Example sentences of "and they [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For [ fa ] these , after all considerations , are men of God and they follow in their indulgence and forgiveness the spirit of God .
2 ‘ Apple pie , ’ he said , and they set to work .
3 If erm , for example , I were to produce a beam of pye mesons , which I can do by taking very high energy protons and making them collide with ordinary hydrogen , then the pyon will come out and it will not live for very long , and I think the lifetime of a pyon is something of the order of ten to the minus eight of a second , which means that pyons only live for about one hundred millionth of a second , and these things then decay into othe particles and these other particles are called muons and they decay into not only do they produce muons , but they produce things called neutrinos and the muons themselves do not live for very long — a muon lives for about two microseconds , which is two millionths of a second — and it decays also into an electron and another neutral particle called a neutrionor , and these neutrinors just are there , they exist very but they are the end products of these decay processes .
4 and they say pen and then they say one rupee , which is a tiny bit of currency , erm and they ask for pens for their school so that they can write at school .
5 And they ask for four for a very good reason .
6 He speaks to them and they separate into two groups , trembling .
7 Red dwarfs are faint , cool and small , and they account for 70 per cent of the Galaxy 's stars .
8 They have an arrangement with the University and they have their own buildings , and they collaborate with the people here , mostly in Engineering .
9 Most owners misinterpret these problems as grief and they overcompensate by giving their dog more attention than they are used to ; they fail to realise that it howls because it is lonely and insecure !
10 Their madness gives them superhuman strength and resilience , and they fight with astounding fury and determination .
11 Pigment granules diffuse within their skins as they become excited and they fight with their colours , circling one another and flexing and quivering their fins like bull-fighters ' capes .
12 ‘ I listened to three new versions of Yellow Submarine yesterday and they range from the sublime to the ridiculous and they were great .
13 said she phoned me the night before last and she said she 's been looking at flats I thought I 'd just ring you to tell you we 've been looking at flats and they range from two hundred and fifty to four hundred and eighty pounds a week for a flat
14 They have an influence on an intellectual scene which encompasses a whole host of lesser thinkers , and they act as focuses for movements of thought which find powerful expression in them before passing on , often changed , or with added force .
15 There are the Sechem , who deal with anything connected with science , and they act as surgeons if someone is badly hurt .
16 Dr Macleod explains that these are ‘ chemical substances emitted by an animal or person and they act via the sense of smell .
17 … The judges deputed to the benchers of the societies the task of giving lectures , and examining into the sufficiency of the candidates , and of calling them to the Bar , but they are still mere voluntary societies ; and they act by the authority which the judges have delegated to them .
18 The causes are complex , and they act in harmony like unseen instruments in a muddy symphony .
19 And they increase with citational distance from the original review ( Parlee 1975 , Grady 1981 ) .
20 Then might not the rotting stump of the tree split under their weight and they come to grief ?
21 If the trial takes place before the magistrates and they come to the conclusion that the offence under section 54(1) is not made out , they are presently unable to convict of the offence of simple assault unless there is an additional information charging the common assault .
22 and they come to some agreement and the , the management tell what 's happening , how many orders they 've got .
23 ‘ You get into all kinds of trouble , and they come to me and complain .
24 and they come to MPs like me to try and find some way of helping themselves out of the dilemma .
25 and they come to twelve hundred or a thousand quid , or twelve hund twelve hundred I think .
26 I made four locks for the gates on Lord 's cricket ground er and when I 'm telling you this , and practically without exception , they must 've er got to know me and they come for what they wanted .
27 Look out for a special offer at the moment of four different packs of Reeforms suitable for tanks from 30″ to 4 ′ at a 20% discount , and they come with a free high-quality Reef Forms T-shirt .
28 The processors are clocked at 25MHz with 256Kb of non-write-through cache , and they come with 16Mb to 192Mb memory , with support for up to 88Gb disk .
29 A brand new set and they come with the ra with the , erm free wheel and everything all in like , just screw them on .
30 I know a guy who bowls at the Bromley Bowling Club in exactly and he told me that they have professional green keepers who look after lots of different greens and they come into them once a week or whatever .
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