Example sentences of "and have [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the secondary routes that survive are relatively long , run through sparsely populated land , and have no hope of making money .
2 ’ Most of the Somali students do n't speak English and have no idea about the British curriculum ’ .
3 Most of them have no shoes and have no idea where they are being led to in their journey several hundred miles across the semi-desert .
4 There are several black children who have grown up in children 's homes with purely white staff , and others who have been placed with white families who are isolated geographically and have no contact with black people ( Gill and Jackson , 1983 , p. 134 ) .
5 I feel very strongly that there are a lot of people who do n't have the money and have no way of getting in touch with their husband , no way of forcing them to pay up .
6 Many men also go inside leaving their partners with debts which they did n't know about , and have no way of ever paying off . ’
7 A speechreader may be on top form and have no problems in understanding unimportant asides or trivial chatter , but at the vital interview panic sets in .
8 But what about the regimes he defends in other Arab countries like Saudi Arabia where women can not even drive a car and have no rights at all , and where all opposition is crushed without mercy by long prison sentences , condemnation to death or assassination ?
9 A depressed person may cry a great deal , show self-pity and lack of interest in the outside world and have no enjoyment of everyday life , even food .
10 Braque had first introduced letters into a still life , probably of early 1910 ( Le Pyrogène et ‘ Le Quotidien ’ ) , but they are blended into the composition and have no function other than that of identifying as a newspaper the object over which they are painted .
11 The natives are amenable for all their savage state , and impart their wisdom to us in exchange for fribbling items : a mere hairpin will set them to an ecstasy of delight , for they are like to children and have no metals .
12 ‘ Go on , my love , ’ she used to whisper in Estella 's ear , ‘ break men 's hearts and have no mercy !
13 The lysine analogues are antifibrinolytics that inhibit certain platelet functions and have no effects on the coagulation process ; they can not initiate or accelerate clot formation but will delay clot lysis .
14 Most at risk are recently sheared ewes who have lost their heavy woollen coats and have no defence against the bitter cold .
15 Second , if Alice gave the hot water bottle to Bert as a present , then Bert would be a donnee and have no contract with anyone .
16 Either we can think of the UK and every other economy as a coherent whole with a dynamic of its own or we can think of it as subordinate to the world economy such that its parts are the cogs of an international economy and have no coherence on a national basis .
17 So you could have paid a company five hundred , six hundred pounds , and have no surrender value whatsoever , in the first two years , cos they 'll take their charges out on a twenty year , a twenty five year contract .
18 In the church , the blacks have no hymnbooks , and we are told that even if they had them they probably could not read them , showing that the blacks are oppressed and have no opportunity of an education .
19 It may be true that concepts and factual propositions are subject to change and have no consequences until engaged by someone 's mind , but it is also true that some transmission of knowing does take place , and that a facility with , or mastery of , those concepts and propositions is necessary to further development .
20 But he went a little way towards pacifying their incensed tour management when adding : ‘ We were beaten and have no complaints . ’
21 This is a usually unconscious , and therefore very powerful , negative collusion between teaching centres who are anxious to fill places ( there have been instances of courses to train interpreters to below A level standard lasting six weeks ) , service providers who really do not understand the level and type of skills required and have no strategies to locate them and unqualified interpreters who feel their jobs are threatened .
22 Membrane stripping has been suggested to produce earlier spontaneous labour and have no complications , but it is also an intervention that many women would dislike .
23 The norw. team who looked sure to qualify have vasted it in the last two games by loosing away and have no chance to qualify .
24 The Fallacy of Carpe Diem is a falsely reasoned argument which concludes that it is best to enjoy the momentary pleasure , and have no thought for the consequences it may bring .
25 Curtis was one of those rare souls who are born detective sergeants and have no thought of ever being anything else .
26 All four deals are fully portable , are available on an endowment , pension or PEP basis and have no strings attached .
27 Raw coffee beans are green in colour and have no aroma .
28 For those who live in flats or apartments and have no gardens , containers will be the only possible way to grow herbs , but concrete or paved basement areas , flat roofs , window-sills and balconies can be oases of green all year with containers full of herbs , whether they are pots , boxes , tubs , gro-bags , urns , hanging baskets or sinks .
29 We either treat as a corporation a group of persons — usually the governing body of the institution , though it may include individuals who are beneficiaries and have no share in the government ( for instance , the scholars of a college ) — or else the property of the institution must be vested in a number of individual trustees , who are bound to apply and deal with it for the purposes of the institution .
30 And have no use for him . ’
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