Example sentences of "and from [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The incantatory run of present participles with their weak-syllable endings gives way to the strong definitive statement which has gathered resonance of meaning both within the text and from other of Rolle 's writings : " sange of lovynge and of lufe es cummen " .
2 Supporting evidence for the view that the right hemisphere may participate in the recovery from aphasia comes from findings obtained with the regional cerebral blood flow technique ( Meyers , Sakai , Yamaguchi , Yamamoto and Shaw , 1980 ) and from studies of dichotic listening performance which have shown a disproportionate increase in the left ear score with recovery ( Pettit and Noll , 1979 ) , at least among certain categories of aphasic patient ( Castro-Caldas and Botelho , 1980 ) .
3 Research on diagenetic fabrics supplements information from field/core based work and from studies of depositional fabrics .
4 This may be present in natural sources such as mine water but may also come from atmospheric pollution , from flocculation with alum , and from reuse of water .
5 Despite its popularity in certain quarters , however , the idea of compulsory part-time day classes met with strenuous opposition from politicians , employers , and from sections of the labour movement .
6 Letters to and from members of HM Forces are charged at the concessionary postage rates contained in this leaflet .
7 We had numerous written and oral representations from hon. and right hon. Members and from members of the public .
8 The police are now examining at total of thirty nine video tapes , from in-store security systems , and from members of the public who were filming in or near Milton Keynes shopping centre last week .
9 This ranges from the history of learning difficulties in the ancient world to general management issues today and from discussions of different service models to chapters on women in management and finance .
10 Note that equation ( 10 ) becomes and from Substitution of ( 29 ) into ( 9 ) yields the new membership demand curve Total differentiation of ( 30 ) with respect to w and M gives the slope of MD where the denominator is negative by strict concavity of .
11 This liturgical elaboration is sometimes considered to be a special feature of the monastic movements of the tenth century radiating from Gorze-Trier , Cluny in Burgundy , Gerard of Brogne , and from Ethelwold of Winchester and others in England .
12 It is evident from surviving correspondence and from reports of diplomatic missions that contemporaries expected relationships between the courts of England and France to reflect the accepted tenets of courtly politesse and courtesy .
13 The focus would move from the determination of who is legally right and from consideration of the reasonableness of the employer 's action in the circumstances of the individual dismissal to the location of the dispute firmly in the realms of industrial relations , rather than employment law , where the search would be for a workable and acceptable solution which took account of the wider context .
14 Governments attempting to implement change in this area often encounter entrenched organisational resistance from powerful providers and from recipients of services who benefit from the status quo .
15 The division consisted largely of recruits from both the Soviet Ukraine and from areas of pre-1939 Poland incorporated into the USSR by the Nazi-Soviet Pact .
16 We can say only that the project has some experienced sonar experts , including Bill Thomas of Kelvin Hughes and Dr Brian Woodward of Loughborough University , and from Simrad of Norway , who have the longest commercial experience of horizontal sonar in the world .
17 The case series quoted in their article in support of a low mortality after intervention in elderly people may not be representative as published series are often of highly selected patients and from centres of excellence and are likely to overestimate the results obtained in more typical practice .
18 Failing to find support from within the Danzig party or from Berlin , Rauschning had little option but to resign from both his post as Senate President and from membership of the Party .
19 A new Company was organized from among merchants who had tried to trade with India on their own account , and from employees of the old Company who disliked Child 's leadership .
20 Why is the Secretary of State so contemptuous of the evidence about student hardship when it comes from sources such as the citizens advice bureaux and from scores of cases sent to him by hon. Members on both sides of the House ?
21 First , further information about the patient can be obtained by interviewing relatives and acquaintances and from enquiry of any other hospitals where the patient has been treated .
22 The objective reality of such an energy distribution system is thoroughly documented by Dr Hiroshi Motoyama of Tokyo , who has spent thirty years researching the subject of Bio-energy and from results of tests conducted over a fifteen-year period qualifies his work in these words
23 Morbidity is discussed , too , mainly from a survey of literature and from results of special surveys .
24 The final communiqué exempted Angola from implementation of the tariff reduction programme for up to three years , and from use of the clearing house for up to four years .
25 Piaget would ask the children a question about thinking , and note down the answers he got from six-year-olds , from eight-year-olds and from children of eleven or twelve .
26 For the long-term benefit of the economy , the Government should invest to ensure that we have an adequate public transport system to move people to and from places of work without massive environmental pollution and to move goods .
27 There was some good news from the US television station Fox Broadcasting , where advertising revenue is up by 150 per cent , and from sales of Sky receiving dishes .
28 Standing there with the violin tucked under her chin and the bow in her hand , she was removed from anxiety and from thinking of Catherine .
29 This can arise from predators carrying their prey to favoured eating places , storing excess food supplies in caches , and from deposition of pellets or scats with indigestible prey remains contained inside them .
30 Distinct from flatness of top and from perspective of bottom , he wrote .
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