Example sentences of "and as i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 It turns on to its side and as I cling on for dear life I hear a startled cry from Nathan .
2 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
3 I hope I have demonstrated some of the variety of ways in which Credits can be used and as I write perhaps some genius is thinking up yet another variation to deal with a particular problem .
4 Together we 've drawn up training programmes and as I write ( 22 Jan ) an eight week seminar ( one evening per week ) is in progress .
5 The recession , which we expected to fade away through the year , has hit us full on , and as I write there is little sign of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel .
6 And as I walk past I want you to turn them over so I can see if they are clean on both sides . ’
7 And as I walk back through the streets the other thing fuelling this self-criticism is that I turned up there with the gun .
8 His hands are tight across my back , then he lets go and as I walk out of the room his face goes back to the letters .
9 It was a nice flat with a good view and as I let myself into Stuart Street , I wished I could remember how to find it again .
10 And yet , although he was a scientific naturalist and although in frequent essays he reminds us of the insignificance and unimportance of man in the whole scheme of things , it 's plain that , from the beginning , and as I hope I shall be able to show you , right down to the end , he found something emotionally hard to bear , I was going to say , in fact , intolerable , in this situation .
11 The hall and the gallery and the enormous stained glass windows which faced the door as you came in , and the three reception rooms were ours , and as I suffer from terrible claustrophobia , I thought it was a wonderful place to live although David , who I am sure does n't suffer from claustrophobia as badly as I do , being British and like most British people , would be content to live in smaller environments .
12 The phone is ringing as I fumble with the key , my bladder is bursting and as I fall into the room I 'm undecided which call to answer first .
13 ‘ … and as I speed through the dark night to the abyss of oblivion , I can only say thanks , thanks for the memory … ’
14 And as I stoode myself alloone upon the Nuwe Yeare night , I prayed unto the frosty moone , with her pale light — what a dull time we should have if we tried to read our way through The Fall of Princes ?
15 And as I put one leg out of the door , he looked slightly taken aback , because he could see that my leg was bare .
16 Winner takes all , and as I intend to be the winner , shooting you would be a bit of a waste .
17 And as I 've indicated , I 'm now going to ask the convenor to sum up .
18 And as I 've said in my evidence , erm we have had engineering drawings erm produced erm to demonstrate .
19 Surely the needs of the members should come before the administrative easiness of putting people into sections for the Union and as I 've said who better to judge where they need to go and what their needs are than the members themselves .
20 Now the authority of the community was carried by the Sanhedrin they brought him to what is what they accepted as a trial erm they 'd assessed that something was going against their structures , and as I 've already said religious life was the most important thing he 'd broken it seems a religious law and the council the court the gathering together of the seventy members of the Sanhedrin were going to in a serious sort of way check this out , check this accusation out .
21 So in conclusion adoption of the M R C follow up follow up policy would have resulted in targeting of cystoscopic follow up to higher risk group patients , a two percent increase in the cystoscopic resources required and delayed diagnosis of tumour progression in one patient , and as I 've said I I think that G three P T one tumours should be excluded from er this type of protocol .
22 Well actually how I got into it was I was idle at the time and er my two chums were French polishers and as I 've said and they said , Er now would you like to come in and try it ?
23 I 've thought no , it must be the end of the cycle and as I 've said that the old fucking foam started to pour out
24 And as I 've mentioned already , the most common now used is the BASIC language , which sound like a rather halting English .
25 When therefore I perceived that there were three species of liberty which are essential to the happiness of social life , religious , domestic and civil , and as I 've already written concerning the first , and the magistrates were strenuously active in obtaining the third , I determined to turn my attention to the second , or the domestic species .
26 Amongst the major shares , Abbey National are down 1 at 212 , and as I 've just mentioned , British Aerospace went down 12 to 541 , British Airways were down 2 at 158 , British Gas were down 2 at 217 , British Steel down 2 at 119 , British Telecom down 9 at 276 , Rolls Royce down 5 to 175 and T S B down 2 at 119 .
27 And as I 've said before , you know , we 've talked a lot about Primmer with Bob Dugard erm so we went for him .
28 But we 'll ask you to select which one you 're going to go for , and as I know we 've got a room full of gentlemen , let's start with the ladies first .
29 And as I get nearer , the veil dissolves .
30 I take them to a certain stage , but I tend to find finishing a painting much more difficult than starting it , so I 'll leave it to one side , maybe for a week or more , where I can see it , and as I pass it suddenly something will click .
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