Example sentences of "and they [verb] this " in BNC.

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1 Even though most of the working-class women had low skill , repetitive jobs , they picked out certain qualities of these jobs as satisfying by comparison with housework , and they shared this tendency with the middle-class women .
2 concrete stairs and , George nearly killed himself on them one morning , but er , and we tried everything to get out of there you know , no one would exchange a two bedroom maisonette for a house and of course I longed for a garden , but , and er George got a job in Hatfield and they offered this three bedroom house The Commission for The New Town , rent was cheaper than here , so we moved over there , but er , as I say we were only there two , three years and we came back again , we were over here , we used to come over here three times a week , when we lived there did n't we ?
3 ‘ Edinburgh citizens , ’ Mr Thin complained , ‘ were advised not to come into the centre of town , and they took this advice very literally . ’
4 and they heard this crack , and they did n't think much about it , just as , Rita said what you doing ?
5 And they know this .
6 You do not get something for nothing in this world and they know this .
7 And they know this .
8 Rogers produced a flask that had belonged to Church , and they circulated this while the appalling display went on. ,
9 Er it was known by archaeologists and the Royal Commission of Ancient and Historical Monuments had done a survey , but it had only done a very brief survey , and they said this is part of something left of a medieval building here .
10 No this is , cos Marion and Matthew they like Indians and they go both me ma , start again , they like Indian meals and they 've been round to quite a few and they said this is the best one they 've been to .
11 And the studio floor was covered with meat , and they had this dog they 'd starved for three days with contact mics all over its stomach … and they were recording him eating the meat !
12 If girls are considered slags , they are considered slags from before , because they had slept with guys when they were young , and they had this , that and the other guy .
13 Right and they had this bit they 're in these white sailor 's uniform and they 're stripping the gloves off which was really uninteresting but they all looked really , you know , smart and they were saluting .
14 They waltzed round in the car and they had this brown loaf warm out of the oven for me .
15 And they write this stuff called love poetry .
16 I said , I 'll Well they sell fruit and they sell this and they Well , I said , the I i that 's my trade I said , the fruit and the sweets like you know more .
17 The home selectors have been shuffling their resources in recent matches and they take this opportunity to have a look at some members on the fringe of inclusion for Italy with one or two experienced players , such as flanker Martin Pepper stepping down to the replacements ' bench .
18 Champagne houses owe their success to brand image , they play on their reputation and they earn this from the quality , consistency and style of the Champagne they produce .
19 The only part of the traverse Klucker remembered as presenting difficulty was the Grand Gendarme , and they avoided this by traversing the snow slope below .
20 And then sh like , you know how sometimes in the , an old dance routine they put a coat on the woman and everything , she 's dancing and they bring this coat towards her and she goes like that and it 's a straight jacket .
21 Well I get involved in it in so many different ways erm this is a difficult one , but one of the things that happens is that a number of teachers , both from the area and elsewhere , erm do advanced courses at the university and as part of these courses we have a unit on evaluation , and for this they will choose some area of their school work which they and their colleagues — and I emphasise that this is something they do have to involve their colleagues back at school in very much — erm feel it would be useful to look at and then they try and discuss with their colleagues what aspects of it are important and significant and what ought to be seen , and they bring this discussion back and we all discuss together there 'll be different teachers working on different problems the different ways in which they could approach this problem and how they might most usefully be able to do it and at the end of the exercise they will have found out quite a lot about this particular area of teaching and very often we find that the people they 've consulted have themselves got quite interested in it and begun to realize that it 's not being done in a way that 's there to threaten them , they 're not sending a report to the headmaster or the Chief Education Officer or anything like that — it 's for the benefit of the people doing the work themselves .
22 They start with all data in one large set , and they subdivide this set into smaller clusters .
23 There 's two girls and they murdered this boy .
24 A couple of girls go past and they got this red sparkly stuff wrapped round their necks — you know , a sort of silvery string they hang on Christmas trees .
25 he ends up as a tramp and he gets to ah son get in and you know he fucking hanging out the back of the window we had , we had enough money to move to a bigger house right , and they got this little
26 well she got what she wanted then , whatever it is anyway , she 's keeping him virtually and they got this flat , whatever they 've got , and erm
27 And they use this role play to explore their interests and their concerns ; in similar ways and for similar purposes to the way we use drama — to explore and develop their understanding of the world .
28 I went to the er conference that we had at Stokewatchford , which together with er , John , er my Vice Chairman er on Europe , the other week , and there is so much mythology , er , that has been dispensed by people who are half-hearted towards Europe or got a vested interest in no has not been committed to Europe , and and they use this , and in fact the classic example was , that , one of our own Lincolnshire M P's claimed that he had saved , Lincolnshire 's from the ravages of Europe .
29 You remember , er , that incident in the life of Jesus when , they came to try and catch Jesus out and they use this very illustration , they said somebody 's died
30 because of the state of the country , or the state of the employment , but we 've been out , actually out with those two and they put this country down
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