 Top equestrian stars representing Britain , Switzerland , the Phillipines and Ireland are expected to attend and will compete for prize money totalling £12,000 .
5 General practices will control funds for all health care except tertiary care and contingencies and will contract for secondary care services through a partnership between management and the general practice executive committee .
6 That 's why Max is totally into it and will go for it like a madman if he knows that the guys playing are good enough to get it .
7 Strandli has 2 1/2 years left of his contract with the whites and will go for around £500 000 , He will probably leave next week — if — Albacete will pay the demanded 500K .
8 Our own expert Mandy Johnson has been telling you the wisdom of physiotherapy for many , many months and will continue for some time to come .
9 Chicago-based advertising screens on shopping trolleys specialist VideOcart Inc has persuaded IBM Corp to let it restructure its $42m debt to IBM , to provide the company with relief from near term debt payments and enable it to attain its business goals : a $22m debt would replace the existing debt , giving VideOcart a one-time balance sheet gain of $20m ; terms of the new agreement include waiving all principal and interest payments until July 31 , and VideOcart retains its rights under a previous agreement with IBM that allows early repayment of the new $22m debt at any time for $17m in cash ; VideOcart also agreed to cancel a warrant granted last year to IBM to buy 540,000 VideOcart shares and grants a new warrant to buy 600,000 shares at $1.75 each ; from August 31 to December 31 , interest only payments will be due , but payments of $500,000 a month will be due beginning on January 31 1994 and will continue for 35 months , and a balloon payment will be due on December 31 1996 , although IBM has the option to convert the balance of the debt into VideOcart common shares at $8 a share on that date .
10 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : The Hon. Gentleman was not a member of the Standing Committee , so he may be unaware that the disposal programme will start in the autumn and will continue for a considerable time .
11 This Agreement commences on [ ] and will continue for a fixed period of three years and thereafter will continue from year to year unless terminated by at least sixty days ' written notice by either party to the other , such notice to expire on any anniversary date of the commencement of this Agreement falling after the expiry of the fixed period aforesaid .
12 In both books , while some are defeated , freedom of the mind remains in some form and will continue for ever .
13 The aim , of course , is to delegate decision making to a trusted and close friend or relative who the patient feels best knows him and will speak for him when he can not speak for himself .
14 Jean provides a very good five-course evening meal and will cater for special diets on request .
15 Each School will be residential and will cater for 8–10 sports and 80–100 athletes , senior coaches and trainee coaches .
16 He plans to write and will consult for Stanley Paul ; senior editor Marion Paull , who has worked with Mr Bloomfield for 20 years , will continue to manage the list , which Mr Bloomfield expects in these recessionary times to become ‘ more focused , particularly on its current strengths , the major sports — golf , cricket , rugby , football , horses , pets ’ .
17 Work on the floor has commenced and will last for six months , during which time it is hoped that archaeological evidence of the original Norman cathedral will emerge .
18 The deal to manage the Atomic Weapons Establishment was awarded by the Ministry of Defence and will last for seven years .
19 It will start on the date of a company 's privatisation and will last for at least six months , to ensure continuity of pension arrangements for employees , add up to 16 months , depending on the circumstances of the company concerned .
20 square metres , I know , and will last for roughly three months in average weather .
21 ‘ Because he believed that Charles just is n't going to make it — and the sovereign 's relationship with her heir has always been difficult — Prince Philip urged her to assert that she had no intention of stepping down from the throne , that she must and will remain for the duration . ’
22 The following aspects of policy are insufficiently studied and will remain for some years central preoccupations of the Group :
23 This will restrict the readership considerably , and this is a shame , for it is , and will remain for decades , the main book on the subject .
24 The company is buying Atlas Powder Co from its parent , Tyler Corporation , and will pay for the deal by taking on about $58million of debts and issuing new ICI shares to cover the balance .
25 The money was raised through a competition in the Civil Service Motoring Association magazine in conjunction with Frizzell Financial Services and will pay for the intercom system , propeller shafts and coupling to be fitted to the new Mersey class lifeboat Charles Brown .
26 The tourist or business or conference traveller will more often than not travel on a plane manufactured by one of the few aerospace TNCs that dominate the civil airline industry , occupy a hotel room subcontracted to or owned or managed by the local affiliate of one of the few chains that dominate the global hotel industry , hire a car from an agency of one of the international firms that dominate the car rental industry , and will pay for all this with one of the credit cards issued by the few TNCs that control global personal finance .
27 Conversely , if the Bank of England wishes to expand the money supply , it will instruct its broker to buy securities on the open market and will pay for them with cheques drawn on itself .
28 I suspect that it will involve largely the same personnel , but they will no longer be on the strength of Her Majesty 's inspectorate and will work for the funding council responsible for further education and sixth form colleges .
29 They enjoy earthworms , shrimps and pellet food and will live for a good ten years or more if they 're cared for correctly .
30 We need some new notation to describe extra rows and will write for the element in the jth column of the z k -row .
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